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Everything posted by Jeff@qlbc

  1. Hello brothers and sisters in Christ! My name is Jeff. I live in Stockton,CA. My greatest joy is to join with others to study, reflect and apply God's Word. I pray that we will all be transformed and that our lives will bring God pleasure and glory.
  2. God's power is at work in us (the church working together), not just some of God's power but poured out to the fullest measure. God wants his church to demonstrate his power in order to bring glory and honor to God's name in Jesus Christ. The reason the church does not always exercise that power is because we don't trust in God's Word. This is why it is important for Christ followers to study the Bible together, and believe and trust in what it says. Fill me up until my cup runs over!
  3. Christ has authority over everything in the heavenly and earthly realms and will exercise his power/authority through the church. As Dr. Wilson says, "to the extent that we are in tune with Christ's mission and purpose."
  4. We are in Christ. We have his power and authority to break down every barrier that keeps people from experiencing the love of God, and to destroy every power that does not submit to God's will. This makes me want to drop to my knees and worship Him!
  5. Human beings lives are trapped and controlled by the flesh (our bodies cut off from the control of the Holy Spirit because we are spiritually dead without Christ) and the evil forces that control the our fallen world (the prince of the power of the air). Christ has overcome the powers that control the fallen world, and the powers of the flesh and sin. He is in a position to make all these powers submit to God's will. Christ has his foot on their necks like the pictures in our lesson.
  6. Faith gives us the ability to "see" the power of God's love demonstrated by God's raising Jesus from the dead and seating him at the throne of heaven. Our ability to see the unseen power of God's love is based on trusting in what God has done for us,in us,and through us in Christ Jesus. The problem is we often turn our "eyes" away from Christ and on the things of this world. This is what the Bible calls blindness. May God shine the light of Christ on us that we may see God's power at work.
  7. Hi everyone. I'm Jeff from Stockton, CA.(USA) I am a retired public school teacher with some pastoral experience as well. I am involved in the adult education ministry at a large local congregation. The major goal of my life is to develop a daily friendship with Jesus by practicing the spiritual disiplines of prayer, Bible reading/study, worship, and seeking to love others with His heart. I'm having a great time! I love Pastor Ralph's Bible studies and look forward to discussing the questions with you.
  8. The first step in studying God's Word is to "read the text". This means I will seek to find out what the text I am reading actually says before I put other ideas or interpretations into it. In Ephesians 1 the text is saying that God's plan is to love us, to bless us, rescue us, form us for a relationship with Him. This has been God's eternal plan for people from the beginning. It would be easy to ask the question: but what about God's plan for those who are not His people, but the text is not focusing on that issue. Paul is praising God because the Ephesian Church is fulfilling God's plan.
  9. My life completely belongs to him. I been forgiven and reconciled to God through Christ's shed blood. My sins were judged at the cross. My sins and my old life (BC) are buried with Christ. I have been given Christ's life through the resurrection. I have been raised to "son" status through Christ's ascencion. I have been seated with Christ at God's throne. All of these gifts are mine through Christ. My life is in Christ. Now it is up to me to claim my new relationship with Christ as I walk with Him each day. This means that I must devote myself to know only Christ in all I do and say, not by my own effort, but by Christ's power and life at work in me.
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