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Everything posted by anne1151
Q2. Reconciled to God
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. The Ministry of Reconciliation (5:17-6:2)
Q2. (2 Corinthians 5:18-20) How have we humans been reconciled to God? Thru Christ, His death for us, to make us sin free What did God do so that reconciliation could take place? He gave His Son to die for us. To forgive us our sins by accepting our punishment, death, for us. In what sense are you an Ambassador of the Kingdom of God? I believe in Christ, therefore others watch my actions, my words, and I must try to live as god would have me live, loving others and seeing them with the eyes of Gods love In what sense are you a Minister of Reconciliation for Jesus Christ? We want, as Christians, to teach others about God and Hislove forus. As we interact with others, let them see God in us. They will want Him to be part of their life too, His love, His mercy. -
Q1. A New Creation
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. The Ministry of Reconciliation (5:17-6:2)
Q1. (2 Corinthians 5:16-17) What does verse 17 teach us about the nature of a new believer?He is a new creation. Changed, altered. What changes in a person when he puts his faith in Christ? His heart, his viewpoint, his outlook on life. Why don’t old habits disappear immediately if everything has become new? Because they are HABITS. Kneejerk reactions. As we mature in our faith, become more like God wants us to be, these habits will begin to die off. We will be more in prayer, be more able to put others first. -
Q4. The Judgment Seat of Christ
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Walking by Faith, Not by Sight (5:1-16)
Q4. (2 Corinthians 5:10-11a) How does Paul’s mention of the Judgment Seat of Christ fit the context here? Even though we have been saved, redeemed, we are still answerable to God for the things we have done, or have not done here on earth. We are assured of heaven thru Jesus but must stand judgement. How should our belief that we Christians will appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ to be judged for our works affect (1) our desire to please him? We want to do what is right in the sight of God, because He is all seeing and will be judging us some day. We really want Him to be able to call us His good and faithful servants. Knowing I must face Him will keep me remaining in His path. (2) Our motivation to persuade people to receive Christ? I can hardly stand to think of others not knowing God, facing eternity in the firey lake. God wants everyone to be with Him. -
Q3. Walk by Faith, Not by Sight
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Walking by Faith, Not by Sight (5:1-16)
Q3. (2 Corinthians 5:7) What does it mean to walk by faith, not by sight? We can't touch Jesus wounded side like Thomas, but we read the Bible, listen to ministers, and know the wounds were there, and why. We believe in His resurection as we are confident in our hearts that He died and rose on the 3rd day. We believe the Holy Spirit came to dwell in us as we can feel His presence, His encouragement. Why can’t nonbelievers understand this kind of living? God hasn't touched their hearts yet. They haven't learned about Jesus, and Gods great love for us. What aspects of your life are guided by your senses rather than by your faith? the 5 senses, sight, touch, hearing, taste and smell. How can you bring a faith perspective into these areas? By prayer, we can learn to look thru the eyes of love, touch others with love, hear with the spirit of forgiveness, taste with love for the preparers of your food, smell with joy the wonders of Gods world, flowers, trees, etc. -
Q2. At Home with the Lord
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Walking by Faith, Not by Sight (5:1-16)
Q2. (2 Corinthians 5:6-8) How do Paul’s words comfort you when you consider your death?I'm going to heaven when I die. Can hardly wait What do Christians believe happens when we die? We go to heaven or hell, according to wheither we believe in God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit that dwells in us and the fact that Jesus died for us. What will happen to us if we die before Christ returns? We will wait in Heaven with God I think, but don't know if we will be there as angels or just waiting under the alter, or what. What will happen to us when Christ returns? We will always be with the Lord, but I am confused as always by this last question. This section or the Bible still confuses me; will be in heaven or return to earth with Jesus? This is where faith comes in. Faith that God has it planned out perfectly, faith that He will always be with me, and faith that He will always love me. -
Q1. Tents vs. Houses
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Walking by Faith, Not by Sight (5:1-16)
Q1. (2 Corinthians 5:1-5) In what sense are our bodies like tents? Our bodies are fragile, temporary dwelling places, expeted to last only a few years. If we were to truly look forward to our “house not made with hands,” how would it affect our daily lives here? We would be wanting to share the words that would help others find the path to this heavenly home. We would certainly not be fearful, full of worry. We would look forward to shedding these temporary bodies. -
Q5. A Focus on Eternal Things
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Treasures in Clay Pots (4:1-18)
Q5. (2 Corinthians 4:15-18) In what way do problems and physical deterioration help us toward “an eternal weight of glory”? They teach us that God is mighty, God can watch over us no matter what our earthly bodies are like. We must keep our eyes and hearts inward toward our savior Why is it so easy to focus on temporal matters to the exclusion of eternal things? No great faith is required. We can see and feel and deal with temporal matters. but we must have a great faith to recognize God dealing in our lives and see Him in all our daily activities. Why is a focus on eternal things so important to our spiritual growth? We can easily get bogged down in our earthly lives if we don't focus on God and His plan for our salvation. We won't be on this earth long, but will dwell with God forever and ever. What can we do to help shift our focus? Pray, study the Bible, keep active in church and with other Christians. Don;t ever forget the early Christians examples for us. They were frightened, scared, ashamed and doubtful, but their faith was so great they could stand up to persecution. God loved them then, and He loves us now. -
Q4. Stress, Pressure, and Growth
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Treasures in Clay Pots (4:1-18)
Q4. (2 Corinthians 4:8-12) How does it encourage you to know that Paul went through tremendous stress and pressure? We can look at Pauls life, his example for us, and how he let God direct him. Even though he was persecuted beyond our comprehension, God was with him, strengthening him, guiding him. He freed him from prison, lifted him up when he had been left for dead. What effect did these sufferings have on the way people could see Christ in Paul? Paul was always centered on Christ, teaching about Christ, showing the path to salvation to anyone who would listen. He was able to ignore his physical pains in the glory of God and His salvation. Why is pain necessary to spiritual growth? When you have pain, physically or mentally, you realize how weak and fragile you are. How much you need an inner strength only given by God to sustain you. How does our pain allow others to assess our authenticity as Christians? Your actions and attitudes during these times make you an example of Gods grace in action. -
Q3. The Treasure and the Clay
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Treasures in Clay Pots (4:1-18)
Q3. (2 Corinthians 4:7) What truth is Paul seeking to communicate by this analogy of a treasure in a pottery jar? We are weak, fragile, but God is not. He lives within us to help us, strengthen us. What does the clay jar represent? Us. We are flawed, prone to illness, easily hurt, broken in body, but as long as we are God centered, focusing on God in us, we will endure and outlast these earthly ills and live eternally with God as a whole, healthy servent in Heaven. What does the treasure represent? God. The Holy Spirit is always within us after we are saved. What’s the paradox here? That something so strong, pure and bright can be contained in such a frail, flawed container, and that the container can draw strength and light from its contents. -
Q2. Satan-induced Blindness
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Treasures in Clay Pots (4:1-18)
Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:3-4) Since Satan has blinded people’s eyes to the truth, is there any hope for them? Yes of course. Gods will be done. No one knows if a word, a message, an encounter thru prayer will open the eyes of a person to Gods truth, Gods love. What strategies must we use to overcome spiritual blindness? Prayer. Intercession. We must be honest, and open with others, always remembering it is Gods work and Gods will. He will put the words to speak into our hearts and minds. How many people are likely to find Christ without intercessory prayer? God alone knows. He might touch their hearts with something as simple yet wonderful as a rainbow creating a need in them to come to know Him. -
Q1. (2 Corinthians 4:1-2) How do questionable ethics and ministry practices hurt the work of Christ? Others see the actions of our leaders, teachers, pastors, and are affected by these actions. If a pastor etc acts deceptively or in a shameful manner, it lessens or does away with his credibility. He can't minister effectively if he isn't right with God. What is Paul’s alternative in verse 2b? Paul is determined to speak openly, clearly, and honestly. He refuses to reduce Gods message by using shameful dishonest practices to impress others. Thank you pastor Wilson for showing me how my distrust in some of my past pastors has weakened me.
Q4. Changed by God's Presence
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Being Changed by God’s Glory (3:7-18)
Q4. (2 Corinthians 3:18) Why is character change directly related to time deliberately spent in God’s presence? As you read, study and begin to understand the greatness, glory of God, He begins to work in you, in your heart, changing you and your outlook on life. Changing the bad things we think and do to more Christlike acts and thoughts What is the theological word for the process of maturing in Christ?We become sanctified, redeemed. Have you noticed a change in the “degree of glory” you’re experiencing now compared to a few years ago? Oh yes. God is working within me. I spend more time in prayer, telling others about Him, working for Him Why or why not? I am finally accepting the fact that God loves me. Really loves me. I haven't, can't, EARN this love, no matter how I try, but must accept it as a gift, this wonderful love of God -
Q3. Getting the Glow of God
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Being Changed by God’s Glory (3:7-18)
Q3. (2 Corinthians 3:18) Moses glowed by spending time with God on Mt. Sinai, in his tent of meeting, and in the Tabernacle. How can we get a similar glow of the Spirit in our lives? Only by loving the Lord, serving Him, reading His word and communing with Him frequently. In what way is meditating on Scripture beholding God? God is sharing Himself with us thru the Bible. No where else can we see Him so clearly. His glory, His caring and love. Is the low plane of Christianity in our day related to the time we spend in communion with the Lord? Yes. We have too many distractions today. Jobs, tv, computers, books, clubs....the list is endless. We don't make as much time for our Bible and communion with God as we do for distractions in our lives. What is God leading you to do to increase your glow? Listen for Him and to Him. Lay down my books and pick up my Bible more. -
Q2. Freedom from the Spirit
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Being Changed by God’s Glory (3:7-18)
Q2. (2 Corinthians 3:16-17) Why is the Holy Spirit essential to help people see truth clearly and be able to grasp it? The Holy Spirit is given to us under the New Covenant. Only with the aid of the Holy Spirit can we feel Gods love and forgiveness and begin the process of sanctification. What enables people to come to Christ at all? Gods love and longing for us to be His children draws us to Christ, His son, who died for us What kind of freedom does the Spirit give us when we become Christians? Freedom from death, freedom from sin, and freedom from the slavery to these laws. -
Q1. Glowing in God's Presence
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Being Changed by God’s Glory (3:7-18)
Q1. (2 Corinthians 3:7-11) Why did Moses’ face glow? Answered prayer, and yet so much more. Moses prayed for God to show him Gods glory. God did, and yet went the extra step so all the Israelites could get a faint reflection of His glory. This would enable them to KNOW God was watching over them. Why did he cover it when he was out with the people? He didn't cover up immediately, but let them see himself as Gods reflection, just a little bit of the glory of God, but then he covered his face as they were frightened, afraid to approch him. Why didn’t more people’s face glow in Moses’ time? That was a gift from God to Moses in answer to prayer. All the more impressive as this was a once only, one person gift. The Israelites were complainers, backsliders, idol worshipers and God was showing them a touch of His glory. What’s the difference between the spread of God’s glory in Moses’ time when compared to our own time? Gods glory was spread person to person, face to face, thru prayer and worship in Moses time. Thru great leaders. In Moses time, God spoke directly, out loud, or thru images like the burning bush, visions and dreams. In our day, Gods glory is still spread person to person, but we have tv, radio, tapes, cassettes, and best of all, the Bible. God dosen't speak to us thru outward things such as burning bushes, but thru His greatest gift to the world, His son Jesus. -
question 4 a. We remain humble and open to God and the Holy Spirit. We tend to study our Bible more, keep ourselves in communion with God more. B. We miss Gods messaes sent to us thru our pastor and teachers. We tend to drift away from our Bible studies. c. If we aren't in church, we usually don't tithe, which is an important need for the church to enable it to send missionaries to spread Gods word. Our own pastor and church also need money to live and grow and develop missionary programs in our own church and community
a. Personal submission to God is an absolute necessity for ministry, but it is wise to have training so you can understand how to address the problems people bring to you and counsel them wisely. You also learn to speak in front of others with confidence. God has give you the words in your heart and mind, and as you submit yourself totally to Him, He will open your mouth and help you speak. b. Yes. Praying often , even if only a few words, singing praises to God, all keep your eyes and heart open. c. It would help you resist the temptations of the devil, such as greed for money, illicit sexual desires, and keep you humble in mind and spirit.
Q2. Living Letters
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. The Fragrance of Christ’s Ministering People (2:12-3:6)
Q2. (2 Corinthians 3:2-3) In what sense are we “living letters”? People can read us, our attitude, our characters by the way we act. Our facial expressions, the love that flows from God thru us to others. In what way can people “read us”? By our attitude, our actions. Why is it so important to be authentic, not phony, in our lives? Others are watching us,judging Christianity by the actions of Christians and professed Christians. If they are seeing the loving, giving, humble spirit of true Christians, they will be drawn toward God, wanting the love and warmth for themselves. If all they see is phoniness, a judging, harsh attitude, why would they be interested in learning about God from us? What happens when people “read” something in you that they admire and mention it to you? First off, I'm flustered, can't think what to say. Then, by the time I get the words, they have moved on to something else. I need help with this Lord, please give me your words to say. How might you respond appropriately? Smile, say thank God for that. Any suggestions? I don't speak well, my words are slower than my mind. Again, I need Gods help -
Q1. (2 Corinthians 2:14-16a) In what sense is knowing God fragrant to people who are open to God? In what way is this fragrance repugnant to people who are closed to God? Have you suppressed your “fragrance” because some people are allergic to Christian perfume? If so, how can you regain the fragrance of Christ’s gospel? a. They enjoy listening to people talk of God. Get excited when they learn of Jesus and salvation. Their eyes light up, their faces smile, they ask questions. What a fragrence as they learn to follow God, trust the savior. b. They turn away. Shun you, refuse to listen when you talk about God, Jesus, or salvation. You can see their countenance change when you try to speak. Their eyes turn cold, they turn away or turn the conversation to something else. They don't want to hear...tune out, turn off, as though you and your message smell bad. They are in their comfort zone, with all their worldly possessions. c. Oh yes, many times. I'll never be ashamed of my Lord and Savior, but will have to let God handle some people. Someone, somewhere can touch their heart with Gods help. d. Church, my church friends, talking to other Christians, reading the Bible, and most important, talking about it with God. Singing hymns turns my soul toward God in praise.
Q4. Forgiving as Spiritual Warfare
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Tension with the Corinthians (1:12-2:11)
Q4. (2 Corinthians 2:10-11) How does Satan take advantage of our unforgiveness? What are the symptoms in our own heart of unforgiveness? According to Matthew 6:14-15, how does holding unforgiveness hurt our spiritual lives? What would you have to do to really let go of your resentment and give it to God? A. Satan gains a place in our hearts, brains, and bodies when we don't forgive. This can cause physical illness, many health problems, in our lives. He establishes a small place in our hearts that can lead to less room for God as the devil works to take over our hearts. b. We start out angry and with hurt feelings, and the anger feeds on itself, growing into bitterness, resentment, and a desire for revenge. c. Jesus says we must forgive those who sin against us so that ourfather in heaven will forgive us. I want forgiveness for my many sins. I crave Gods love and indulgence. How can I pray "Father forgive me" if I won't forgive others? I want to give God my whole heart, not a ragged heart that the devil holds bits and pieces of. d. If you start feeling anger or resentment towards someones actions, flood your mind and heart with words of praise to God, with a favorite hymn, with a loving thought. Don't let the devil get a foothold. As an old lady, I've been there often, and have found it is easier not to let anger and resentment start than it is to eradicate it later. You can get rid of these feelings by praying and remembering Gods forgiveness, but your mind is more stubborn than your heart, and the devil does love to dwell there. -
Q3. Obedience to Leaders
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Tension with the Corinthians (1:12-2:11)
Q3. (2 Corinthians 2:9) How does obedience to servant leaders help the church of Jesus Christ? How does obedience to self-serving leaders hurt the church? Are you obedient to those whom God has placed over you in the Lord? Why or why not? What is the relationship between obedience and church unity? a. We set an example for our young people and new Christians, and with a spirit of obedience to Gods chosen leaders, the church can accomplish Gods will and Gods work here on earth as we will be working as one, with no dissention. b. We become confused, unsure what to do. We read our Bible and see how we should act and then hear what we are told to do by this self serving leader and we can't reconcile the reading and hearing. c. Yes d. Our leader (my church is between ministers) was a God fearing, Bible reading man we could look up to. We are praying for the same. When he asked us to pray about something, we knew he had been praying and studying over it first. If he asked us to step out of our comfort zone to work, we knew he would help us see Gods will. e. An obedient church is united. It takes a strong leader to direct a churchs path, but one that is humble enough to admit his failings and ask for prayer for himself. If we can follow our leaders directions, knowing his words are coming from the Bible, thus from God, we will be united to go forth as one body to do whatever task God has set for us. -
Q2. Leadership Styles
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Tension with the Corinthians (1:12-2:11)
q.2 . (2 Corinthians 1:24) What does it mean to “lord it over” someone? What is the balance between (1) good, strong leadership, (2) micromanaging, and (3) a complete laissez-faire approach to leadership? What are the dangers of an authoritative leadership style? What are the dangers of a weak leadership style? a.To make them subservient to you. To think of yourself as much better than someone else and to let them know it. b.1. A good leader must be strong, knowing his people and their stgrengths and weaknesses. 2. He must teach them well so they can manage without him, then he needs to let them manage their church activity on their own but knowing he will be available for prayer, advice, love, and a sholder to lean on. Also knowing the leader will be watching over them to help correct their mistakes before they undo all their good works. 3, Leadership is never casual, never to be undertaken lightly. We must always remember that we need God to be the leader of all leaders, the leader we are all answerable to, the only one who can Lord it over us as HE IS LORD. c. Resentment, pulling away from each other, anger, jealousy and the danger of forgetting that God is using us all, equal in His love, for His purpose. d. Confusion, drifting away, outside influences coming in, losing sight of God, not completing Gods plan for His church -
Q1. Sealed with the Spirit
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Tension with the Corinthians (1:12-2:11)
Q1. (2 Corinthians 1:21b-22) According to this verse, what does the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives signify? How does the Spirit unite us with God? What is the promise of future blessing inherent in the Spirit’s presence? a. That we belong to God. We are His and we can stand firm in our faith knowing the spirit God put in us will always be there, always watch over us, our comings and goings, and keep us strong in our faith and knowledge that heaven is just around the corner. b. When we have the spirit of God in us, we know God as our savior, Lord and master. We are able to humble ourselves and do His will. c. When the spirit is in us, we are trying to do Gods will, trying to live as He wants so we have the assurance of life everlasting with God. When the spirit is in us, we know we belong to God. -
Q3. Intercessory Prayer
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The God of All Comfort (1:1-11)
Q3. (2 Corinthians 1:10-11) Why does Paul ask people to pray for him? How do the prayers of others have an effect? What happened in your life that has helped you enter into a ministry of intercessory prayer? a. To help him by keeping them safe from their persecutors, and keeping them strong in faith and courage, and keeping the pathway between his heart and God open and flowing with the sureity of Gods love. b. When I know others are praying for me, it gives me confidence, a feeling of Gods power entering into the problem so I can let the problem go into His hands knowing He will take care of it, in His time, in His perfect way. c. As a child, I remember my mother always writing (no phone back then) my dads mom for intercessory prayer. Illness, troubles, whatever, my grandma and her friends at church prayed for us. As I grew up, mama still called grandma (now we had a phone) for prayer. With an example like that, how could I not pray for others? I'm not as faithful in prayer as my grandma, but God is still working on me. It is so good to know God loves us all and is willing to listen when we pray. -
Q2. Growing through Crisis
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The God of All Comfort (1:1-11)
Q2. (2 Corinthians 1:9-10) How does facing a harrowing crisis help us grow in the Lord? How has a crisis helped your spiritual life? What is the value of learning not to rely on ourselves? What does this do to our pride? How does this improve our effectiveness as God’s servants? a. you learn to place your faith in Him. To trust Him more fully. b. Strengthens my faith. Even though the crisis did not resolve as I wanted or hoped, looking back, I see Gods wisdom, His hand helping me, so my faith in His goodness and mercy is stronger. c. We are human, full of mistakes, sins, and errors. God is omnipotent. He knows best. We must trust him totally. d. It humbles us to realize we can't do things or live our lives without Gods help. We can exist, but not live to the fullest. e. Approching others with humbleness instead of boastfulness or pride helps you relate to others, talk to others. Having been thru crisis in our lives, we can relate to others as they live thru theirs, encouraging them in their faith.