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Everything posted by anne1151
Q1. Comfort and Comforting
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The God of All Comfort (1:1-11)
a. Knowledge of a better life to come, full of Gods glory and presence. Pain free, debt free, worry free and full of joy. b.Someone I can talk freely, honestly to. He already knows what is in my heart, but I need to put my sins and sorrows into words. Praise Him for daily life, and for all my blessings; beg Him to forgive me my sins, knowing He will listen tome and forgive me as I repent and try to do better. Sometimes I don't have to talk, I just know He is there with me. c. Pray with them, let them know about Gods love for them. d. Open the Bible, find places where it tells us that God is with us always. Psalms is good for this. -
6. a. We should love each other as we love ourselves. We are responsible for the teachings we give to our fellow Christians. They Must be Bible based. b. We can see the sins and misconduct of others,just as we see our own, but must remember they can be forgiven and cleansed just as we can. cd Sometimes it isn't despising the church, but disappointment. Forgive them as Christ forgives us. Pray.
a. Christ made the church glorious by His washing us with His blood to clean us from sin. We must remember, the church is not a bulding, but a people. Not just in our town, but worldwide. b. When Christ comes, we will each individual, be presented. Not as a group, but each person. Will we be worthy? Ready? c. We are answerable to God as individuals. We can't get our sins forgiven except thru Jesus. It is important to meet, study and learn from other Christians, but we stand alone except for Christ on judgement day.
Q4. Cleansed ... by the Word of God
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. Holiness in the Church
a. God instructs us in what we should and shouldn't do. We must obey Him and repent when we do wrong. b. Gods word, from the Bible, should be taught, preached, lived by. c. Jesus said to love one another. His comandment, second only to His commandment to love God, worship Him. Others should be able to ee our love for God and each other and want that way of living too. -
Q3. Holiness without Legalism
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. Holiness in the Church
a. Pure and blameless, washed in the blood......with sins forgiven. b. God has done the work, made the way for the church tobe holy, but the chruch MUST remain true to Gods teachings, His will c. we must keep our eyes on Jesus to follow His teachings. We aren't to judge nor condem one another, just love each other as Christ loves us. -
Q2. Christ "gave himself up" for the Church
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. Holiness in the Church
a. He gave up heaven to come to earth to die for us. What a great sacrifice. b. His committment to us was and is total. Loving and forgiving, suffering and dying so that we might have a life in heaven with Him. c.Both. Altruistic because it was done, at great personal cost, for others good. Self-serving in a way because we belong to Him, and He wants and expects and deserves to be worshipped by us. He wants us with Him eternally. -
a. The whole church is waiting, listening and seeking Gods will, and is faithful to teach others. We are committed to sprading Christs work in the world, while helping their own members meet their needs, never failing to put Christ first. Total submission to our head. b. Christ must always come first. I must study, pray fervently and listen for Gods will in my life. c. It would be an active church, looking for ways to spread Gods word, under Gods direction. Seekg God word togeather thru prayer and stud. Helpng each other thru hard times. We would be united, devoted, under God equal and loving. d. To make Christ head, we must be in prayer, seeking His will, spreading His word.
Q6. The Purpose of Body-Building
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. Ministry in the Church
1. We can stand up to unbelievers, remaining strong in Jesus love. A healthy church is a growing church. When we keep God and Jesus foremost in our church and in our hearts, we can minister to others and bring them into Gods church. -
Q5. Equipping the Saints for Ministry
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. Ministry in the Church
1. So the church can grow, both in numbers and love for one another. It is hard for a minister alone to build the membership and the body of the church We all need to help, but to do this, we need to be trained (equipped) to minister to others. 2. A firm foundation in the Bible. Helping us to know more about Jesus and how to tell others about him. 3. Jesus had to teach the apostles and disciples about going out to teach. He taught them to love one another, be humble, Love God. He taught them that they would experience pain, rejection, scorn and tears, but He would never forsake them. His teachings then stand us in good stead today. -
1. They keep us focused on God, salvation. They teach new members and visitors about the Bible and Gods word 2. Yes, we have several teachers that help us by encouragement, making Bible passages clear, pointing us to Bible statements as God leads them. 3. They strengthen us, unite us, 4. They encourage us to use our gifts, help us see God in others.
1. They look like you and me. They are gifted with the ability to talk to others, lead them to know Chrst. They are versed in the Bible, and can help you find answers to your problems there. 2.The evangelist functions as missionary, leader, preacher, teacher, Often they sit in our congregation listening, then commenting on our lessons. 3. They help build the church with new members, new converts, but it dosen't stop there. They keep the church body active in serving the Lord.
1.Apostles are gifted with the special knowledge and love of God that helps others build strong churches, founded in the Bible and the love of God. Prophets are in close communication with God and the congregation. They enable us to work togeather toward a common goal as God wants us to work. They are both present in our world today as they were in OT days, if we just open our hearts and minds to listen when God puts one of them in our way.
Q1. Spiritual Gifts for Each One
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. Ministry in the Church
1.God by gracehas given each of us a gift. Each of us are to use our gift to enourage and help the others. 2.Each part is needed, it takes all of us, to make and maintain a strong, fruitful church. -
Q6. Practicum in Christian Unity
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. Unity in the Church
Q5. Balancing Doctrine with Unity
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. Unity in the Church
Q4. Seven Commonalities that Unite Us
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. Unity in the Church
Q2. Essential Attitudes for Unity
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. Unity in the Church
Q1. A Life Worthy of Your Calling
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. Unity in the Church
Q5. A Dwelling Place for God
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. God's Presence in the Church
1. We should live in such a way that God wants to be with and in us. 2. We are being banded togeather in love for each other and love for God. 3. To learn to love others, we must get to know them. Find God in them. 4. An active prayer life in the church. Helping one another thru crisis and needs. -
Q4. Foundation of the Church (2:20-21)
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. God's Presence in the Church
1. We read their words, and the words Jesus spoke to them. They are an example for us, showing us how to stand up to adversity, how to follow God and Jesus in total faith. 2. We read the letters written to the churches, and are able to see more clearly the faults we, as a church congregation have, and the errors we are making. 3. Christ is the head of the church. The church is founded or built on Him. Without Him the church would not be strong enough to stand up to the temptations of the world. We would not have the forgivenes of sins that would enable us to look forward to living with God in heaven. 4, We grow into a temple as our love of God and our willingness to spread His word grows. We must always put God in the lead and us as followers, then the Holy Spirit will dwell in us. 5. God will lead us as He wants us to go to minister to others, pray for others, and humble ourselves so we can work for others . -
Q3. Members of God's Household
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. God's Presence in the Church
1. This phrase tells us we, as members of Gods household, are all equally loved by God. We are all different, not just in size, shape, but our histories are different. That is why we see things differently, have different ideas. God is the glue that can hold us all togeather as one family. 2. We are to love one another. To forgive one another. To always remember we are one in Gods sight. 3. They miss out on a lot of love. We all need friendship and support from others. What better place to receive it than in Gods house with Gods love on us all. -
Q2. Citizens and Saints (2:19a)
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. God's Presence in the Church
1. We are members of Gods household. Equal to Jewish believers 2. We are dedicated to the service of God. -
Q1. Access to the Father (2:16-18)
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. God's Presence in the Church
1. We can talk to God directly, no middleman, just as a supplecant to God Himself on His throne. This was a blessing from Jesus, His life, death, and resurection. 2. In either case, the Father or a president, we have the means to request an audience as a diplomat. Jesus opened the door to the Father for us. 3. Thru Jesus Christ. He joined the Jews and the gentiles into one body, and enables us to be forgiven our sins so we can approach the Father in humbleness and prayer. 4. When we talk to God, we realize His great love for us. Who among us could not return that love as we consider all He has done for us. This love we have spills over onto our fellowman. We have a problem with someone??? Look for God in them. Easier to love them when you see them as Gods child. God created mankind to love Him and to love one another. We sin, He forgives.....Can we not do the same for others? -
1. The Holy Spirit lives withn us and that is where God's power works. 2. Immesurable, unimagineable. 3. It is within us, hidden from sight until we decide to let Christ be the one directing our steps, pointing us in the direction He wants us to go. Only then can others see Him working in our church, and in us. 4. Using Gods power to touch others and convert them to belief in God and Christ will glorify God. He will work thru us, the church, if we are open to Him, and ask for His help, giving all glory to Him.