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Everything posted by anne1151
Q2. Aaron's Irresponsible Leadership
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Golden Calf and Moses
Q2. Aaron's Irresponsible Leadership
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Golden Calf and Moses
1. Fear, doubt and habit. Fear that Moses had taken God with him and left them; doubt that they had really seen the miracles God had done for the, the manna, quail, and water in the desert, and all the miricles leading to their journey; worshipping other gods was a habit acquired over 400 years in Egypt. Hard to break that habit. 2. He was trying to please the people, not God. He wanted to remain a popular leader, rather than a pious leader. 3. Angry, furious, probably sick with disgust. 4. Some churchs worship saintly people and pray to them. Some have more pride in their buildings and bank balances than pride in and love for God
Q4. Keep Yourself from Idols
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. God's Testimony Regarding Jesus (1 John 5:1-21)
1.He wants them to worship the one true God. He has seen the intermarriage of Gods children with pagons leading to idol worship. He knows, from Jesus that the evil one controls the world except for those God protects. 2. Now, in this time, we tend to put material things on a pedistal, even loved ones. We give them undue importance, striving to get "things" rather than striving for Gods kingdom. 3. Too many things. Family, home, retirement accounts, even church. -
1. Our obedience to God, and Gods will 2. We read the Bible, study Jesus life and words. It is hard to pray boldly, confidently because God has planned for us the best as long as we love and worship Him. 3. Gods will is always better than our will. When we have needs, such as food and water, we pray for them and God provides for ourneeds as He did for the Israelites in the desert.
Q2. Life in the Son
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. God's Testimony Regarding Jesus (1 John 5:1-21)
1. The church cannot give you eternal life, that can only be gotten thru Jesus,His death and resurection. The church will support and encourage you in your walk of faith,but only God can enter into a personal relationship with you 2. We must teachabout Jesus and His life, how the old testament foretells His coming, rather than bogging down in doctrines and laws and rules of religion. 3. You can have faith in many things (faith in your spouse, faith that your car will start) but only faith in Jesus, (belief in His resurection and His promise to come again for us) will give us eternity with Him. -
Q1. Defeat vs. Victory
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. God's Testimony Regarding Jesus (1 John 5:1-21)
1. A defeatist attitude causes you to act passively. Lets things just drift in their lives. In our belief in Christ, we step out in faith, not just drift around passively. We trust in Gods mighty power. 2. Faith is the firm belief that God is with us, and promises to defeat our enemies, and the devil and his menions ARE our enemies. 3. If you don't believe in God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, you will never overcome your fears, your enemies. Time after time you will fail in anything you try to do. -
Q4. The Blood of the Covenant
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Covenant at Mt. Sinai (Exodus 19-24)
Q3. Holiness
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Covenant at Mt. Sinai (Exodus 19-24)
Q2. Royal Priests
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Covenant at Mt. Sinai (Exodus 19-24)
Q1. Treasured Possession
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Covenant at Mt. Sinai (Exodus 19-24)
1. Fear of angering God after He has loved us so much and provided for us as He has. 2. Fear of dying, fear of earthly problems 3.Thankfulness that God loves us so much He arranged to come to earth as Jesus, and die for our sins so we could join Him forever.
1. We know from that that God will act with love in whatever He does, whether helping us day by day or judging us when we sin and drift away from His teachings 2. He wants to pour out His amazing love on all the world, but He does expect love, worship and obedience in exchange. 3. We are told to love one another as He has loved us. We are not to hold on to anger, spite, selfcenteredness etc, but to love the ones causing us anger and pain and to forgive them as He forgives us. 4. For our spirit to be healed and become loving and wholesome again, we must first seek God again, pray for His forgiveness and for His healing, then forgive those who have sinned against us. 5. If you love God, you want to obey Him, live like Him, and love one another as He commands. You must loveand forgive others for God to love and forgive youl.
1. The Holy Spirit of God 2. By choosing to worship the one true God and by welcoming the Holy Spirit. 3. By letting God battle for us. No one, no foe is stronger. 4. We don't have to be afraid, we just lean on God and trust Him
Q1. Jesus Is God in the Flesh
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. God Is Love (1 John 4:1-21)
1.By believing that Jesus was God in the flesh, we are able to know that He came and walked among us, teaching us, taking our sins upon Himself to the cross so we can be clean at judgement. 2. Satan wants us to belong to him for eternity so he and his followers want us to not believe in Jesus and His holiness., 3. It proves He is willing to love us and to experience our feelings and day to day frustrations and joys. 4. Greater love has no man. He was willing to live with us and die for us, even while we were still sinners. 5. I have the perfect example of how God expects us to live, with love for all and a spirit of humbleness. Now it is up to me to try to daily live up to this example in my Christian life. -
1. They were hungry. He was proving to them that He could and would take care of them every day in every way. 2. They no longer needed it. They had reached a country where they could find grain to eat. 3. It was there, every day for 40 years, a certainty for them. They quit worrying about hunger and counted on God to provide for their every need. 4. So many times I count my blessings, but don't remember things like thanking God for putting me in the church I attend, my Bible study classes, things that mean so much to me. I am truely grateful to God for His mercies and grace. For healing us when we are sick, and providing our every need daily.
Q4. Obedience and Answered Prayer
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Love in Action (1 John 3:11-24)
1.God commands us to love one another. When we disobey Him and don't help, love and take care of His people, how can we expect God to favor us with answered prayer. 2.Thruout history, God has punished His disobedient children. When they wander from Him and don't obey, He yanks them back to His way. When we love, and obey Him He leads us day by day. He is with us and helps us in our daily lives. By being obedient to Him, I think we earn Gods favor. He loves us anyway, but helps us when we are obedient. -
Q3. Love for the Brothers
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Love in Action (1 John 3:11-24)
1. Rather than physically dying, I think it means to die to self and spend your life as Jesus did, serving, helping, teaching and providing for others. This is so hard to do in this day and time as we are so busy with our families, our jobs, and even our churches, that we fall by the wayside. 2. Local food banks, soup kitchens, church teachers and workers, hospital and nursing home volunteers, having a fund at your church to help people in need. Supporting our missionaries. 3. I'm in a small church, but have found that getting involved with Sunday school, choir, study groups, youth ministries, vacation Bible school etc., will help you meet and enjoy other people. -
1.Because God is the supreme being,the one in charge, not the leader. The leader is just following Gods instructions. The people are never content, neither then, or now. Always wanting more. 2 Yes, when the leader is not following Gods instrctions. 3. Complaints make a person defensive, feel weakened, and feel at fault. 4. Remember to be humble, place the praise where it belongs, in Gods hands. He also has hands capable of handling the grumbling. We must keep a loving heat and a firm belief that God is in control.
1.We grumble because we are afraid; for our lives, might starve, die of thirst, be killed, suffer, be mocked and ridiculed. We grumble at the slightest things. Sometimes it is jealousy of others. 2. We fear, that is human. We have faith to sustain us if we only ask for it. God is with us, providing for us. When our faith is low, doubts come into our hearts and we become discontent, start grumbling. 2. Impatience, irritability, jealousy are things I have to pray over. Wanting my own way, not Gods way. 4. Pray lean totally on God. Die to self. Learn complete trust
Q2. Anger, Hatred, and Murder
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Love in Action (1 John 3:11-24)
1.If we get angry with someone and hold on to that feeling rather than forgiving them and going on with our lives, the anger will fester and grow into hatred in our hearts. It is much easier to release feelings of anger than of hatred. 2. The same spirit is underlying both. Anger can grow to hatred which can fuel murderous rages and feelings 3. Prayer, Bible sudy, making a conscious effort to know them better. Remember always that God loves them, and we should too. -
Q1. The Spirit of Murder
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. Love in Action (1 John 3:11-24)
God favored Abel. God could see Cains heart and wasn't pleased wih the spirit in which he offered his sacrifice to God. 2. Jealousy caused his anger to overwhelm him. 3. The world ecognizes it's own sins when it sees the love of Jesus in us, our love for one another. -
Q4. God's Glory
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Passover and Crossing the Red Sea (Exodus 12-15)