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Everything posted by anne1151
Q3. Blaming the Leader
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Passover and Crossing the Red Sea (Exodus 12-15)
Q5. Sin and Righteousness
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Sin Is Lawlessness (1 John 2:28-3:10)
1.He gives you a way to identify false teachers, by their actions and words. If they do not do what is right, do not love their brothers, they are not child of God and you should not heed their words. 2. False teachers minimize sin, the need to be always woking against sin, praying for forgiveness, trying to live in Gods way. Their words are not true, not in the Bible. Old testament, new testament, today at this moment, false teachers are to be found thruout history. -
Q4. God's Seed and Habitual Sin
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Sin Is Lawlessness (1 John 2:28-3:10)
1. Lets us recognize that we are sinning, and hurts our heart so we won't keep repeating the same sins over and over. 2. Enables us to recognize our sins, makes us repentant and aids us in praying for forgiveness -
Q3. Lawlessness
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Sin Is Lawlessness (1 John 2:28-3:10)
1.A person would not recognize Gods law, would not obey His commandment. Would start to excuse and justify his sins and failings rather than asking for Jesus to intercede and forgive. 2.I persnally fght against just leaping in and starting to do things my wayrather than praying and waiting for Gods instruction. Not recognizing that God is supreme in all things. Thinking we are above sin, not being humble. -
Q2. The Purifying Hope
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Sin Is Lawlessness (1 John 2:28-3:10)
1. We dn't know when Jesus is coming again, so we must purify ourselves and try to remain in grace to be ready to go to heaven 2.We are held accountable to face upto our sins and ask for forgiveness. To change ourselves and our life so that with Gods grace we can be forgiven and redeemed. -
Q1. Children of God
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Sin Is Lawlessness (1 John 2:28-3:10)
1.In a spiritual sense, 2.God sent the Holy Spirit into us to lead us into our Fathers will, to keep us in our Fathers way. 3.Allows us to be Gods children rather than earthly children as long as we remain a Christian, loving God and serving Him we can call God, Father. -
Q4. Letting God Fight the Battle
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Finding Courage to Stand (Exodus 5-11)
Q2. The Courage to Confront
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Finding Courage to Stand (Exodus 5-11)
1.Most people, leaders included, do not like confrontation. Confrontation can cause hurt feelings, denials, and frequently can turn back on you if the person confronted becomes angry and brings others into the confrontation. 2. Questions such as am I truly in God will? Could this cause a division in the membership of the church? Will I still be respected and liked? 3. A confrontation could lead a person to turn their life around, change their ways if confronted with love. 4. The situation worsens, bad things can happen, and we can't change them. We need to listen to God, and obey. -
Q1. Blaming and Resisting God
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Finding Courage to Stand (Exodus 5-11)
1. The people were blaming Moses for their situation worsening, work harder, beatings etc. Moses tried to defend himself by passing the blame on to God. 2,3,4,5 Fear and self doubt. Possibly some doubt, even though God was talking to them, instructing them, they possibly could not see Gods will coming true thru them, lowly shepards. They probably doubted their ability to stand up to the Israelites and Pharoah, so showed some doubt in God. It is hard to do Gods will when you feel doubt, even a little. 6. To get them to obey Him. They were still arguing, making excuses. -
1. To help us grow in our faith, o mature. To help us learn how to minister to others. 2.To be an effective eacher, you must have both the anointing and the gift of teaching. The annointing is the Holy Spirit that lives in us to guide us day by day, minute by minute. The gift of teaching is just that, a gift, a God given talent.
Q4. Abiding in Jesus
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Antichrists, Anointing, and Abiding (1 John 2:18-27)
1.To keep a strong faith, not to drift into more a worldly life. 2.Trying to live like Jesus, loving one another, even as He did. Reading and studying the Bible. Loving their church. 3.They begin to show and feel dissatisfaction with their life. Anger, jealousy. Start making excuses not to come to church, drifting away from Gods people -
Q3. Witness of the Spirit
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Antichrists, Anointing, and Abiding (1 John 2:18-27)
1. The Holy Spirit keeps us on the right path. Serves as our conscience in our interactions with others. Keeps us in Gods way 2.Opens our eyes and heart to the truth. Exposes false teachers to us. Makes Jesus words clearer to us. 3.When the Holy Spirit is in us, we read the Bible, go to church, study about Jesus. When we do wrong, we recognize our sins and ask for forgiveness. -
Q2. The Anointing
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Antichrists, Anointing, and Abiding (1 John 2:18-27)
1. This is when God fills us and covers us with the Holy Spirit. Not oil, but the Holy Spirit. 2.Many kings, priests, etc. were annointed with oil, but only believers are annointed with the Holy Spirit. 3.Yes, God is good and has annointed each believer with the Holy Spirit. We can gradually turn from God and smother the voice of the Holy Spirit in us if we don't continue in prayer and study, and praisin God. -
Q1. Antichrists
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Antichrists, Anointing, and Abiding (1 John 2:18-27)
1.The antichrist is satan, the devil. He is the opposite of Christ. 2. The antichrists are followers of the devil, whether openly worshiping him or inadvertantly following him. They are false teachers with no truth in them. They are satan filled rather than spirit filled. 3. the spirit of antichrist can be found in our friends, neighbors, and famiy. Anyone that tries to turn us from God, from Gods way. It can be found in our country's leaders that are leading our country into sin and away from God. antichrist can be found our ministers, the ones who don't preach the gospel. Thespirit of antichrist working is in US when we allow these things to happen -
Q4. Fear and Courage
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Birth and Call of Moses (Exodus 1-4)
1.Unsure if it is from God or from ourselves, our own thoughts. Unsure how others will react. 2. Pray, pray, pray. God will make himself clear and will strengthen us. 3. Fear is our human response to something we are unsure of. We allow doubt to creep in. Courage comes thru God and by His grace when we allow Him to work thru us. 4. God must be in control for our leadership/discipleship to work for His glory. It is hard for us to face others, hard to speak out. -
Q4. Fear and Courage
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Birth and Call of Moses (Exodus 1-4)
1.Unsure if it is from God or from ourselves, our own thoughts. Unsure how others will react. 2. Pray, pray, pray. God will make himself clear and will strengthen us. 3. Fear is our human response to something we are unsure of. We allow doubt to creep in. Courage comes thru God and by His grace when we allow Him to work thru us. 4. God must be in control for our leadership/discipleship to work for His glory. It is hard for us to face others, hard to speak out. -
Q3. God is Angry with Moses
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Birth and Call of Moses (Exodus 1-4)
Q3. God is Angry with Moses
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Birth and Call of Moses (Exodus 1-4)
Q1. Moses the Murderer
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Birth and Call of Moses (Exodus 1-4)
Q4. Examples of Worldliness
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Don't Love the World (1 John 2:7-17)
1.Envy, greed, wanting things that are forbidden. Sexual ****. Pride in our life. Forgetting that God gives us everthing that we need, we do not earn it, it is freely given 2. We think that we can't be guilty of these things because we know God, we forget that we are humans, we are tempted, we sin. 3. It can keep us from heaven, keep us from living forever with God. -
Q3. Don't Love the World
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Don't Love the World (1 John 2:7-17)
1.Not the planet earth, for it was made by God and is good, but the things of the world which can lead us away from God. Desires for "stuff" that control a person to the exclusion of God. Worshiping things rather than God is worldly. 2. Love of anything, especially self, that keeps us from focusing our love and committment toward God. Drifting away from God in our search for material goods rather than eternal life -
Q2. Children, Young Men, Fathers
anne1151 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Don't Love the World (1 John 2:7-17)
1. He loved them truly as his family and wanted them to be firm in Gods love. He was reminding them of what they had done in Christ and what they are in Christ. 2. Everyone needs praise and recognition and encouragement. In other places he rebukes them, but here he rejoices with them, that the HolySpirit dwells in them, that they know the Lord, and that they do not have to fear the devil.