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Happy Feet

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About Happy Feet

  • Birthday 01/13/1954

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    Highways and byways
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    Driven to pray.

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  1. When we are humbled before our Lord, then, we can receive the blessings of deep relationship. This deep intimacy with the Master allows HIM to reveal to us all knowledge and wisdom. Our human brain can not comprehend all of HIS knowledge or wisdom, but with the Holy Spirit leading us through HIS Word, we can gain more of HIS perspectives and apply them to this earthly relm. Knowledge of the truth, wisdom to apply it in secular life, and the strength and hope that comes with humble dependence on the Master's rock of salvation is the treasure of life in this world; not just for the saints, but also for those who observe/receive the servant's obediance as blessings.
  2. Suffering is part of this world. It is what gives us contrast to be able to recognize the pure, Holy peace of God. We could not comprehend or appreciate God's Kingdom without knowing the problems of this world. There is a definate downward spiral that can occur as we allow sin to wear us down. Only the grace of God can restore us. Not all suffering is from sin. Some is just planned by God to refine us like silver. Psalm 66:10 For you, O God, tested us; you refined us like silver. Isa. 48:10 See, I have refined you, though not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction. Isaiah 48:9-11 (in Context) Isaiah 48 (Whole Chapter) Nothing tbat happens to us has come by chance or accident. Our loving Father holds us close to HIM even when we are suffering, as natural consequences or to test and strengthen us. Our hope and assuance is in the fact that only what he allows to filter through HIS fingers has reached us. All is to bring glory and honor to HIM. We are victorious over sin and suffering because we are covered by the the blood of Jesus and we have the Holy Spirit leading us. We have access to the Father to be in deep relationship- what joy! blessed with his strength and wisdom. He loves us so much, he sacrificed his son for us. I have learned these things through suffering loss, upon loss, upon loss. I still praise God in my storms.
  3. The law is often viewed as the problem rather than the tool to reveal the truth about our lives. It is the way God clearly reveals where the plum line is to be demonstrating who is in charge of our life, our sin nature or HIS Holy Spirit. It is clear when children respond to the policeman as if he is to be scared of, because they view all authority as making life worse for them not better. So we often view God's Law. It is our perspective of fear to give up our ways, not appreciating the comfort and protection the law and its representatives provide. In the Life Recovery Bible Romans 8: 2-4 is explained: "Once we recognize how helpless we are to fight our dependencey, we must look outside ourself to Gof the the power we need. The life-giving Spirit that Paul mentioned here is the Holy Spirit. He was present at the creation of the world (Gen 1-2) and is available to help us as we seek to rebuild our life. We cannot overcome our addiction or compulsion alone, but God is more than able to help us. He sent his Son and destroyed the power of sin through his death and resurection. Now we can follow God's program for godly living through the power of the HOly Spirit with in us. " The Holy Spirit is what is missing to trust the truth revealed in the Law about our sin and embower us to overcome our addiction to the old sin nature that has lost its power over our thougths, our choices, our actions and our words, replacing it with the love of Christ.
  4. verse 11 is so important too Romans 5:11
  5. It is more than a mere vision or belief that change has occured, when we reckon and consider. It is the application of the truth. That what we can not understand or control, has occurred by God's grace. As the worm or maggot is transformed into moth, butterfly or other insects of flight... similarly we too are transformed by grace to no longer allow our sin nature to rule our lives but instead the victorious Holy Spirit gives us wings to overcome and escape the sweet traps of earthly deception and temptations. As the sin nature dies, so we must grieve it to let go of it and its influence of us. Yes, we must focus on the recovery from the loss of sin through a grief process before we can comletely trust in the fact it is dead and no longer can control us. We often keep its memory alive and therefore allow deception to draw us from truth.
  6. In considering that blood represents death; a sacrificed death is the only way to wash over sin (nota sin of killing an unblemished animal) of the one who sheds the blood. We are to then take responsibility for driving the nails in Jesus
  7. We are symbolicly participating in the new covenent agreement to take the Lord's Supper. We are actually eating and drinking as a reminder that the Holy Spirit is in us. The bread and blood sacrificed in the temple to gain righteousness and be a worshipper of God is the old covenent. Now, we have no longer burn up the sacrifice so only God has it, but we injest it to allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to us what we need to sacrifice to Jesus, trusting HIM to wash it clean and cover us with HIS righteousness, allowing not only worship of the Father, but relationship and communion. Any viewing of it for other purposes is a distraction and does not promote relationship from God to us.
  8. Both are essential. Without the blood covering, I would not have the Holy Spirit to allow communion to be possible. Without communion, I would not know what to do with the wisdom in words the bread gives me or strength to use it.
  9. Balance is often difficult to find, and even harder to keep. We are so literal, yet often confused by abstractions and symbolisms. We are uncomfortable in uncertain areas of abstractions, which leave room for vague interpretations, even influence from the enemy. That is just what the Holy Spirit expects us to do, believe and go in faith. We can't spend our entire time in the abstract sphere of thinking, or spirit communion. We are in this world, so must also relate through the real here and now of this world. So, recognizing the balance of real juice and real bread representing the unseen but also very real spirit that nourishes our souls and refreshes our spirit requires a blending of both worlds, as our soul must do with our real world mind and our Holy Spirit filled spirit. The real touch and testable elements represents the very necessary, HOLY and precious powerful salvation elements that make us children of God.
  10. The bread and juice I injest in the literal and human way of manifesting the reminder of the figurative illustration Jesus made for us at the last supper. Because Jesus was using physical elements to represent the unseen spirituality of the relationship we have with him, many people are disillusioned by the the complexity they make out of the simplicity. For me, the bread is something I need everyday to be strengthened and able to be about HIS service. I may do things my way rather than HIS if I am not feed regularly on the words of truth which come from HIS body. It is the symbolic way of being sure I am choosing to take in only the truth rather than being decieved by my own ways in this world. The blood is truely the way of healing. I am able to clear away sins I have, by gaining the consciousness of Christ, not just from HIS word, but also by having relationship with HIM. I am able to be made whole and holy, long enough to have communion with my LORD, before I slip back into letting the world distract me from HIS rightiousness and covering. This is when I am able to be near HIM in worship and wonderful love. HIS sacrificed blood is the only way to gaining relationship with Jesus and our loving Father. I take in HIS HOLY SPIRIT and am refreshed by this simple act, in fellowship with other believers.
  11. Special treatment is available to those that serve the Lord. Yes, this act of sacrifice was hugely monumental to the salvation of mankind, so our Father had much at stake here to keep relationship in love his chosen children. It was HIs plan all along, so Jesus' human struggling with it was the same as our struggles that face us as we seek to be obediant to God's will to serve HIM. Jesus didn't have the Holy Spirit to help him, so angels were sent. We have the Holy Spirit and probably angels are at work with us in ways we need not understand.
  12. He was in no position to want to speak himself, it had to be of God, that is what his prayer in the last months had brought him to. Nehemiah, likely, didn
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