Lisa Rupert
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Everything posted by Lisa Rupert
Q1. The Angel's Announcement
Lisa Rupert replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Mary, The Virgin Mother (Luke 1:26-45)
Q1. (Luke 1:31-34) What did the angel's announcement say about who Mary's Child was and who he was to become? The angel Gabriel told Mary that she had found favor with God and that she would be with child and would give birth to a son who would be named Jesus and he will be great and will be called The Son of The Most High, The Son of God and God will give him the Throne of his father David and he would reign over the house of Jacob forever and his Kingdom would have no end for he shall reign forever. -
Q4. God's Protection
Lisa Rupert replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Psalms: Trusting in God's Protection
Q4. Since Christians don't seem immune to accident, persecution, and death, how are we to understand these psalms of protection? I don't believe any Christian is immune to trouble but those that are victorious are full of faith in God and in his Word. Those that believe in his promises will overcome and triumph all adversity. Those that know that Jesus has already won, he is already victorious and that through faith we can overcome anything. If we didn't have trials how would we ever mature as Chrisitans, how would we ever become true to God if we lack in faith? I know that trials are hard but God is with us every step of the way, he protects us and he makes sure we come through them unharmed and safe. They can hurt the body but they can't touch the soul if it belongs to God. There will always be trouble but if you're a believer you know that you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you! Why don't some believers seem to be protected? Some believers don't overcome trouble because they lack in faith, they haven't surrendered truly to God and they believe that they're in control and not that God is in control, and until they completely surrender and believe they won't grow as Chrisitans and they will remain thirsty and malnourished because of their lack of faith. There can be no shield of protection for those who are not true believers. Does God really protect us? How? Yes he is our protector, he keeps his Word, he keeps his promises and his word tells us that beyond this life is an everlasting life, a life of promise, a life with him forever and ever. A life like nothing we know, without trouble, without trials, without sadness, without crying, a life full of hope and promise a life that we will be with him forever. -
Q3. Psalm 121
Lisa Rupert replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Psalms: Trusting in God's Protection
Q3. (Psalm 121). What reassurance is it to you that God keeps you and watches over you? How does Psalm 121 make you feel? I am so at peace knowing that God is in control of my life, that he is my protecter, my Shepherd, he is the one who is loving me and keeping me away from all harm. He is my Safety, my Strength, my Comfort, my peace.......without him I would be lost and without his shield of protection. -
Q2. (Psalm 91) What does this psalm teach us about God's protection when in danger? That God will save us from troubles, from pestilence or disease and from the terror of both the day and the night if asleep or awake in him we can find peace and rest, he is our protector. What does it teach about our authority to vanquish our enemies? IN Jesus name we have the power greater than that of our enemies and we have the power to push back and resist the evil and wage war against him the master of confusion and against his evil deeds nothing can harm us. What promises does Psalm 91 contain? He promises to rescue us in times of trouble, protect us, answer us, deliver us, honor and satisfy us with long life and show his salvation. How does this psalm make you feel? This psalm is my protection, I know that he is always with me, and he is with me he will not abandon me when trouble is near this I know that I can find my comfort and I can overcome anything as long as he is with me.
Q1. (Psalm 61:1-4) What images does the psalmist evoke to communicate his trust in God's protection? How do the first four verses of this psalm make you feel? The psalmist imagines God's protection as The Rock, Strong and Steady, Unmovable, A place of Safety, A source of Pprotection, A place of Peace and Comfort and a loving security, where he can find closeness in the Lord and know that the intimacy of his protection is ever present. I feel so protected knowing that God's protection is with me all the days of my life. Without that security I would be lost.
Q3. (Psalm 98) What are the reasons given for praise in Psalm 98? The reasons given for praise are for his greatness his salvation his faithfulness his righteousness and his love to and for his creation. Why do you think praise is so exuberant in this psalm? Because he is worthy of all praises from all his creation. How exuberant is praise in your congregation, in your life? Why or why not is it exuberant? I believe that the congregation is exuberant but there is always room for improvement. We must remember that Sunday is not the only day for praise and that we should praise him all the time not only in the congregation but throughout our life.
Q2. (Psalm 95) In Psalm 95 we are commanded to worship the Lord. What are the reasons why we should worship contained in this psalm? We should worship him because he is our God, and we are his children. He is Our Creator he is Our God , he is Our King, he is Our Provider. He is to be worshipped because he is Our King, Our Rock of Salvation, Our Shepherd. He is all Holy, all Just, all Loving, all Righteous, all Caring, all Great, all Good and for this he is our God and He is worthy of All Our Praises. We should praise him with all honor and glory. Why do you think the warning in verses 8-11 is included in this psalm? We are warned because of our sinfullness we are sometimes not mindful of God, and because of this we can be disobedient children. It is in us so we must remain mindful of his Glory, and praise him for all his Greatness as a constant reminder. Because without him we are just lost, aimlessly wondering in the desert, without direction, guidance, love, or any hope. How does this fit with the earlier elements of the psalm? It reminds us that we should have a submissive heart, surrendering to our God, that our spirit should be a submissive one filled with faith in God and we should be obedient to his Will. We are not only to worship from the outside but we must demonstrate our love for him from the inside also by humbling of our ways and demonstrating our obedience and love for him in all we do. As an example of who he is, is also who must strive to be, obedient and loving children.
Q1. (Psalm 150) What does this psalm teach us about praise? Psalm teaches that all living creatures should praise Yahweh. Praise him any place, anytime, anywhere, all the time. We are to praise him. Where should praise occur? We should praise him in his holy, heavens, we should praise him from here on this earth. With what should praise be conducted? Praise should be conducted with music, song, dance, etc.....with every good thing that preceeded out of our mouths, should we praise him. Who should praise? Every living creature, everything that has breath. What does this psalm make you feel like after reading it out loud? This psalms made me praise him even more.
Q2. Psalm 15
Lisa Rupert replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Psalms: Choosing the Path of Righteousness
Q2. (Psalm 15) The Wisdom Psalms are meant to instruct us. How would you use this psalm in your family to instruct your children? What topics of right living does it cover? I would teach them to love God with all their heart and all their soul. I would teach them to obey God's Words, follow his commandments, pray, build a relationship with God and live a righteous clean life using God's own words as a guide. I would teach them to love every child of God and to think good things about them, never leave a man the way you found him, instead lifting him up. Never being judgemental, always loving and kind, always being responsible, truthful to God and to thyself. Building up rewards in heaven and not rewards on this earth. Following God's instructions on righteous living is the key to a true Christian lifestyle. -
Q1. Psalm 1
Lisa Rupert replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Psalms: Choosing the Path of Righteousness
Q1. (Psalm 1). This short psalm seems to reaffirm what we already know: the righteous will succeed and the wicked will perish. Why do we need to be reminded of this? The righteous will succeed and the wicked will perish is a reminder of the Word of God and the cost we will pay if we are wicked in the eyes of God. But a constant reminder by meditation and prayer will keep us on the righteous path. We have a sinful nature and we can be influenced easily by the wilds of satan so we need meditation and prayer as reminders of the importance of righteous living, living a Christ-like life and that the righteous will succeed but the wicked will perish in their ways. From an emotional standpoint, what lines in this psalm stand out to you. Why do you think you like them? I love all of the psalms written because they display the love David had for God, the longing, the perservence, the devotion he displayed for the love of the Father and God's love for David in return. But in this section Verse 1:3 "He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yield its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers." Because he stays true to the Word of God and to living a righteous life. -
Q3. (Psalm 63) Why is recognition that God loves you the basis of all faith? What does this realization bring about in your life? I know that God loves me because he has told me so in his Word and I have faith in his Word. I know that he loves me because he has shown me over and over again. This brings about the knowledge that I know he is with me through out all my life. I know he is apart of my everyday life and that I am never without his love.
Q2. (Psalms 42-43). What is the psalmist feeling during this spiritual struggle? How does he combat his spiritual depression? The psalmist is feeling alone, lost, confused, deeply saddened. heart broken because he feels that God is not with him. He continues to search and to seek God even though he is going through a deep despair of depression he knows that he can't live with out God in his life so he continues to seek him. Have you ever felt this way? How did you reach out to God at this time? Yes, I've felt this way before and I reach out to God through prayer no matter how long it takes I continue to seek him.
Q1. (Psalm 27) What does it mean that David desires to "dwell in the house of the Lord"? To dwell in the house of the Lord means to be close, near to God at all times for safety and security and also for God's love and care. What does it mean to "seek his face"? To seek his face means that he seeks his presence desiring and yearning for a relationship with the Lord seeking his attendance in all things. Never being out of the presence of the Lord. How does David provide hope at the end of this Psalm? Hope is provided because David is sure and has faith and he is patient never wavering never doubting but believing and waiting on the Lord because with patience and faith you will receive what God has promised.
Q3. (Psalm 139). In what way does the wonder of creation in the psalm seem to affect the psalmist? That God knew him even from the beginning to the end. Every inch of him he knew him even from conception. In his concluding prayer in verses 23-24, what does he ask God to do? The psalmist ask God to search him to test him to cleanse his heart and make it pure so he can worship and serve God and be on the righteous path of everlasting life. He surrendered his life over to God and wants God to be a very important part of his life.
Q2. (Psalm 19) Verses 1 to 6 seem very different from verses 7 to 13, but there is a common thread that relates the first part to the second part. What is it? Verse 1-6 and 7-13 relates to God and his creation. It speaks of God's majesty, his glory above the heavens, his glory in his earthly creation. Both speak about the Creator and his Word. God's unspoken word in heaven and the perfection of God's written Word. In what way does the psalmist seem to bask in God's Word? Have you ever felt that way? How does the psalmist's wonder in creation seem to affect him in this psalm? The psalmist mediatates in God's Word, which is nourishing to his soul. God's Word sustains him and makes him whole so the psalmist treasures the Word of God. In the classic prayer of verse 14, what is David asking God to do? David is asking that his every being be pleasing before God and that God will keep his children close and near to him.
Q1. (Psalm 8). What does this psalm teach about God? The psalms teaches that God is the majesty, it also teaches of his honor, his glory, his greatness and that his reputation is majestic in the earth and in the heavens. That he gave his one and only son that who believes in him shall not perish but shall have eternal life (John 3:16) What does it teach about human beings? That even the mouth of babes shall praise him for his glory. That even the weakest will have abundant strength when they invoke the name of God on their lips. What does it teach us about Christ? He humbled himself below the heavenly beings to become a man so to restore a rebellious disobedient creation (man) so they could fellowship again with their creator God. What does it teach about our responsibilities? We should obey his every word and give praises always to him for his creation. Our rule should never be independent of God but should be in submission to God.
Q2. Greed and Security
Lisa Rupert replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. Let Us Love: Workings of Faith (13:1-25)
Q2. (Hebrews 13:5-6) How can we recognize greed in ourselves? What will be the signs? We can recognize greed within ourselves by just taking an inventory of our lives. Look around, see if you have things that have no use no value just storing up treasures on earth. For example, more clothes than one can wear, when you cook and it is wasted thrown out in the trash because you no longer want it, vehicles that are fully equiped with things that you will never use, tv that has 250+ channels, knowing that there is no way you will ever see all 250+, etc..... If so then you should make some changes in your life. Because the only treasures worth storing or those promised in heaven. What is the antidote for greed in our lives? Stop focusing on worldly possession start building treasures in heaven. Start believing that when God says he takes care of all your needs that he speaks the truth. He takes care of us just like he takes care of all of his creation. What would be the earmarks of a greed-free life? I believe the earmarks of a greed-free life would be freedom from this world, belief in God that he has and will provide for all my needs. He will never leave me and I will be satisfied with what he provides. I won't have the desire for worldly things because they will not hold a place in my heart instead my heart will belong to God and will trust and believe that he will meet all my needs spiritually, physically, and mentally. If not money, what should be the basis of our security for the future? What promises do you find in verses 5 and 6? Our security should be based on the trust we have in God for he will not leave us and he will meet all our needs. He will take care of us and he will not let us down. When you come to live according to his truth you no longer desire worldly things. -
Q1. Brotherly Love
Lisa Rupert replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. Let Us Love: Workings of Faith (13:1-25)
Q1. (Hebrews 13:1-3) How do hospitality to strangers and visiting prisoners relate to brotherly love (philadelphia)? Hospitality to strangers of all types is important because we are all children of God so that makes us each brothers and sisters in Christ strangers are our family. We should not judge one's misfortunes. We should love one another and leave the judgement to God for he is the only judge. We should visit the prisoners to help them with their faith. Reminding them that God loves them and is with them. Where are you strong in brotherly love? My strength in brotherly love is in loving people, all kinds of people, no matter what the situation, find the Good in it and wear the example of Christ with compassion and love towards a mislead, misguided mankind. Where are you weak? I wasn't always strong in brotherly love and it is something that I work at everyday. At the store, at work, or anywhere I might be, I try to show some love to my other brothers and sisters in Christ even if it is something as simple as a smile, a hello, or letting someone with fewer items go before me in the store. I try to find the Good, even though at times it is a challenge but with Christ leading me I always prevail. -
Q4. The Motivation of Faith
Lisa Rupert replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Let Us Trust: Perspective of Faith (11:7-12:2)
Q4. (Hebrews 11:8-31) What was the powerful motivating factor behind the actions taken by the people mentioned in these verses? God promised to rescue them as he did. He had already rescued them from the Egytians, he rescued them from the Egyptian army at the Red Sea and with victory over Jericho, so their faith continued to grow each and everytime he rescued them. God always kept his promises. What was this faith based on? This faith was based on how God constantly rescued them and kept his word. He never let them down or disappointed them or lead them to believe that he was not a God of truth. At the Red Sea, how did the Israelites' faith differ from that of the Egyptian army? At the Red Sea after the Israelites saw that God parted the sea they knew for sure that God was rescuing them another time. The Egyptians thought this was help from their false God's, so they never thought that this might be the work of the God of The Israelites and because of their lack of belief in the Israelites God they drowned. So God showed his people again that he would continue to rescue them from the Egyptians. Did Rahab have real faith or was she a shrewd opportunist -- or is there a difference? I believe that Rahab gained faith after seeing Joshua and the Israelites and learned of their God. I believe that God touched her and she helped Joshua and the Israelites which grew her in faith in the God of the Israelites. -
Q3. The Vision of Faith
Lisa Rupert replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Let Us Trust: Perspective of Faith (11:7-12:2)
Q3. (Hebrews 11:23-28) How did Moses' faith affect his willingness to suffer? What kind of vision did faith create for Moses? What kind of vision does faith create for us? Moses' faith affected his willingness to suffer because he chose to live amongst his people. He chose to be like his people and to worship God. To be mistreated like his people giving up all the pleasure of Pharoah's house. He chose to give up all the pleasures for a greater pleasure with Chirst and by faith he left Egypt and his faith created the vision and the promises of the Invisible God which sustained him and continued to enhance his belief in the one on only true God. -
Q2. Aliens and Strangers
Lisa Rupert replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Let Us Trust: Perspective of Faith (11:7-12:2)
Q2. (Hebrews 11:13b) In practical terms, what would be the characteristics of a believer who lived his life as an "alien" and "stranger" here on earth? The characteristics of a believer living his life as an alien and a stranger here on earth would be that this earth is foreign territory to the believer because the believers eyes, mind and heart are set for God's heavenly kingdom. The believer lives his/her life keeping his/her eyes on the prize, eternal life with the Father. What is the balance between "in" the world but not "of" it? (John 15:19; 17:13-16; 1 John 4:4-6). The balance between in the world but not of the world means that I have to be on this earth but I will not become conformed to the ways of the world. I will live my life using the examples of Christ my Savior and Redeemer. My life belongs to God for I have surrendered it over to him so my dedication to the Kingdom of God is where my heart is and where my focus is in being an obedient child and carrying out the duties of my father. -
Q1. A New City and Country
Lisa Rupert replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 11. Let Us Trust: Perspective of Faith (11:7-12:2)
Q1. (Hebrews 11:8-19) Abraham was on a faith-quest, looking for a city (verse 10) and a country (verses 14-16). How does his faith-journey encourage yours? Abraham's faith journey encourages mines because he just obeyed God and walked in faith knowing and trusting in God. So I have to walk in faith and be obedient to God's will. In Scriptural typology, what is the final "city" which we shall see? The final city that we shall see is "The City of God, the Heavenly Jerusalem, the city that "he has prepared for them" (11:16). This "the city that is to come" (Hebrews 13:14), has "foundations" (11:10), specifically, according to Revelation 21, 12 foundations. This Holy City which we examine further in Hebrews 12 is constructed by no human. Its "architect3 and builder4 is God" (11:10). It is "prepared"5 by God for his saints "(11:16) (12:22) What is the final country of which we are citizens? (12:28) "13bAnd they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth. 14People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own. 15If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. 16Instead, they were longing for a better country -- a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them." (11:13-16) -
Q3. (Hebrews 10:26-31). What kind of sin is expressed by the phrase, "deliberately keep on sinning" (10:26)? The statement deliberately keep on sinning refers to returning away from Christ as if Christ was not the Messiah. Is this talking about sins related to the weakness of our flesh or apostasy? This is speaking of apostasy, the denial of Christ. What elements in 10:29 contribute to your understanding that this is indeed flagrant apostasy, not garden-variety sin? In 10:29 this is not the occassional sin, but intentional sin, denying Christ, insulting the Holy Spirit, trampling the son of God under foot treating it as an unholy thing, etc....
Q2. According to Hebrews 3:13 and 10:24-25, what should be a prime motive for meeting together with other Christians? Our prime motives for meeting together with other Christians should be for fellowship, lifting each other up, encouraging each other daily and loving each other. What is our usual motivation? Our usual motivation is selfish, we are motivated by our own needs. Why do Christians so often get out of the habit of attending church or a small group? Chrisitans often get out of the habit of attending church or a small group because they usually forget what they are attending for in the first place. Usually if one's own desire aren't met we tend to roam and become lost. How can we help these individuals? We can help these individuals by encouraging them, inviting them to attend, sharing the word of God with them....showing them that they have a place in the house of the Lord too.
Q1. (Hebrews 10:19-21) How did the veil of the Tabernacle function in Old Testament worship? The veil of the Tabernacle separated God (the Holiest) from (the unholy). What is the significance of the veil being ripped in two at Jesus' crucifixion? By the veil being ripped in two Jesus' crucifixion removed the barrier between God and man. Why is our access to God called a "new and living way"? It is called a new and living way because there is no longer anything that separates man from God. In what sense is it new? It is new because it is a new covenant between God and man. Man's debt was bought and paid for by the suffering and death of Christ. In what sense is it living? It is living because Jesus is the living God.