Lisa Rupert
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Everything posted by Lisa Rupert
Q4. Miracles and Faith
Lisa Rupert replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Jesus, the Father's Own Son (Hebrews 1:1-2:4)
Q4. (Hebrews 2:3b-4) In what way has the truth of salvation been confirmed to you? Would signs and wonders help or hinder establishing the truth of Christ's ministry today? From which portion of the Bible have you formed your opinion of the value of signs and wonders today? The truth of my salvation I find everyday in my daily search of Jesus through the word. I believe that signs and wonders both help and hinder the truth of Christ ministry, it confirms the belief in Christ for the believer and it hinders the lack of belief for those who chose to explain the events as coincidental. I have formed my opinion of the value of signs and wonders from the complete bible because through out it you find evidence, completely factual evidence. -
Q3. The Phenomenon of Drift
Lisa Rupert replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Jesus, the Father's Own Son (Hebrews 1:1-2:4)
Q3. (Hebrews 2:1) In what ways are we not immune to drifting away from the gospel? According to the author, how can we successfully resist the tendency to drift? How did Jesus describe this phenomenon of "drift" in the Parable of the Sower? We are not immune to drifting when we don't heed the word. When we simply hear and follow without the understanding and compassion that our hearts need to flourish and mature in our Chrisitan growth. This happens when we do not feed and nourish our spiritual growth constantly. We can resist the tendency to drift when we surrender our understanding over to Christ. Enrich our spiritual journeys with the proper nourishments so that we can fully mature as Chrisitans with the knowledge and understanding we need. I love plants, this spring I planted new plants and I also tended to the old ones. I went out and purchased new soil, food that can provide all the nourishment my new and old plants need for healthy growth. I pruned the plants that needed pruning and repotted the ones that needed it. I also planted new grass seeds and for the last three weeks have been watching new grass grow and carefully tending to the areas that are resisting new growth. Some areas where the soil is very dry might need sodding. The seedlings are not taking root at all even though I water everyday and have applied fertilizer. I guess I've learned the lesson of the sower because some areas are much more resistant that others even with my constant care and feeding. These seeds won't take root. So I will have to add new grass to this area in order to have growth. I believe it is the very same way while we travel on our spiritual journeys, if we don't nurse and care for and provide the nutrients needed for our spiritual growth we will not grow into mature Christians. -
Q2. Son of God
Lisa Rupert replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Jesus, the Father's Own Son (Hebrews 1:1-2:4)
Q2. (Hebrews 1:2-3) What about the author's description of the Son makes you think that the Son described is himself divine? What role does the Son have in doing the Father's will according to these verses? Jesus is The Divine Son of God. He is the appointed heir. Jesus is Eternal and Divine. He is the Full Revelation of God, the radiant reflection of God's Glory. The word that became flesh full of grace and truth. He is the exact representation of God's essential nature. He is what God is. He is through whom God made the universe. The word that God spoken into existence. -
Q1. The Idea of "Son"
Lisa Rupert replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Jesus, the Father's Own Son (Hebrews 1:1-2:4)
Q1. (Hebrews 1:2) In what way do you think the author of Hebrews is using the word "Son"? As a metaphor? As a biological relationship? How would a Son's words have more weight than a prophet's? Jesus is the Son of God, he is part of the personalities of God. The word made flesh. God's very own words. -
Q4. What will our resurrection bodies be like? Why do you think we will be given resurrection bodies? What is the point? Our resurrected bodies will be like our Savior's glorious body bearing the likeness of the man from heaven, the son of God. Our bodies will be flesh and bones, we will be able to eat and drink, walk and talk, we will be recognizable when we want to be, we will be able to relate to the physical world and the spiritual world. We will be able to appear and disappear, and we will be of good health and spirit and full of beauty. These new bodies will be given to us so that we can live in the new world. Our old bodies were full of sin and weak and full of sickness and disease, this will not occur with our new bodies. Praise the Lord!
Q3. What does the phrase "redemption of our bodies"(Romans 8:23-24) tell us about our resurrection? What words in 1 Corinthians 15:42-44 describe our resurrection bodies? Redemption of our bodies means that Jesus paid the price for our freedom, so we are free and saved. Our Resurrected bodies: Imperishible-it will not be corruptible and will not experience deterioration Glory-With brightness, radience, splendor Power-Without age or sickness, with might, strength, and force Spiritual body- That our bodies will be spititual and physical, as Jesus body is, we will be able to operate in the spiritual and physical realms.
Q1. What is the word used in the Bible instead of "rapture"? The word used in the Bible for "Rapture" is "Resurrection." When will the resurrection take place in relation to Christ's return? In relation to judgment? In relation to glory? First there will be the appearance of Christ in the heavens, Then the angel's trumpet will call to summon all God's people, And all of God's people will be gathered from the dead and alive ("the quick and the dead") including the Resurrection of those who are dead with the changing into their resurrection bodies of those alive at that time. Then all will appear before God for judgment Then there will be the entering into glory
Q5. (1 Corinthians 15:58) What does being steadfast and immovable have to do with the hope of the resurrection? Why is our labor not in vain in the Lord? Being steadfast means unwavering, acknowledging that he is the divine Son of God, that our sins are forgiven, our salvation is secure, we are in unity with him and in our resurrection from the dead. Immovable means to stand your ground. Do not waver, but find your greatness in Christ. Stand firm on your belief in Christ and do not doubt. If you love him and truly believe in the Word than your labor will be a reflection of your commitment to Christ. Your life will be an example. If you love him than your heart will exuberate joy laboring for the benefit of the Kingdom of God. And laboring for the Lord is equiped with a very good retirement plan, including fringe benefits.
Q4. What assurance do you have that you will be physically resurrected rather than experience disembodied immortality? What does it mean that Jesus is the "firstfruits" (1 Corinthians 15:20) and "firstborn" (Revelation 1:5) from the dead? As it is written in scriptures and Jesus' own resurrection is the proof, "By his power God raised the Lord from the dead, and he will raise us also." 1Corth. 6:14 Jesus' resurrection from the dead was the first, for he was the first to be born from death, the first fruit of those who have "fallen asleep", and he will live forever and ever. His resurrection is our hope and promise of a eternal life with him, a bodily resurrection from the dead like Christ' own resurrection from the dead. For death shall no longer keep us, for we shall be resurrected into eternal life with Christ Jesus forever.
Q3. How does Christ's death and resurrection provide an analogy for baptism according to Romans 6:3-5 and Colossians 2:12? According to Ephesians 2:4-6, while being "raised with Christ" is still spiritual, not physical, in what way does this union impart real spiritual power? In both Romans and Colossians Christ death and resurrection both acknowledge the death of Christ and our death in baptism, from our old selfs, through baptism we become dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus. We are baptized in his death, buried with him, resurrected into our new self with him from the dead and united with him through faith. In Ephesians we share power and priviledge in the spiritual world through union with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Q2. In what way does Christ's resurrection somehow validate that we are saved and forgiven by God? If we didn't believe Christ had been actually raised from the dead, how might we have doubts about our salvation? Christ death and resurrection was an atonement for our sins. We became blameless. It validates our salvation and completes it. Without it our faith would be worthless, our faith would have no value. We would be dead in sin and lost forever. His promises of forgiveness for our sins are true. His death was our assurance and the proof that God completed our salvation and he vindicated Jesus by raising him from the grave. I've believed in Jesus my entire life, I am not sure I could ever imagine living a life that did not include him in it. But I can tell you this that my life would be totally different and I am not sure I would be happy with who I am with out my Lord and Savior.
Q1. What kind of credibility would Jesus' ministry have had if he were not raised from the dead, especially when he predicted it ahead of time? In what way is the resurrection God's seal of approval on him? There would have been no credibility to the ministry today if Christ was not raised from the dead, it would have made things harder to believe. Remember the resurrection was part of the old testament prophesy so it had to be fulfilled. Because God's word is the truth. It is God's seal of approval because it proved that even man can serve God the way he should be served. Even today, we believe in the resurrection of Christ, if it had not happened I don't know how many would believe, even though in the old testament many believed in God's Every Word. Today we have the proof of that Word, from his teaching, baptism, the resurrection from the dead, from his son our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Q4. Compelling Proofs
Lisa Rupert replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Convincing Proofs of Christ's Bodily Resurrection
Q4. Which of the various proofs for the resurrection seems the most compelling to you? Why? If you had a friend who wasn't sure about the resurrection, could you explain why you're sure that Jesus was raised from the dead? I was very compelled at the clothing being left in it's place, signifiying that Jesus was raised from the clothing and nothing was disturbed. If anyone wanted to know about Jesus from me I would tell them everything I know about Jesus and the place he has in my life. How important it is for me that I share everything with him. I would tell them about who he is and that he does not lie and give them examples of this. I would tell them all about Jesus and that, Jesus had no servants, yet they called Him Master. Had no degree, yet they called Him Teacher. Had no medicines, yet they called Him Healer. He had no army, yet kings feared Him. He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world. He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him. He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today. I feel honored to serve such a Leader who loves us! Praise the Lord! -
Q3. How does the disciples' psychological state after the crucifixion provide excellent support for belief in the resurrection? The disciples were normal human beings that had lost someone very important to them. They were grieving hard just like the rest of us do with the lost of a love one. All of a sudden everything had changed, things aren't like they were when the one they lost were with them. They were grief strucken and in distress, confused about what should happen next, afraid of what might happen, not sure of what or how they should exist without Jesus, they had a lot on their minds. And they were not sure of who they could trust or believe. They did not have time to create a plan to steal Jesus' body. The facts that were in front of them was that that his body was no longer in the tomb but yet his clothing was still there. The women reported while in the tomb an angel came and spoke to them about the resurrection of Christ so they were confused even more. Discussing it amongst themselves trying to remember the things Jesus had previousily told them. Then Jesus came back to them and they were elated and they believed in the resurrection without doubt because he was there in front of them, walking and talking amongst them.
Q2. The Theft Theory
Lisa Rupert replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Convincing Proofs of Christ's Bodily Resurrection
Q2. On the theft theory, what motive might the disciples have to take Jesus' body? What motive might the Romans have? The Jews? Joseph of Arimathea? We know that no one had the time to prepare for what was about to happen, The Resurrection. Even though Jesus told everyone of the resurrection, no one was truly prepared for it. We know that the Romans wanted the problem (Jesus) to be gone, to be forgotten, over with, and so did the Jews. But the disciples were truly grieving the death of Christ. But if we look into their hearts the Romans and Jews I am sure they did not think that stealing the body of Christ would prove anything beneficial to them. Stealing the body would only confirm what Christ was saying all along and they wanted to disprove everything that Christ stood for and make his memory disappear. -
Q1. What do you think motivates liberal Christian scholars to explain away the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ? Why would they claim that it is unhistorical more than some other event in the first century? First, these scholars lack Faith and Faith is the sustainer. Why call oneself a Chrisitan if you don't believe? One can't believe in Jesus and not believe in the resurrection. Whole heartedly believing in the entire exisitance, death, resurrection and acsension of Jesus Christ the Son of God, our Savior. Scholars are rarely humble people. It would be difficult for them to profess something that is greater than themselves or greater than their explanations or their realm of their own understanding. All of their explanations are based upon the physical realm of understanding and not the spiritual realm of understanding. Because of this they lack the faith needed to see beyond the physical realm of these events occurring. Scholars have always tried to disprove God, Take under consideration what was said about Moses, they tried to say he was performing parlor tricks with the snakes and that when God allowed Moses to turn the the sea red, it was just the red sand beneath it that was causing it to turn red, And I saw a television documentary about the Exodus that stated that the Red Sea wasn't divided. Their claim was that at a certain time of the year the sea becomes dry in parts and that God did not divide it but it was at that time of the year for the sea was dry. And lets not forget about Sodom and Gomorrhia there was claim that it was sulphuric gases below the city that destroyed these cities etc...So they have always tried to discredited God's power.
Q5. What is the difference between Jesus' resurrection and his ascension? How do the two fit together? In what sense is the ascension the completion of the resurrection? The resurrection was the beginning and the ascension followed by him returning to heaven and sitting at the right hand of the father. You couldn't have one without the other. The resurrection was when Jesus was risen from the dead and returned to earth in a new body, the ascension was when he returned to the father and was seated in heaven. By the resurrection and the ascension the disciples witnessed the promises of Christ and was able to gain a better understanding of what those promises really were.
Q4. What do we know from the Gospels about the properties of Jesus' resurrection body? What was he capable of in this new body? Jesus' renewed body had powers and abilities beyond what we humans obtain. His new body was: A normal human body Flesh & bones He could walk and talk and eat and drink His wounds were visible His voice was the same He could be touched and handled by others His new body could enter and exit rooms at will He was able to navigate in this physical world But he was not limited to the physical plane of this world. He was recognizable as Jesus
Q3. (Luke 24:12; John 20:6-8) What about the grave clothes brought Peter and John to faith? What was so peculiar about them? The grave clothes were like Jesus' body was still in them. They were still in place but the body was missing. Because Jesus had risen from them. The head cloth was folded neatly near the other linen. When the two of them saw this they remembered Jesus' promise of his resurrection from the grave.
Q2. What similarities do you find in the resurrection accounts? Based on the agreements between the accounts, what seems to have happened? The most important thing happened, Jesus died, was buried, and on the third day was risen from the grave in fulfillment of the scriptures. The conclusion was all the same. It happened according to scripture.
Q1. What differences do you find between the various resurrection accounts? How do you account for differences in eyewitness testimony? How might these differences add to the credibility of the witnesses? There are always differences when we ask a group of people that have all witnessed one thing to tell us in detail what they have seen. They all had simularities and they were also different accounts on the very same event. But we can be sure they all agreed that there was a resurrection. They may not all be sure of the location, but we know that the resurrection did occur. I don't know if these differences added to their credibility but it sure painted a interesting picture and I am sure with each witnesses account of the events we can puzzle together a complete picture.If Mary Magdeline and the others that were with her would have written their own account of the events surrounding visitation of the tomb I am sure we would have a more complete picture, because the disciples are giving a 2nd hand account of the events surrounding the tomb visit.
Q4. Why did Jesus' enemies heed his prediction of being raised on the third day even more than his disciples? Did his enemies expect him to rise? Did his followers? Jesus' enemies believed that his predictions would be deceptive and that the disciples would steal the body from the tomb to make it look like a resurrection. His enemies did not expect him to rise again, they were so into themselves that they would not believe anything that Jesus said. Unfortunately his followers did not believe in the resurrection either, I believe they were so overwhelmed with what had taken place everything happened so fast, even though it happened just like Jesus said, it was a lot for the grieving disciples to take in. But Jesus came back to assure them and to give them the Comforter, the Holy Spirit.
Q2. (John 5:28-29; Acts 24:15) According to scripture, both the righteous and unrighteous will experience resurrection. What will be the result of resurrection for the righteous? As written in scripture; "Those who have done good will rise to live", "Everlasting life", "it will be a time of reward", (John), (Luke) "You will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous."
Q1. Job's Vision of Resurrection
Lisa Rupert replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Promise of Resurrection from the Dead
Q1. How does Job's vision of resurrection (Job 19:25-27) differ from the Jews' former understanding of death as Sheol? First I wanted to look at the term Sheol a little more closely. The word Sheol means: A place where all the dead shall go. Beneath the earth, a horrible, deary, dark, disorderly land, an abode of the dead, and underworld, a common grave or pit, below the surface of the Earth, a place of dust, darkness, silence, either in comfort or torment, cut off from God's hand, and in forgetfulness. The dead are described as "sleepers in the dust." All the dead go down to Sheol, and there they lie in sleep together