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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Lisa Rupert

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Everything posted by Lisa Rupert

  1. Hi, I am looking forward to this study on The Resurrection. The timing is perfect.
  2. Q5. (Ephesians 6:15-17) Why is it important to have your "shield" up each day? We should have our shield up every day all day because we don't know when satan will attack. He is constantly trying to convince of that his way is the correct way so he can attack us at anytime if we are not prepared. In what way does the "helmet of salvation" protect you? The helmet is our confidence. It is our protection from what satan wants us to believe. Our salvation from Christ is our protection against misunderstandings we come across when we don't fully understand our father. We are saved by grace through our faith in Christ and we shouldn't believe anything else, we shouldn't put our guards down for satans deceptions. Is the "sword of the Spirit" an offensive or defensive weapon? The sword of the Spirit is both an offensive and defensive form of protection for us. Because it is the Word of God, it is the truth. And with the sword we can stand against satan and his lies. For he can not be trusted. How do you keep it sharp and ready for the battle? We keep our sword sharp and ready for battle by preparation. We study and feed on the Word of God each day, everyday, we build up our confidence and prepare for the battle. We place our lives on the righteous path and we take up our jouney. We pack our bags with the food of God, the Word, and we begin our travels down the righteous path, learning and experiencing as we journey down this path the truth. We sharpen our sword with our experiences as we journey down this path.
  3. Q4. (Ephesians 6:15) What would be the characteristic of a person who didn't have his feet ready to run with the Gospel? This would be someone who does not know the truth. Someone who is still thirsty and hungry but has not been feed. Someone who has not studied are who has not seeked for the truth. Someone whom is totally unprepared. How does heart preparation make you more ready to share the Good News with those around you? If you love it and it is in your heart you will want to share it with others. How does this help defeat the dominion of darkness? Because the truth is the light and the light defeats the darkness.
  4. Q3. (Ephesians 6:14) Why are such simple things as truth and personal holiness such powerful armament? The truth and personal holiness are our protections from the evil ways of satan. It is our understanding of the righteousness of the Lord. We are protected by our obedience, living holy, and walking righteously for God. If we walk righteously it is our powerful protection from the destruction of sin. Are they defensive or offensive weapons? I believe we use these weapons in both ways. We learn and understand the truth which separates our beliefs from that of satans. They are our defense and protection from satan when he comes after us, we use them to defend ourselves against the wilds of satan when he attacks us.
  5. Q2. (Ephesians 6:13) What is difficult about standing our ground in today's world? It is difficult standing your ground in today's world only if you are a part of the earthly realm of this world. Only if you chase after earthly things. Instead victory is in those who stand against the temptations of this world. Those that stand for Christ. In what way can standing our ground be considered victory? In standing our ground for Christ we gain victory because we use the ways of Jesus instead of using the ways of this world. We decide to STAND for something instead of standing for nothing. Why are the saints in Revelation 12:11 considered victorious over the devil? How did they stand their ground? Rev 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
  6. Q1. (Ephesians 6:11-13) Why is it difficult to believe in the devil and demons in our day? For some it is difficult to believe in the devil, or maybe they do believe in him but don't take him seriously. They don't understand the standing that satan has on this earth. How does their existence help explain the struggle humans face on earth? From the beginning of sin satan has had his rein on this earth. Humans have to know and understand the Word in order to believe that there are two choices, only two, God or satan. Most people prefer to believe that they are the masters of their own domain. This is not true, as it is stated, you're gonna serve somebody. With all their power, how do we stand a chance? Jesus' power is greater. It is the ulitimate power. God is Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. Did "the devil make me do it"? No, he can only tempt. What kinds of things can't we blame on the demonic? We can't blame anything but temptation on the demonic. We make choices and we are responsible for those choices we make.
  7. Q4. (Ephesians 6:9) How should Christian employers conduct themselves towards their employees? Chrisitan employers shoud treat their employees with genuine respect, jusily, giving them fair and decent wages with time off for resting according to what God has established as good and fair. How should church boards conduct themselves towards church employees? Church boards should follow the same rules listed above because God holds them responsible for how they treat their employee's. How do you determine a just wage -- not merely the one you think you can afford? A just wage could truthfully be determined. If one's acheivements exceeds the market value of his work he should justly be rewarded with more payment. A employee's wages should be based upon his/her merits, the growing economy, the worth of the job, cost of living equation, etc....
  8. Q3. (Ephesians 6:5-8) What are the characteristics called for in a truly Christian employee, according to Ephesians 6:5-8?The characteristics described in Eph 6:5-8 are that we as Christian employee's should demonstrate obedience, respect, sincerity of heart and serve wholeheartedly as if we are obeying Christ doing the will of God from within our hearts. How can these attitudes help us in difficult work situations? This type of attitude can only promote a healthy relationship of obedience with God. It keeps us honest receiving our due for a days work. In this case we would show God that we have earned our due for work and haven't stolen it. It will also show God that we are living in a Christ-like life.
  9. Q2. (Ephesians 6:4) What kind of behavior by fathers (or mothers, for that matter) can embitter or cause a child to lose heart? One kind of behavior would be the "You do as I say, and not as I do" behavior. Parents are to love and nurture their children. They are to train and guide them and protect them and teach them the ways of the Lord and also the difference between the ways of the Lord and the ways of the world and teach them how to balance the two ways. They are to lie down primary principals needed for their children to live a Christian life. Parents should prepare their children for the changes that life will bring about, teach them the importance of having the Lord in their lives as they adventure though life. Parents must remember what you teach will be taught, if it is bad behavior, then bad behavior will be the reward and will proceed to next generation, if it is good Christian behavior this too will be taught and forwarded on. What do you think the "training and instruction of the Lord" involves? I believe good instruction, loving guidance, firm but effective discipline, caring, nurturing, training, a good hands approach into what your child sees and experiences in his/her life, followed with understanding and direction with postive doctrine which will not only lead but sustain and guide them into a Christian lifestyle.
  10. Q1. (Ephesians 6:1-3) What kind of obedience and honor is appropriate for adult children to show towards their parents? What might be the exceptions? How do respect and forgiveness figure in this relationship? Adult children should show their parents love and respect. It is written in the Word "Honor your parents" and this is what adult children should do as Christians. The exceptions should be if the parents request unlawful behavior or behavior unfitting to God. Ones parents should not come between the new family of their adult children, unless warranted, and the adult child should maintain a healthy relationsonship with his/her parents even in adulthood. We must respect our parents for their wisdom and knowledge even if we don't always agree we can still respect them for loving us and caring enough about us that they try to keep us on the righteous path. We should always take care of our parents, in the best ways that we can. We should never abandon them no matter what the situation, we should constantly show them our love and honor them as our parents.
  11. Q4. (Ephesians 5:32) In what sense is Christ our Husband as individuals? As a church? What are the implications of this for our lives? What does this say about Christ's responsibilities towards us? Christ is our "Husband" because he is the Head of us as individuals and the Head of the church. He is the Bridegroom and we (the church) are his bride. By having him as our husband we are living a life of truth, faith and belief. We dedicate our lives to the service of the Father. We put no one or no thing before him. We treat our spouses and others with that same type of love and respect that we show Jesus the husband. Christ in returns shows us the ultimate love and devotion that a husband shows to his new bride. This never wears away and it never fades away and die, it grows stronger each and every day, because his love is the ultimate love. A love that is caring, a love that is special, kind, loving, it can be stern when needed to discipline, it supportive, it strong and powerful,etc.....
  12. Q3. (Ephesians 5:28) In what sense is a husband's care for his wife's needs just common sense in taking care of his own needs? When God created the female she was a gift, and she should became joined in unity with him as one. What is the principle from Genesis 2:24 that underlies this? The princle of Gen 2:24 defines the joining of the two flesh to become one flesh.
  13. Q2. (Ephesians 5:25-30) Does being head of the wife involve being "boss"? No, being in the leadership role does not mean being the boss of anyone or anything, it means leader, management, showing guidance, true headship, director, source, provider, sustainer, the source of unity or to provide supervision. Why or why not? Because in order for one to lead one has to know how to serve. What does being "head" require of a husband? Being the head requires that the husband demonstrates his love as Christ demonstrated his love for the church and gave himself up to his church. "He should help her to become clean and whole. Love them as Christ loves us and our imperfect humans and bears our weaknesses. " What is the example husbands are to follow in headship? He should follow the leader Christ who is the true example.
  14. Q1. (Ephesians 5:22-24) Why should a wife submit to her husband? Because it is written in the word that the wife should submit to her husband. Eph 5:24 "Now as the church submits to Christ so should the wife submit to her husband in everything." For the husband is the "head" of the wife, as Christ is the head of the church. According to these verses, to what degree is a wife required to submit to a husband who is not a Christian or who is a carnal Christian? A wife should not compromise her families well being in submission to her husband, but she should respectfully try to help him to see the errors of his ways without putting him down, she should build her husband up in all that he is. Does submission mean a wife doesn't verbally disagree? Submission does not mean obedience, it means that she is to work with building her husband in all things. She is to respect him meaning she can respectfully disagree but she should use loving kindness in guiding him into a understanding. What if there's a conflict with the wife's conscience? If there is a conflict she should pray about it and work with his husband in understanding with love and faith that he will come to terms with his decision.
  15. Q4. (Ephesians 5:19-20) What kind of attitude should underlie our corporate singing? How is corporate singing designed to help us singers? How is it designed to worship God? How does singing in your own daily life help you worship? We should sing praises to God with honor in glorifying his name. When we sing together we should sing like the choirs in heaven when they worship God. In doing so we show God that we come together as a people to sing praises to his name, to give thanks, and show unity within as we share in praising and worshipping him. After studying Psalms one knows that God adores when we sing and praise him, he loves to hear us worship him and exalt him. Whether we sing in a group are along it pleases God to hear us lift up our voices in praise and worship to glorify his name. When we sing along it becomes a daily reminder of how often we should worship our father, he doesn't want to hear our voices only on Sunday, he loves hearing from us everyday. When doing this we begin to notice that it has a sustaining force that keeps us mindful of our father. It cleans and heals and keeps us obedient when we concentrate on our relationship with our father.
  16. Q3. (Ephesians 5:17-18) What is the primary temptation involved with drugs and alcohol? How can drug or alcohol use substitute for the "high" of the Spirit? How can being filled with the Spirit help us fend off the temptations of drugs and alcohol? The primary temptation involved with using drugs and alcohol is debauchery are wickness, sin, corruption, evil, crime, wrongdoings, etc.... When we use substitues for the replacement of the high that the Spirit provides we're not receiving God's goodness, instead we believe that such stimulants such as alcohol and drug use provides us with a feeling of happiness and joy but it is deceiving because it is a temporary fix. A spirtual high is everlasting, it's sustaining, it's powerful and pleasing to the inner being. It promotes healthy growth where stumulates that provide temporary pleasures only provide temperal satisfactions and damaging effects to the body, heart, and the soul. Being filled with the Spirit can ward off the desires that accompany such addictions as alcohol and drug use because it fills you with a different kind of high. The spiritual high is fullfilling, sustaining, all powerful, all hopeful, loving, supportive, gratifying, rewarding and pleasing to us spiritually, mentally, and physically.
  17. Q2. (Ephesians 5:15-16) Why does Paul exhort us to make the most of every opportunity? Why do we resist that? What must happen in our lives so we can be ready for the opportunity? Paul tells us to make the very most of the opportunities we are provided in "the light" not lingering in the "darkness" because the light is the way of the Lord. We must be that example that Jesus has provided us, living in a new self, living a Christ-like life. Throwing away our old habits and ways. We seldom resist giving up our old habit and ways because we were taught that these ways are exceptable in our worldly standards. So these ways were ingrained into our beings as exceptable behavior. We being sinful creatures find it hard to except change, especially a change that we believe has been pleasing and desirable toward our worldly standards and beliefs. What we must do to change this behavior is "put on a new self" as Paul has told us, we must walk in the light and not in the darkness of the unwise. We must study and seek the answers that Jesus has provided for us in our studies of the word. We must live an example that Christ has shown us through his behavior following the pattern that he has revealed to be approproate doing his stay. We must wear this behavior as it is our coat of protection, a symbol of our love and dedication, which will shine a light through our ever being, shining and glowing with the love and understanding of Christ.
  18. Q1. (Ephesians 5:2-3) Why does Paul warn so strongly against sexual sin? Is sexuality part of our spiritual life or can it be (should it be) partitioned from our spiritual life? Paul strongly warns us about sexual sins because we live in a time where we believe that exploting our bodies is what is required, what is to be done, we find it to be an exceptable behavior and we've been taught that God condones this behavior but as Paul warns us, God does not condone this type of act. Between a husband and a wife this is a important display of love and affection and it should not be taken beyond that point. Paul teaches us the correct way to display our sexuality and that should only be between a husband and his wife. The world teaches that sexuality is not a sin and that it is there for everyone.
  19. Q4. (Ephesians 4:32) Why is it so difficult to forgive those who hurt us? According to Ephesians 4:32, who is our example of forgiveness? What heart attitudes toward people are evidence of a forgiving spirit, according to verse 32a? It is so difficult for me to forgive when I am in SELF. When I am lead by the Spirit, I am compelled to forgive. So I try to remain humble denying the Self of it's **** for pride of it's arrogance and thirst for self righteousness. For my flesh seeks worldly treasures, it seeks worldly desires, and it craves for unclean things. The example given to us by Paul is that God is a merciful, loving & All Forgiving God. And we should follow this example with love and compassion to forgiving not because someone has appologized or because someone has seeked the forgiveness but we should forgive because our father freely forgive/forgave us our sins. The price that was paid for this forgiveness was a hefty price, where our Lord and Savior on the cross bore all our sins, and in the process asking the father to "Forgive them for they know not what they do". Now this is the ultimate forgiveness and no one had to do a single thing to receive it. We didn't have to perform deceitful works to receive this forgiveness and we shouldn't expect to receive these kinds of works when forgiving others of their inequities.
  20. Q3. (Ephesians 4:29-32) What kind of "unwholesome talk" is common among us Christians? Let's see "unwholesome talk" when we speak about others without lifting them up. We do it to gain our own fair. When we don't fully understand and disagree we speak against it. When we gossip about someone or something without regards to the situation we speak unwholesomely about it. Not showing our best, not living a Christ-like life. Believing that we are divine and only we have a special place in God's Kingdom, the unclean have not a chance. Forgetting the type of person we once were before we "Put on our new self". Not demonstrating love and compassion the way God provides love and compassion for us. What three guidelines does Paul give us to measure the value of what we say? Is it helpful for building others up? Does it edify? Does it enlighten? Does it encourage? Is it according to the hearer's needs? Or only our need to vent our frustrations? Does he really need this? Does she really need this? Some things need to be said, however hard. But many of the things we say could just as well be left unsaid. Is it beneficial to the hearer? If love is our mainstay, then benefiting others is our way of life What is slander? Slander (blasphēmia) is "speech that denigrates or defames, reviling, denigration, disrespect, slander."15 How common is it among Christians? We Christians get into the earthly unclean beings of ourselves and we forget that we are examples of Christ. How can we prevent it? I remember a man once told me that his father taught him "Never leave a man the sameway you found him, always lift him up". I try to follow this analogy when engaging with all of God's creation.
  21. Q2. (Ephesians 4:26-27). Why did God give us the emotion of anger, do you think? How can anger be dangerous? How can we keep from sinning when we are angry? Is anger itself sin? I believe that the emotion of anger can be valuable is used correctly. We should be angry when we see others that are homeless and starving. This anger should bring about action. Angry when we see people stuck in a hurricane with no way out, wondering where is the government in this time of crisis. Coming together as a people to send aid and relief when we see that it seems hopeless for others. This is an action that can and does bring about a promising result. Anger that is selfcentered is not a healthy emotion. Anger can be very dangerous when it does not produce a positive response. It can become damaging to others and to the one who is quick to anger without understanding fully the consequences of evil doings. We should be slow to anger. We can keep from sinning when we anger if we don't allow our hearts to become hardened and cold. We must pray and ask God for guidance. We must demonstrate patience followed with love and understanding. Our hearts should be up to kindness and not bitterness. Anger is not a sin in itself, the result of anger can be a sin. So be careful not to let the sun come down on your wrath or the anger in your heart which can guide one into a sinful deadly destructive path of living.
  22. Q1. (Ephesians 4:17-19) Using Ephesians 4:17-19 as a basis, how would you describe (in your own words), the secular, non-Christian mindset of our age? Why are we tempted to conform to its values? "17So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. 18They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. 19Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual **** for more." The mindset of our age is so darkened, completely without light. We believe that we see the light because we attend services on Sunday and this is all we need, but if one is to ask themselves am I truly getting all that is needed? I watched a program last night on tv that took you into the life of Joseph. That was a beautiful story of love, hatred, jealousy, forgiveness, suffering, deceit....etc. But in the end Joseph was the victor, he maintained his faithfulness toward his God, the God of what his father had taught him, even though he was an Egyptian slave he remained true to the God of his father. He forgave his brothers of their wrongs with love and understanding of why they did what they did in the end. The Egyptian way of life did not change Joseph because his loyalites were true to his father and his father's God. He did not bow down to the Egyptian idols or their false (God) kings as he said "even if it meant death, he was never to bow down to another God." This man did not have the internet, or the vast means of communications that we have to day and he didn't trade his poor life for the rich life of the Egyptians. He remained true no matter what the cost. He was not rebellious, or felt that God had allowed this to happen to him so he might as well change and conform to the news ways of the Egyptian with their false Gods and a heart that was filled with darkness and evil ways. He remained true to his God the one and only God and his life was truly blessed all the way to the end. We are tempted to conform to the darkness because we see it as the light. We are being deceived by the prince of the air. We believe that the things that the way that we live our lives in this world to day are exceptable to God and we know deep down inside that they are not. We are not blinded to the truth, we choose not to see the truth, we believe we have "time" to get it right. We tell ourselves that God wants us to have all these things that are pleasing to the body and the soul. But we know, everyone knows inside that we are on a path of complete distruction.
  23. Q4. (Ephesians 4:12) What's wrong with the old model of the minister or pastor being the main worker in the Church? How does it hinder people in the congregation? How does it hurt the community? What is the purpose of pastors and teachers? The church should work like the body does, each having a function. The brain can not act without the other parts of the body. Jesus wants the church to be a functioning body with all parts contributing. A team needs many types of players, each good at what they do, each contributing to the success of team, each teaching other members of the team so that the team is successful in it's endeavors. Without a team effort the church can not function the way Christ intends it to function. You open the door to jealousy, members feeling left out, feeling insecure, bored, not learning, bickering, fighting amongst members and not contributing to the body of the church. This type of church has members that just attend, the body of Christ won't mature into a complete body. God's message won't come across and the community will suffer. The purpose of the pastors and teachers are to equip, prepare and train our members so that they can participate in the growth of the church. Creating a mature body and learning to spread the love of Christ throughout our congregations and communities.
  24. Q3. (Ephesians 4:11) How could a person have the spiritual gift of pastor or teacher without having an official position in a church? What must a church do if its "senior pastor" doesn't have the spiritual gift of pastor? Who gives these gifts? A person could have the spiritual gift of pastor or teacher and not have a official position in the church, the reason for this is because it is not required. What is required of the church is that we serve God. Because first and foremost we must all understand that Jesus is the head of the church. If you understand who you serve than you are not seeking a title or position you know that you are a servant in the House of the Lord. If the senior pastor does not have this spiritual gift we must pray for this individual and for our church so that this gift may be given to this pastor and to others in our congregation. Who gives these gifts, well The Holy Spirit gives these gifts.
  25. Q2. (Ephesians 4:11) How can we stir up the gift of evangelism among members of our congregations? What might be the earmarks of a person with this gift? How can we encourage and stimulate the Spirit-gifted evangelists in our midst? We can stir up the gift of evangelism by learning what an evangelist is and by becoming true evangelist spreading the good news of Christ. We must humble ourselves and offer the use our skills and our talents where needed in our communities, our congregations, spreading the world throughout the land. Evangelist should be examples of Christ, following in his footsteps, teaching as he taught, loving and understanding, living a Christ-like life. Spreading the word where ever it can be spread. As he told the disciples sell all that you have and follow me. One should not be troubled with the things left behind. He should take up his cross and follow Christ learning the ways of God. Traveling and spreading the good news. We can encourage the spirit-gifted evangelist amongst us by learning the ways of evangelism, so that we can too become filled with this gift of evangelism that Christ has given to his followers. We too can spread the word in places where we are making sure that everyone has heard of Christ our Savior. Making sure that we spread the good news of Christ and that many have heard of the good news that Christ is our Savior, that God is merciful and loving and that you too can have the gift of salvation.
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