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Everything posted by parkerslope

  1. Why does Joab slay Abner? Joab was filled with bitterness and anger after Abner had killed his brother, Asahel. So Joab thought that he had a right to kill the one who killed his brother. Is he justified in doing so? There was a law in Israel about killing the one who killed a relative. But Joab killed Abner by deceit. No, he was not justified in doing it the way he did. How does this affect his king's unification plans? It could have destroyed the plans, if David had not tried to separate himself from what Joab did. David did not consider Abner an enemy at that time, but a negotiator of a treaty with Israel and Judah. Why do you think Joab is so blind? Joab must have been away from place of the sealing of the treaty and did not know what had happened. Not knowing, he let his anger grow until he was blind with rage to kill Joab at any cost. How can our spiritual blindness get in the way of God working out His plan in our lives? When we allow the material world around us to infiltrate our soul and we seem to not be able to understand the principle that Jesus taught about anger: do not let anger control you. God is the one who takes care of vengeance for us.
  2. David is gracious in his memorial psalm. How does he remember Saul's life? Having been with Saul in the palace and then fleeing from him. David did not use any negative language in the psalm, but gave him praise for taking care of the nation of Israel as king. How does the Chronicler remember Saul's life? He wrote down the bad things that King Saul did and condemned him as unfaithful to God. How do you think God evaluates Saul's life? God does not look at the outward appearance nor the actions. God looks at the heart of Saul and saw the rebellion and unfaithfulness. God is just in His judgment. What do we learn from this? There are several things that we learn from this section of scripture. As David gave testimony of King Saul and Jonathon, only the good things are mentioned. We are not to look at only the bad things a person does, but also make known all the good that person has done. We have to remember that God is the judge for all people, not us. We are to encourage and lift up other people that we are around.
  3. From the Psalms of David, how does David seem to strengthen himself in the Lord, when things are going bad? David has had many experiences with God in his life and he knows, without a doubt, that the Lord God will listen to him. David has "faith vision" and can see the end result of his faith, in hope. God has always taken care of David and he trusts, He will do the same in every situation. What devotional exercises does he adopt? Whatever is hurting David, he pours out what is on his mind, opens his soul and lets it speak. David knows that God will deliver him and waits on Him. David liked to write down his hurts and praise to let others share in his true worship of the Lord God. What is the focus of his faith? GOD! God alone! God in all His majestic splender!!
  4. Why do the men blame David? David is their leader and made the decision to go with the Philistine army into battle with Saul and the Israelites. The leader of a group, always bears the responsibility for what the group does by his leading. Why is the situation so explosive at this point? David and his men have left the Philistine army and went back home to Ziklag to find it destroyed and their families gone. Having taken 3 days to return home, all were weary and tired and each one wanted to blame someone - their leader, David. What does David do in this situation? David is tired! He has lost his family! He weeps! But he does not let his anger control him and he turns to the Lord God to seek help and comfort. What is David feeling? He is feeling hurt, that he wasn't there to protect the city. He is feeling ashamed that he took his men away from their families. The only way out of despair is to seek his hope in the Lord God. Why doesn't he act immediately? He is wise enough to realize that making decisions when feeling depressed is never the right decision. But most of all he takes the time to seek his master - the Lord God of the Heavens. David needs guidance on what to do.
  5. Why do you think that God condemns occult practices of communicating with the dead and channeling spirits of the dead? All occult practices are the work of Satan. When a person participates in it, he or she is allowing demons to enter your soul and cause you trouble. I know a man who used to be a male medium and he showed pictures of what would happen at séances. It was not good. It was the work of Satan. How might such practices open Christians to victimization and oppression by evil spirits? By going to séances and allowing the evil spirits to control you, you will have the burden of evil spirits in your soul until Jesus drives them out. They will control you and make you do things you do not want to do. What should you do if you have been involved in such practices in the past? Seek out a good Christian friend who will pray with you and study the Bible together. You must repent of all issues involving the occult and not look to it again. Put your full trust in Jesus Christ as your deliverer and follow Him alone.
  6. What do we learn about David's character in this incident with Nabal and Abigail? Abigail's appeal to David, makes him listen to reason not a wounded his wounded soul. The term "bloodguilt" was an important part of David's makeup, and he want to do what was right before God. What do we learn about Abigail's character? Abigail wanted to prevent the killing of her household. She also did not want David to go through with it, so the he could have a clear conscience. In bribing David, she was doing the right thing. Nabal's character? Nabal's character was self righteous and everything centered on him and what gave him pleasure. Why do you think this story is included in 1 Samuel? It shows how David turned from being a possible murder to having a clear conscience. It also shows that Abigail in being persuasive, shows her character to become one of David's wives. What important knowledge does it add to our understanding? Do not be quick to be angry and acting on it. We need to really seek what God wants us to do in each situation that we are in and trust Him.
  7. How do we apply the principle of "not lifting a hand against the Lord's anointed" in our day? The leaders of a congregation of believers is to be respected, even if they do some things wrong or not to your liking. It is just like, I believe, that we must respect the office of President of the United States, even if we do not like what the president is doing. What provisions are there in 1 Timothy 5:19 - 20, for calling leaders to account? Do not hang on to an accusation against an elder, unless you have two or three witnesses to the action. But if proven, bring it first to the person, then to the congregation, so that all will know that if you want to be an elder or leader, you must be accountable. What do you think God will do to those who slander, persecute, and martyr His appointed leaders? We cannot think about it, for it is God's action to give judgment to all people.
  8. Why doesn't David kill Saul when he had the chance? David trusted in God and did not want to kill the king who was anointed by Samuel for God. What motive does he and his men have for killing the king who is trying to kill them? When the king died, the men would no longer be chased and killed. What is David's rationale for sparing Saul? If David killed God's anointed, maybe God would kill him. What does this tell us about David's character? David tried to do God's will at all times. David's conscience would hurt if he tried to do something he thought was wrong - killing king Saul. About his faith? Since the time that God gave him strength to kill the lion and Goliath, David's faith became strong and enduring. Even at this time, as his faith was being tested, David put his trust in God, that he was doing that which was right and righteous. What does it say about David's leadership ability, that he is able to dissuade his men from killing Saul? The men who followed David trusted in his judgment on issues. Because of this, he was able to give understanding to his men about not killing the king, God's anointed.
  9. In these ascriptions to these psalms, how many celebrate happy occasions? I believe that two of these psalms give a positive voice to David: Psalm 18 & 60. How many arise from struggles? I believe that there are 6 of these psalms that have to do with David struggling. What does this tell you about David's relationship with God? David was more ready to write about his struggles and his petitions to God rather than the times he could rejoice in his writings. What does this tell you about his faith during trials? David was totally dependent upon God and His working with him. David wanted to know what God want him to do and was almost always in prayer to God. Which is your favorite among these psalms? Psalm 51 is the one that I can relate to the most. Why? Because it shows the humbleness of David and his being open to God. This is the way I need to be in my repentance and renewing.
  10. Why does Jonathan visit David in the wilderness? I believe it has been a while since Jonathan has seen David and feels that David must be weary from trying to keep away from Saul's army. Jonathan has been traveling with the army and he sees a chance to encourage David and does. What risk is there for David? I assume that the question is about Jonathan coming to see David. And the risk is high, in that someone could have followed Jonathan and found out where David was staying. What risk is there for Jonathan? Someone in Saul's army may not like King Saul much, not care about Jonathan being his son. Then when this person sees Jonathan sneaking out, and follows him to David's camp; he can believe that Jonathan is a traitor. What do you think it meant to David? It was a very strong encouragement that strengthened David's determination to keep alive and not be caught. Have you ever received a visit from a friend when you needed it most? Yes, I have. Sometimes when I feel discouraged, God always sends a visit - a phone call - a scripture, that opens up the flood gates of joy in my heart.
  11. Why does Jonathan visit David in the wilderness? I believe it has been a while since Jonathan has seen David and feels that David must be weary from trying to keep away from Saul's army. Jonathan has been traveling with the army and he sees a chance to encourage David and does. What risk is there for David? I assume that the question is about Jonathan coming to see David. And the risk is high, in that someone could have followed Jonathan and found out where David was staying. What risk is there for Jonathan? Someone in Saul's army may not like King Saul much, not care about Jonathan being his son. Then when this person sees Jonathan sneaking out, and follows him to David's camp; he can believe that Jonathan is a traitor.
  12. What did Abiathar and the ephod have to do with "inquiring of the Lord"? Abiathar was the son of the high priest in Nob and therefore a priest himself. The ephod was the "container" of the Urim and Thummim, which God installed in the Tabernacle for the priests to use to find out God's answer to questions Why did David inquire of the Lord? Any person who believed in God, would want to know what God wanted them to do. So David was asking God which direction he should go in fighting or traveling. What huge advantage does the person have who seeks God's will before acting? When we seek God's will, I believe we are trying to do what God wants us to do, and seeking His wisdom will only help us in our decisions. By laying out our life decisions today with prayer, seeking God's will, we are ahead of the game. How can you find God's will at key points in your life? By prayer and meditation and fasting, we can focus our soul's thoughts on what is before us in our life. God wants to help and guide us if we let Him. Trust God, and He will deliver!
  13. Why were David's men attracted to him? I am sure that many of them had heard of David's ability to lead Saul's army into battle and the victories that came. Then they saw that David was a good leader that was able to elude Saul's men. What did they have in common? King Saul was after all of them for some reason. None of them were safe at their homes. What kind of men were these? David's army consisted of outlaws, rebels, tax evaders, the discontent, and his physical family. They all have a good reason to join with David. What difficulties do you think David probably had in leading them? They had one purpose: keep alive, away from King Saul. But David had to bring their thinking about direction to the one purpose. Most of the men were self directed and David had to change that so they would follow him. And being their leader meant he had to provide all their needs and the needs of their families.
  14. What is the nature of the covenant between David and Jonathan? It is a covenant of mutual agreement. They are close friends - they love each other as brothers - they both understand that God is involved in their relationship. What does David receive? David receives the information from the King's house about the intentions of King Saul. What does Jonathan receive? Jonathan receives the confidence that his family line will not die out. David promises to take care of Jonathan's family when he becomes king. Who benefits most from this covenant? I believe that David benefits most because he is given the chance to live by Jonathan's words. Is it self serving - or not? In a certain way it is because it helps each other, but "it is not self serving" with the thought that it preserved David to be king and Jonathan to have descendants. What is the significance of God being a witness to the covenant? As we know that God knows everything and knows about every covenant that is made. But here emphasis is put upon the presence of God being a witness to what was said, and this makes it more binding in my opinion.
  15. Saul's faith in God, remembering Samuel anointing him as king, had decreased to a minimum, because he did not like the idea of David (1) being anointed as king, (2) being more popular with the people. Jealously defeats faith, especially in God. So Saul continued down the long, dirty road of jealousy, being pushed by the evil spirit in him. When the Holy Spirit comes upon people, they speak what says to them. Remember Balaam when he was asked to curse Israel, all he could say was what God said to him: blessing upon Israel. Even from the New Testament in John 3, we do not know the mind of Holy Spirit and He does His own thing. The two incidents are not related. In the Old Testament, when the Spirit of God came upon people, they prophesied and spoke the words of God. In the New Testament, when the spirit of God came upon people, He was giving them gifts, such as: Healing, Speaking in another language, Interpreting another language that was spoken, Prophesying, and others.
  16. I believe that David's reason for marrying Michal was that he was given the opportunity to kill Philistines who were the enemy of Israel. As can be seen from the text that the dowry was 100 foreskins but David acquired 200. He like destroying the enemies of God.
  17. When the people of Israel began to sing, "Saul has killed thousands, and David has killed ten thousands", Saul became jealous and with the addition of an evil spirit, Saul tried to kill David and couldn't. So Saul promoted him to leader of thousands and sent him into battle to be killed. The result was that David had victory after victory and was praised all the more by the people. David proved to be a great leader and warrior. David's success was wholly based on the fact that God was with him at all times to bless him
  18. From the beginning of creation, the memory banks of man have failed him. God can produce a miracle and in 10 minutes, many who saw it will forget. One of the weak characters of people today is that we can remember all that the world produces, but we do not want to make the effort to include God in our everyday life. It means that God is involved with everyday life with His people. And we need to seek where God is working and go there and work with Him. Our eye sight is very limited to only what we literally see. Faith is seeing the spiritual works being produced by God. If we are Christians, no battle should be ours. We engage the enemy on the spiritual level with the help of God. Facing the false things of this world and openly displaying there deceptiveness. Trust in God overcomes our pride and giving praise to Him is the victory we need.
  19. While David was out in the field tending to the sheep, I am sure he had many opportunities to kill the lions and bears that would attack his sheep. But David knew that his ability was from God and not his own. He trusted God! How lethal is David as a warrior is a good question about his character. He didn't have to have great strength or even endurance. David had the best offensive weapon of all - God. The only answer is that there was no other choice. As Saul's faith in God was very weak, he could see David's faith and trust in God and thought maybe the outcome would be good. Saul's faith was not in David as a boy, but in David as a believer in God. Saul began to believe more after the battle, but it still was not lasting.
  20. Here was Goliath, cursing the Israelites and their God. David was looking at the situation as -- why hasn't Goliath been killed yet. He is not greater than God. David is saying, "I could do it". Eliab is upset because here is David, a younger brother, not even in the army, spreading words that hurt. David was just being himself and Eliab did not like it. David's faith in God began as he faced the lion and killed it. He believed that God was greater and more powerful than any person. Eliab was only looking at what physically could be done to Goliath. He was weak in trust of God.
  21. -From Saul's perspective, why is David summoned to court? The Holy Spirit had left Saul and an evil spirit entered him to make him miserable. And David, being a harp player, was asked to come to court to sooth Saul's spirit and make him feel better. Music touches the heart and can either make the heart feel better or worse. -From God's perspective, what seems to be the reasons for this service in Saul's court? This is a time when David could learn about the things that go on in the royal court. David was an outdoors man and it took an adjustment to be fitted for the royal courts. -What things tend to prevent us from learning from God in the midst of the circumstances in which we find ourselves? Situations that trouble us, sometimes end up with blaming God instead of ourselves. We must put our full trust in God at all times with every situation and take responsibility for decision in it. -What might make us more teachable? We can be more teachable by being humble and seeking God and to be filled with more of the Spirit of God. We do not know it all and we need to be true disciples.
  22. What is the significance of Samuel anointing David? It is God's way of saying, "This is the man". And also shows others that by Samuel, God's servant, anointing David, that David will be the next King after King Saul dies. What is the significance of the Holy Spirit coming upon David? David was no longer just a shepherd of sheep, but the shepherd of the nation of Israel, when King Saul died. Holy Spirit was to instruct David in the ways of God. All people do not know the way of God until the Holy Spirit has entered them. How does this explain his success? God, by the Holy Spirit, kept Saul away from David. And the Holy Spirit gave David guidance in being King and his writing of the Psalms. How is the Holy Spirit upon us vital for our own success as disciples? With the Holy Spirit in us, we can learn the true riches of Jesus as well as the works that God wants us to do. He also is a down payment for our home in glory with God. He is our hope in this world for the next.
  23. How does this story teach us the importance of listening carefully to God's voice? People look at the outward appearance of a person and judge them by what they see. God can see the attitude and motives of people and know what moves them to be what they are. When God speaks to us about another person, we must listen! What is our instinctive way of discerning? We can know by knowing what the Bible says about things and our listening to God. How is God teaching us to discern? By experiences of life blended together with knowledge of the Bible will help us in our discernment of each situation. How do we learn to listen to the Spirit? We learn by praying, reading the scriptures, and meditating on the things above.
  24. What is rebellion? Rebellion is taking control of my life after I have already given it to Jesus. It is leading a life that is completely control by self. In what way is rebellion as bad as witchcraft or occult practices? In witchcraft and in occult practices, the participates center their worship on Satan as the god that is in control of their own life. Idolatry is practiced and God is not given any credit for their life. What does rebellion have to do with arrogance? "I want my way." When we become Christians, we turn control of our life over to Jesus and let Holy Spirit be our guide in life every day. Arrogance causes us to take if away from Jesus and do our own thing. That is rebellion! What can we do when we find rebellion against God in our hearts? Repent immediately! In humility, give control of your life back to Jesus and surrender your soul completely. What if we do not repent? If our life continues in rebellion until death, then we are lost with the devil.
  25. Dr. Ralph Wilson. thank you for a challenging study about Jesus' church. As I was not able to complete the study, I still gained much insight into the direction the church must go. Last October, I was once again called on to preach until we are able to call another preacher to be with us, so I have started to preach through the "Letters of Paul" starting with Galatians. I started the Book of Ephesians in January 2012. The study of "the vision of the church" has inspired me to put forth a vision in the Neighborhood Church of Christ where I am now preaching. So on January 29, 2012, I am presenting what I feel, through prayer, a vision of what our congregation can do in 6 months time. It has to do with the physical -building - and the spiritual. I have had many great teachers in my life from you, Dr. Wilson back to the days of Bible College, and my outlook on the Church world wide is optimistic, because I know who is in charge and what God is going to do with Jesus' church. How firmly I now believe that the church is only spiritual has come in degrees and it has been difficult to get others to fully understand that Christians are the church and not that building down the street. The "church" is healthy, spiritually, because of the grace and mercy of God. And I feel that we continually want to put God on our level of doing things, when He can do anything. I worry about problems in my congregation, until I remember, "It's Jesus' church". And where do I stop praising God for His great mercy upon me, "OF little faith", and to move on to more trust in Him who has created us to glorify Him. Thanks again, Dr. Ralph Wilson, for the lessons I have taken. I will join a study again when I am not so busy.
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