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Q2. (Romans 5:13, 20) What is Paul saying in these verses? Can there be sin without law? Yes because God is unchanging and what displeases Him today displeased Him before; but without the law, we would not know how holy our God is and how sinful we really are. In what sense does the "trespass increase" (5:20) when the law is present? The knowledge of our own sinfulness increases because the law exposes it. We have to realize that we can not justify ourselves before God by our good works and that we need a Savior. As we apprehend God's holiness we understand what Jesus did for us and praise Him.
Q2. Rejoicing in Our Sufferings
noksidam replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. We Now Have Peace with God (Romans 5:1-11)
Q2. (Romans 5:2-5) According to this passage why should we rejoice in our sufferings and tribulations? One by one, what is the importance to our lives of: perseverance, tried character, and hope? According to this passage why should we rejoice in our sufferings and tribulations? "...we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope." (Rom 5:3-4) One by one, what is the importance to our lives of: perseverance: without it we would quit at the first difficulties along the way. tried character: fruit of perseverance results in a mature Christian life. It makes us able to guide others through difficult times by relying on our experiences. hope: is what makes us persevere and fight the good fight. "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day -
Q1. Faith and Justification
noksidam replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. We Now Have Peace with God (Romans 5:1-11)
Q1. (Romans 5:1-2) According to verses 1-2, faith is a key to salvation. For Abraham (4:3), what was the relationship between faith and justification? For us (5:1-2), what is the relationship between faith and justification? In your own words, just what does it mean to be justified? Abraham trusted God and by doing this he was made righteous in God's sight. We are also made righteous in God's sight when we trust in Jesus and believe that He has died to atone for our sins. We understand we cannot work for our justification and learn to humbly rely on Jesus' finished work on the cross. We trust God and are made righteous in His sight. For me, to be justified, means that I can rest assured in God's love for me; that I can quit trying to earn my salvation and learn to humbly rely on God in my life. My "default mode is religion" (work for righteousness) and Satan tries to convince me that more needs to be done for me to be justified but it is a lie. Jesus Christ did it all on the cross. The trust I have in Him cleanses me from my past, present and future sins and the undeserved love that God has shown me enables me to love my fellow humans and bring forth fruits. -
Q5. Why should Christians look forward to the events surrounding our resurrection? Our Christian's hope is build on it. Why do you think Christians have largely lost this as their active expectation and hope? We tend to concentrate more on earthly matters. What should be done to reclaim these truths? Teach them more.
Q1. What is the word used in the Bible instead of "rapture"? resurrection When will the resurrection take place in relation to Christ's return? In relation to judgment? In relation to glory? (This is NOT the place to debate various theories of the rapture and the millennium.) Christ will return, the dead in Christ will raise first then those still alive. Then the unbelievers. All will be judged by Christ who will separate the righteous from the wicked.
Q4. The Prayer of Surrender
noksidam replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. David's Psalm of Surrender (Psalm 139)
Q4. (139:23-24) Why is this prayer of surrender to God so difficult to pray? When was the first time you prayed this kind of prayer to God? What was the result? Can a person be a genuine disciple without praying this kind of prayer? It is difficult to surrender to His examination. It is embarrassing and convicting. It hurts to know how sinful we are and our nature rebells against this "enlightenment". But it is the only way to salvation: to understand that we need a Savior. -
Q3. Intricate Prenatal Weaving
noksidam replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. David's Psalm of Surrender (Psalm 139)
Q3. (139:13-16) How is an awareness of God's involvement in your prenatal development meant to encourage you? It means that I am desired and have a role to play in His great Plan. What might this mean to a young woman carrying a child? A young father-to-be? It should be encouraging and make us realize how precious life really is and should be treated with respect. Why is such knowledge overwhelming to us? How could it not be overwhelming that God, the creator of the universe, "God, the blessed and only Ruler, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see" (Tim. 6,15-16)is interested in me? -
Q2. Touched by the Hand of God
noksidam replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. David's Psalm of Surrender (Psalm 139)
In verses 5 and 10, how does God's hand touch the psalmist? He is surrounded, protected and guided. Have you ever felt God's hand on you in a special way? Yes I have, even if I did not know it then. Was it for your good? What was it like? Yes, God protected and guided me even before I knew that there was a God. He loved me first. He is always here if only I can listen to the still small voice. -
Q1. Fleeing from God
noksidam replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. David's Psalm of Surrender (Psalm 139)
Q1. (139:7) Why do people sometimes want to flee from God? To keep their sins in the dark (John 3, 19) Why do people imagine that God doesn't know what they do? I don't know. They delude themselves to stay in darkness. Have you ever felt this way? No I am always aware of God and mostly not very proud of myself. Sometimes I am tempted to keep my sins in the dark though I know it can not be done; I feel convicted and have to repent. -
Q5. (1 Corinthians 15:58) What does being steadfast and immovable have to do with the hope of the resurrection? Why is our labor not in vain in the Lord? We are steadfast and immovable because we are sure of the magnificent life to come. Our work is not in vain because He is worth it and gives us life.
Q4. What assurance do you have that you will be physically resurrected rather than experience disembodied immortality? What does it mean that Jesus is the "firstfruits" (1 Corinthians 15:20) and "firstborn" (Revelation 1:5) from the dead? Christ did not come back as a disembodied spirit. He has open the way for us who trust in Him.
Q3. How does Christ's death and resurrection provide an analogy for baptism according to Romans 6:3-5 and Colossians 2:12? According to Ephesians 2:4-6, while being "raised with Christ" is still spiritual, not physical, in what way does this union impart real spiritual power? In baptism we partake to the death and burial of Jesus. The death of our old sinful life. When we come up out of the water we rise to a new life in Christ and as children of God. The Holy Spirit is working in us to form us in the likeness of the Son.