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Darleen Nelson

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About Darleen Nelson

  • Birthday 07/07/1931

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    Cleveland, Tx.
  • Interests
    I am a retired school teacher spending several hours a day tutoring to add to my income. I am interested in reading, computer, and visiting with friends. I am a member of the Assembly of God church where I work as developer of our Sunday bulletin and telephone contact person. I have a busy,active live and praise the Lord that this is possible.

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  1. Those who have not accepted Christ and His offered salvation will not be a part of this "new creation". They will be lost forever. Holy living is a part of accepting Jesus just as acccepting a person or an idea affects your natural life. No one contnues in a way of life that is offensive to a truly loved friend and no one will refuse to follow the standards of living a Godly life once they accept His gift of salvaiton.
  2. Christ sees the Church as spotless, washed clean by His blood. She is perfect in every way just as when created by God.
  3. The water represents eternal life just as it did when Jesus told the Samaritan woman about it. It is the fullness of life with God and the eternal blessings this contains. The invitation to come to recieve this blessing has been placed in our hands and we must see it is delivered. People must be told so they can respond and receive thier salvation.
  4. No one will be seeking God as many do now but His physical presence will be right in the midst of us. God actually will communicate with His creation as He has always wanted to. I will be happy with the earthly things being removed particularilyl this pain I have seena and even what I have experienced. I will praise Him particularily for the absence of pain.
  5. It would affect me just as it does now as I believe there is a good chance He will be coming in my lifetime. I want to keep my relationship with Hm active and remain close. I really don't think I would do anything differently but perhaps more intently, with more determination. I would share the joyful expectation that He will soon return.
  6. The Bible tells us if we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and confess Him withour mouth we shall be saved. This is just the beginning. If we believe and are saved we will act like it. We will walk the walk and talk the talk. We will carry out the great commission, "Go and teach all nations". We will put God first in our lives and make all decisions based on the Word. We will love as He loves, help as He helps and walk in the way He walks. Our first and last and every thought of the day should be "What does God's Word tell us about that?" All decisions should be made based on the Word and after prayer. To my mind theree then is no question of where my name is written.
  7. The things surrounding us are passing and should merit little attention. People who are not under God's grace and protection will discover all the things they have counted on and trusted in are gone. Those who have accepted Jesus as "King of kings and Lord of lords will be secure in the only thing that counts in the New World, faith in God and the salvation He has provided through His Son which is available for the taking.
  8. We are admonished to be ready if we want to be included in the wedding feast. Our garments must be the righteousness of God in order to be accepted as a bride. The wedding supper is the climax of a life lived for God and the result of the salvation provided by Jesus' death on the cross and resurrection.
  9. It is frightening because it is so final and unchangeable. Everyone is held accountable for things they could have changed if they had only listened. People want to believe a kind and loving God would not punish in this way but the knowledge of this punishment is widely spread, the solution proven and the results predicted.
  10. I think we need to live in this world bearing our banners as being one of those who stand out as being different. I don't think we should isolate ourselves from the world but use our lives to show unsaved people what the difference is between a believer and a non-believer. I am reading Jerry Jenkins' book "Soon"where the Christians, in order to remain living and working for God, had to go underground. Tthey had powerful forces looking for them in order to destroy them and their testimony. The way the world explains away God's miracles in the book make for intersting reading. I am wondering though how long I could hide my Christian beliefs. My esponse of "Praise the Lord" when I hear a good report would have to be changed. My response to a need "Would you like me to pray with ou" would have to be curbed. I would have to hide or give up my 15 to 20 Bibles. Actually the focus of my life would be moved and the adjustment would be difficult. My prayer is "Come soon Lord Jesus".
  11. Everlasting punishment is so difficult for us Christians to accept because we are created in God's image and from the start realize there is something missing in our lives if that void is not filled. You may try other things but there is a God spot in your spirit which is not satisfied with anything else you may try to put in there. The idea of being forever separated from God is something we cannot comprehend. The portion of the spirit which is seeking God will never be filled in any other way except by acceptance of Christ as our Savior and God as our Father. In this life there is always the chance to repent and get in right standing with God, but in eternity this chanceis gone. Everyone is given the chance to choose Jesus but after death it is too late. You have no more choices.
  12. The 140,000 represent those who endured persecution and came out victorious and are now ready to enjoy the fruits of their faithfulness. Their robes have been washed clean in the blood of the lamb. They are spiritually pure as they remained to Jesus and have received God's reward for faithfulness which is available to all who believe and receive.
  13. Worship should life up the name of the Lord, the Words and meaning should be clearly understandable not like some of the contemporary songs where the words are underplayed and the music takes over so they can't even be heard. The songs that come to my mind are Holy, Holy, Holy; How Great Thou Art; Love Lifed Me; Oh, God our Help in Agest Past, O Come all ye Faithful, I Come to the Garden Alone; Rock of Ages. There really are too many of them to list. Many of the new choruses and praise songs will fit in this category also. Songs that lift your Spirit and draw you closer to God.
  14. Throughout time there have been those who were hostile to everything God stands for. We must not label any person as the antichrist or try to predict Crist's return as even Christ doesn't know. No one knows but the Father when this will be. We must be ready daily for Christ's return We have no need to fear what lies ahead as long as our faith is strong and we know that our hope is that ultimately God's control over the atnichrist will win out. False miracles wll draw non-believers in their web and cause them to trust in the antichrist. satan will use this power to lead people away from God. If people say no
  15. To the Christian death is victory. We are removed from this world to live in the Heavenly realm. What greater victory can there be? It is the blood of the Lamb which gives us our passagge way to Heaven. Our natural instinct is not to leave family and frieds but what a better place we go to. And to th ink of all the old friends we will se again what a glorious day it will be.
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