Why did Moses blame God for his troubles? Why are Moses and Aaron so stubborn, do you think? Was it fear? Was it unbelief?
Although Moses is well advanced in years, I see him as a relatively "young" believer. The miracles he witnesses in his life come AFTER this point. (Argumentatively, his own life is a miracle, but he was a baby when that happened) Remember, Moses has been a shepherd because he killed a man for beating up a Hebrew. Now, because of his request of Pharaoh to let the Israelites go, his foremen are being beaten and his people are being subject to even harder slave labor than previously. His heart is breaking for his people, and he has "little" life experience is miracles, let's say, to be bold and courageous. So, his answer is to blame God, forget his promises, etc. Oh, ye of so little faith! But, I can't blame Moses, because I have found myself playing the same blame game for much less than going against a tyrant and having an entire race of people angry at me. Moses stubborn? No. Moses scared? Most definitely! Unbelief? Not in God, but in God's power.
Why does God have to command Moses and Aaron?
I feel God has to command Moses and Aaron because it's good parenting on God's part! Sometimes our "children" refuse to do the right thing, whether out of stubborness or fear. As a mother, I know my child must do the right thing in order to come out on the other side in victory, or as a stronger, moral person. God knew the means and outcome of the Exodus. Moses and Aaron just needed that kick from behind to get them to the other side. [/font]