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Everything posted by IvoryEagle
Q1. David's Song of Praise
IvoryEagle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 13. The Legacy of David (2 Samuel 21-1 Kings 2)
What do you find the most inspiring in the language of this psalm? THE TOTALITY OF TRUST AND TRIUMPH BECAUSE OF GOD IN HIS LIFE. What encourages you the most? REGARDLESS OF THE CIRCUMSTANCES OR OUTCOMES, GOD IS THERE WITH HIS OWN. Write down all the various titles and metaphors used of God in this psalm: SEE BELOW!! I will love You, O Lord, my strength. 2 The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. 3 I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised; So shall I be saved from my enemies. -
Q4. Joab's Character
IvoryEagle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. David’s Exile from Jerusalem (15:13-20:26)
What does this passage teach us about David's character and faith? David has strong faith and a warrior's character. What does it reveal about Joab's character? As ruthless as he is; he makes results oriented decisions and executes them, literally!! What kind of faith do you see in Joab? He is his own faith. What does this passage teach us about the importance of friends? We can't do anything without them. Is Joab really David's friend? He is a warrior first but no doubt has David's best interest in mind at all times. Yes, he is a friend indeed. -
Q3. Absalom, My Son!
IvoryEagle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. David’s Exile from Jerusalem (15:13-20:26)
Why does David command mercy for Absalom in the battle? HE IS FIRST A FATHER AND THEN A KING!!!!! Why does Joab kill him against David's orders? HE UNDERSTOOD DAVID AND HE UNDERSTOOD REALITY; MOSTLY, HE UNDERSTOOD ABSALOM; IT HAD TO BE DONE. How does David's loud mourning threaten his kingdom? IT SHOWED MISGUIDED LOYALTY AND A THREAT TO THE KINGDOM. What does this say about his followers' loyalty? UNRELENTING!! What does it say about David's faith? STRONG FAITH; STRONG FATHERHOOD! About his weaknesses? AS MOST PEOPLE, CHILDREN ARE A CHINK IN THE BEST ARMOR. -
Q2. Seeking Mercy
IvoryEagle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. David’s Exile from Jerusalem (15:13-20:26)
Why doesn't David silence Shimei son of Gera from cursing him? "David doesn't want to put himself in the place of opposing God. Notice again David's trust in God's mercy.." Is this a political decision or a spiritual decision? SPIRITUAL What does it tell us about David's faith? UNRELENTING!! -
Q1. Evacuating Jerusalem
IvoryEagle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 12. David’s Exile from Jerusalem (15:13-20:26)
Why does David flee Jerusalem rather than stay and fight? HE IS UNPREPARED FOR WAR. What are David's emotions during this retreat? REPENTENCE, SORROR, AND CONCERN FOR HIS PEOPLE. Why doesn't he take the ark with him into exile? TWO REASONS, ONE FOR GOD AND NEXT FOR HIM: 1) THE ARK IS FOR JERUSALEM'S COVERING & 2) IT CAN SERVE A USEFUL PURPOSE OF SPYING FOR DAVID. Does this exhibit faith, fatalism, or submission? FAITH What does this tell us about his faith? UNRELENTING.. -
What are the elements of Absalom's public relations campaign to win over the people to his side? RAISE HIMSELF UP, SHOW FAVOR TO THE PEOPLE, AND PUT HIS FATHER DOWN. How effective is it? VERY What should David have done differently? BROUGHT HIM BACK WITH CONDITIONS AND CONTROLS Which of David's weaknesses does Absalom exploit? TRUST, TOLERANCE, AND LOVE OF FAMILY; WANTS TO SEE THE GOOD IN FAMILY
Why do you think David doesn't discipline his son Amnon for his sexual assault on his half-sister? EMBARRASSED, GUILTY OF HIS OWN SEXUAL SINS, NO EMPATHY FOR WOMEN, AND JUST PLAIN WEAK WHEN IT COMES TO HIS FAMILY What are the consequences of David's inaction? A SHAMED DAUGHTER WHO COULD ONLY LOSE FAITH IN HER FATHER AND A PROVOKED SCHEMING SON.
What punishment does David deserve? DEATH What does he get instead? DEATH OF HIS SON AND STRIFE FOR UPCOMING SONS How does this punishment relate to the provisions of the Davidic Covenant in 2 Samuel 7:14-15? HIS LINE WILL STILL RULE BUT THE ROD OF GOD WILL ALWAYS BE PRESENT TO HOLD THEM ACCOUTABLE IF THEY GET OUT OF LINE. How do David's sins hurt God's glory? IT SENDS THE SIGNAL THAT IT IS GOD WHO SHOULD NOT BE TRUSTED INSTEAD OF MAN. MAN IS GOD'S REPRESENTATIVE TO UNBELIEVERS. How do our sins reflect on Jesus Christ? IT MAKES A MOCKERY OF HIS DEATH.
Q3. Confrontation
IvoryEagle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. David's Rise, Fall, and Punishment (2 Samuel 8-12)
Why might it be dangerous for Nathan the prophet to confront the king? THE KING HAS THE POWER TO HAVE HIM KILLED IF HE DOES NOT LIKE HOW WHAT HE SAYS MAKES HIM FEEL. What device does Nathan employ get the king to listen to him? PROJECTION!! HE SAW IT IN SOMEONE ELSE FIRST, AND THEN HIMSELF. HE HAD ALREADY CONDEMNED HIMSELF. How does David's condemnation of the rich man's greed help him acknowledge and condemn his own actions? THE LOGIC WAS OVER; ALL THAT WAS LEFT WAS ACCOUNTABILITY AND LEADERSHIP. -
Q2. Adultery and Murder
IvoryEagle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. David's Rise, Fall, and Punishment (2 Samuel 8-12)
How can a "man after God's own heart" do something so ugly, so despicable as this -- first adultery and then murder by proxy to cover it up? HE IS HUMAN, HE IS A MAN, HE IS POWERFUL!! What does this teach us about our human condition? THE FLESH RULES! What is our problem as humans? WHAT IS MEANT FOR GOOD IS OFTENTIMES USED FOR BAD WITH "WHAT SEEMS RIGHT IN OUR OWN MINDS." How can David ever recover his integrity after this? GOD HAS A PLAN!! -
Q1. Mephibosheth
IvoryEagle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 10. David's Rise, Fall, and Punishment (2 Samuel 8-12)
Why does David honor Mephibosheth? To GLADLY keep his covenant with Jonathan. What does this teach us about David's character? Rock solid!! -
Q4. Messianic Fulfillment
IvoryEagle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7)
The Davidic kingdom did end in 587 BC -- temporarily. How did God fulfill his promises in the Davidic Covenant? HE GOT PERSONALLY INVOLVED IN THE CREATION. In what ways is it fulfilled in Christ? JOHN 3:16... -
Q3. Discipline and Covenant
IvoryEagle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7)
There is a conditional aspect in the Davidic Covenant -- that God will discipline David's descendants when they sin. How did God discipline David and his descendants? LOSS OF A CHILD AND STRIFE IN THE FAMILY. -
Q2. The Unconditional Covenant
IvoryEagle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7)
What are the main promises of the Davidic Covenant? PEACE, POWER, & POPULARITY Are these promises conditional or unconditional? ALWAYS Why does conditionality make a difference? GOD NEVER ENDORSES PEOPLE WHO DO NOT KNOW HIM AND LIVE ACCORDING TO HIS WILL. Which of these promises is most important to you as a Christian? IT WILL LIVE ON FOREVER!! -
Q1. Premature Approval
IvoryEagle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 9. The Davidic Covenant (2 Samuel 7)
Why is Nathan so quick to give David approval to build the temple? ASSUMMING BECAUSE GOD HAS BEEN WITH DAVID; HE IS WITH DAVID ON EVERYTHING-BLANKET APPROVAL. What should have Nathan done instead? INQUIRE OF GOD. What is the danger of leaders and followers too quickly approving major spiritual directions without really waiting upon the Lord? WRONG DIRECTIONS BY LEADERS COULD ENDANGER THE FOLLOWERS. David's heart is partly right about building the temple though. Which part does David have right? A TEMPLE NEEDS TO BE BUILD BUT THE TIMING IS NOT RIGHT OR THE PERSON. -
Q4. Bitterness
IvoryEagle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6)
What has happened to Michal that she is so bitter at David? Lost her father and her brothers. Torn away from a man who loved her to play seven to a man she did not understand. Did not understand a man who had only known "the common life." Royalty was her birthright and her life. How does her bitterness cause her to misjudge what she sees? All of the above caused her to feel bitter. Are you bitter towards God about something in your past? No. What effect might it have on your spiritual life? I am not bitter; I understand accountability and I understand choices; mostly,I understand God. How can you find healing from the bitterness? Stay in prayer and expectation. What would have happened if David had conformed his worship expression to his wife's preferences? He would have died internally as it would have gone against who he was. He would not have emerged as "a man after God's own heart." It woiuld have severely impacted his legacy of love for God. -
Q3. Worshiping Freely
IvoryEagle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6)
How would you describe David's approach to worship? Heartfelt and unabashed!! No boundaries. What does his dancing here teach us? God wants it all; what we feel He wants us to express. What do we learn about praise from the psalms he wrote? It was and is all about God; no boundaries. Does what others might think affect your ability to worship? No, the key is to go where God is God and not man's agenda. How has God been working in your life to teach you to worship him in spirit and in truth? He just shows up in my life at every turn; His presence is never ignored or taken for granted. Discovery is the way and to do that, we must be in a perpetual mode of expectation and anticipation!!! -
Q2. God's Way
IvoryEagle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6)
How should the ark have been transported? According to instructions from God, which includes the Levites... How are Uzzah and David responsible if they don't know the provisions of the Mosaic Law? The made the assumption that they knew. It did not eradicate the fact that they directions were there for there discovery and implementation. What does David's mistake in this incident teach us about seeking to do God's will? It is not just a good idea, it is the only idea when seeking to do God's will; inquire of God. "If a man wants wisdom, ask God..." -
Q1. Striking Uzzah
IvoryEagle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. David Brings the Ark to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6)
Why does God strike Uzzah? Because of what Uzzah did because of what he did NOT know. Accountability enforced anyway. Why is David so angry? He had heartfelt intentions, had garned a broad selection of people in honor of God; yet he was humiliated, disappointed, confused, and stunned. -
Why does David inquire of the Lord before he attacks the Philistines the first time? TO ENSURE THAT ATTACKING THE PHILISTINES AFTER THEY HAD OFFERED HIM REFUGE DURING HIS FLIGHT FROM SAUL WAS THE RIGHT THING TO DO. What would have happened if he thought he knew how to attack the Philistines, and didn't inquire of the Lord the second time? SINCE THE PHILISTINES HAD "REVIEWED THE TAPE" OF THE FIRST BATTLE; HE WOULD HAVE BEEN DEFEATED. Why do we often want to figure out the process so we can act independently, rather than wait on God as a way of life? PRIDE!! FEAR THAT ASKING A SECOND TIMES INDICATES WE DID NOT "GET IT" THE FIRST TIME, OR JUST HUMAN. What does that say about God? HE WILL LET US DO WHAT WE CHOOSE, EVEN IF IT IS NOT HIM. What does that say about us? WE MUST RELY ON GOD AND DILIGENTLY SEEK TO KNOW AND FOLLOW HIS DIRECTION.
Q2. Patience
IvoryEagle replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. David Becomes King and Conquers Jerusalem (2 Samuel 2-5)
Approximately how long has it been since David had been anointed king by Samuel? I would say 15 years. "David was thirty years old when he became king, and he reigned forty years. (See Appendix 4. Chronology of the Life of David.) Why did the fulfillment of God's word take so long? ONLY GOD KNOWS FOR SURE; PERHAPS TO ENSURE HE WOULD NOT BE LIKE Ish-Bosheth, DEPENDING ON SOMEONE STRONGER TO LEAD HIM. BY THE TIME HE TOOK OVER HIS KINGDOM, HE WAS WELL ABLE TO LEAD, WITH ONE EXCEPTION: FAMILY ACCOUNTABILITY. How would you evaluate David's patience concerning this prophecy that he would be king? PHENOMENAL How would you measure your own patience concerning what you believe God has promised you? PHENOMENAL!!!!!!! -
Why does Joab slay Abner? HE KILLED HIS BROTHER IN SELF DEFENSE. Is he justified in doing so? ABSOLUTELY NOT. How does this affect his king's unification plans? TAINTED A PERFECT PLAN. Why do you think Joab is so blind? HUMAN WEAKNESS OF "REVENGE." How can our spiritual blindness get in the way of God working out His plan in our lives? BLINDED BY OUR OWN FEELINGS AND PLANS; THE WAY GETS CLOUDY AND GOD'S PLAN GETS DERAILED.
David is gracious in his memorial psalm. How does he remember Saul's life? ONE OF A WARRIOR AND A LEADER. How does the Chronicler remember Saul's life? DISOBEDIENCE TO GOD. How do you think God evaluates Saul's life? ONE OF MISGUIDED FAITH. What do we learn from this? THE ONE AND ONLY GOD SHOULD BE OUR FOCUS.