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Everything posted by IvoryEagle

  1. http://www.joyfulheart.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/wink.gif
  2. "The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, 'Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!'" (John 1:29)
  3. Why do you think it took Moses so long to delegate his judicial role to others? He did not know he could or should. What were the qualifications of these judges? The qualifications: Exodus 18:21.[/b] Capable. God-fearing, that is, those who revere God. Honest, trustworthy, who not only refuse bribes, but hate the very idea. Accountable. They share the task with Moses, rather than displacing him. Moses remains the ultimate judge in the system How is Moses’ role similar to the role of leaders in Ephesians 4:11-12? Very similar. Roles broken down for manageability. What is the importance of the anointing of the Spirit in Christian leadership? It is God's business; His business principles should be applied. In addition, the "product" in Christian leadership is the human soul attached to Eternity. It is precious cargo that must be handled with care. God is serious about souls! "I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance." Luke 15:7 (NKJV)
  4. Why did God provide manna for the people? Two reasons: They needed food and to demonstrate He would take care of them. Why did the manna finally cease? The same reason a mother's milk ceases; the baby is old enough to transition to a new level of feeding. Why do you think that the people gradually began to take the manna for granted? Familiarity breeds contempt. What provision of God are you taking for granted? None. I am fully aware that "nothing just happens." I thank God that while there are levels of living that would appear to be more secure; the real security lies in the fact that God has provided all that I need. Day by day, moment by moment, I never forget what Solomon says in Ecclesiastes 9:2, that "anything can happen to anybody, including me." The Grace of God is my security.
  5. Why can grumbling against a leader really be a symptom of grumbling against the Lord? Because we must recognize that God knows all that is going on. Sometimes, even as the leader is not acting according to our expectations, we must recognize that God sees that and will deal with the leader in his own way and in His own time. Just as Pharoah was the leader, God was hardening his heart so His Glory would be greatly revealed. The leader was wrong, dead wrong; but it was God's battle, not the peoples'. It is not up to us. Our job is to stay in the Word and govern ourselves according to it. Are there any cases where this might not be true? Perhaps. It was true when the Midwives refused to kill the male children in disobedience to Pharoah. Pharoah's daughter was also in contempt when she chose to raise Moses as her son when her father had a mandate out to kill all of the Hebrew boys. And don't forget about Rahab and Joshua. Sometimes, we just have to know the plan, the Word and the Will of God; at that time the Spirit will guide us to act according to the Spirit. Why do leaders tend to take complaints so personally? For the same reason they attempt to play God, ego. It never occurs to them that God speaks to anyone but them. They wink at God in their own transgressions and are shocked when God acts on His Word against them. In fact, His judgment starts with them. Because judgment starts in the position of leadership; more of God's Glory is displayed just as with Pharoah. What does it take to learn that "it's not about you." Stay in the Word and say those words "it is not my battle, it is the Lord's. I shall stand back and watch Him work as only He can. It is not about me; it never has been."
  6. What are the reasons that people grumble and complain? Because the can. They are conditioned to complain. Their approach to relief. How do fear and faith relate to grumbling? With Faith, there is no need to grumble. With fear, there is no Faith. What symptoms of grumbling do you see in your own life? Becoming disenchanted at God's appointed leaders and those who follow them. What should you do about it? Remember what Jesus told Peter when asked about John: "What is it to you..." " When Peter saw him, he said to Jesus, "Lord, what about this man?" Jesus said to him, "If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow me!" (John 21:18-22)
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