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  1. I definitely saw Moses in myself back in 2003 when although I felt called to be a Lay Reader I too had doubts and perhaps didn't trust enough in God at that time to give me the strength I needed to what he had called me to do. I am pleased to say that I go through the necessary three year training and was licensed as a Reader at Southwark Cathedral in October 2006.
  2. Q3. (Exodus 4:13-14a) Why is God angry with Moses? What is Moses' basic sin? Unbelief, fear, or disobedience? Has the Lord ever been angry with you, do you think? How did Moses appease God's anger? God is initially angry with Moses for his lack of faith and trust in Him and for not wanting to be the leader that God wanted him to be. Moses' basic sin is his disobedience. Yes I am sure that the Lord has been angry with me on many occasions for my stubbornness or lack of faith on occasions. Although Moses didn't want to be the leader God wanted him to be he still agreed to go to Egypt anyway
  3. Q2. (Exodus 3:10-12) Does Moses' response to God's call reflect a low self image, true humility, or lack of faith? How does God reassure him? How does God reassure us when we are called to impossible situations? Moses shows all threeresponses to God not only one trait - he lacked in all three of these. God reassured Moses by telling him that he would not be doing it along and that he (God) would be him all the time and that he would be his words. God reassures us by the fact that we know he is always there to help us whenever we are in need, although sometimes we, like Moses, forget this and lack in the same self image, lack of faith and true humility that Moses did.
  4. Q1. (Exodus 2:11-15a) What do we learn about Moses
  5. Q4. Why are we so afraid to obey God when he puts on our heart to do something decisive? How are we to deal with fear when we feel it? What is the relationship of fear to courage? Why is courage required in leaders and disciples? I think we are afraid sometimes to obey God because it is part of our human feelings naturally as well as the fact that we most likely forget that these decisions are not just down to us but and that we will be supported all the way through by God. It is all down to us putting our complete trust in God, which we don't always find easy to do. When we do feel fear it is important that we do turn to God and allow him to help us but more importantly put our complete trust in God to see us through whatever is causing us to be fearful. In my own personal experience fear and courage have gone together many a time. I have feared a situation which is taking me out of my comfort zone but then with the help of God I have been given the courage throughout this transition to overcome that fear.
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