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Everything posted by mrenquist
Q2. Entering the Kingdom
mrenquist replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Spirit and the Kingdom (John 3:1-21)
Q1. Spiritual Kingdom
mrenquist replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Spirit and the Kingdom (John 3:1-21)
We know the Kingdom of God is not of this world. What we have in this world lives in our hearts and mind. Nicodemus addresses Jesus as Rabbi because he is impressed by his teaching. Nicodemus rec -
What does Jesus teach us about the value and worth of the Kingdom? Why are we tempted to value it so little? What helps us to appreciate its true value? How might your testimony help a seeking friend to value the Kingdom more? The value of the kingdom is worth more than anything on earth we can value. We are tempted by worldly things because they are the now thinking the kingdom will be there later for us. Its tru value can be appreciated by following Jesus on a spiritual journey. To enjoy his company, his presence. To be taught along the way by his Word and Spirit. To become part of his great extended family, the Body of Christ throughout the world. And to be filled with hope in the closing days of our journey as we know his promises and feel his comfort within us. We should lead/influence others by our example.
Q3. Follow Me!
mrenquist replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Costliness of the Kingdom (Mt 13:44-46; Mk 10:17-24)
Why is poverty and self-sacrifice an inadequate religion? Why does Jesus ask the man to follow him? In what senses was this a great privilege that the man was offered? Why did he reject the offer? Poverty and self-sacrifice are inadequate unless you are following a heart true to God. To follow Jesus would be such a privilage to be in his presence, to learn his teaching, to fall in love with him completely. He rejects the offer because his wealth is more important, he cannot sacrifice. -
We fear because we sense that we are not fully surrendered, that's why. Jesus' words to the rich young ruler are quite consistent with what he has been saying to his disciples throughout his journeys: ng We must admit our sins, repent and follow the teaching of Jesus. Our hearts must be completely dedicated to loving, praising and worshiping Jesus. All wordly goods are worthless even corrupting in our dedication to Jesus.
Q4. Separation in the Kingdom
mrenquist replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. The Present and Future Kingdom (Luke 17:20-37)
I believe we will be judged at the instant the Kingdom comes and separated from those who are non-believers. We should live our lives loving God and filled with the Holy Spirit. Our testimony is our actions. Love your neighbor, spread the Good News to them. -
Q3. (Luke 17:24-32) What indications does Jesus give in this passage that he will suddenly come in his Kingdom without further warning? Jesus tell us that People will be going about their normal lives as if nothing is going to happen. Then on a particular day destruction from God occurs suddenly and without further warning. What are the implications of this for our attitude? For our lives? Have your hearts ready for Jesus at all times, live your life as if the coming is going to happen in the next minute, turn away from "things" and turn to Jesus.
Why is continual asking, seeking, and knocking so essential to our looking forward to the Kingdom? This keeps our attention where is should be our relationship with God; remember the Holy Spirit is given to those who ask. Why do we give up so easily? We want what we want NOW! We lack patience for all good things come in time. How do we gain boldness and persistence in prayer? Trust and faith to be honest about what is going on inside our hearts. Give all your worries and trouble to God, repent and be saved.
I don't think Jesus meant for we could not see weath but the persuit of it is really About the Journey not the End Result. When we care more about our acquisition of money than the people around us, caring for others then the greed for money cannot coexist with God. When people "put their hope in wealth," they automatically lessen their dependence upon God. In a way, Money becomes an alternate point of hope and trust, a substitute god. You must put God first.
I think worries/cares is the most dangerous thorn because it is the easiest and most often thorn that is part of our lives. Even when we have pleasure and riches we still worry; worry about not being rich or even feel guilty about the pleasures we seek. Being consumed with life's worries willchoking our spiritual life. Worry competes with faith for our time and our very life-force. It strangles our relationship with God and the growth of the Word in our life.
Q1. Falling Away
mrenquist replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Fertile Soil for the Kingdom (Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23)
According to Jesus' teaching some people fall away so quickly because their hearts have not been changed. Their problem is struggles, hardships, doubts, heartache, poor health; any distraction for "knowing" that there is a bigger plan for their lives, that trusting our savior to carry them to the otherside of any trouble. Faith is needed to manage our lives when the going gets tough. -
Repentance is central to the Kingdom of God because the heart is not authentic without it. It is like putting on clean clothes without bathing. The clothes hid the dirt but truth is you are dirty. Repent and cleanse your heart. I believe the Holy Spirit will only live in an authentic heart. Baptism is important because your sins are forgiven and your "life" starts anew. I don't believe Christ can reigh in an unrepented heart.
Both John's action and the Messiah's action was for cleansing. The difference was that the Holy Spirit also brought with it an empowerment. Both result in the forgiveness of sins (cleansing) but Holy Spirit gives the power to live the faithful life. Being empowered by the Holy Spirit might be prevented by not having an authentic relationship God, confessing your sin and asking for forgiveness.
Q2. Offensive Baptism
mrenquist replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Preparing for the Kingdom (Matthew 3:1-17; 4:17)
John -
Q1. Faith without Repentance
mrenquist replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Preparing for the Kingdom (Matthew 3:1-17; 4:17)
When people adopt the Christian faith without repenting of their known sins they are not being authentic. It is a false faith. I lived that way for almost 10 years, faithful to the church but not faithful to God. I was doing "good" deeds but had not made any changes to my heart, was still following the laws of man. I think people avoid repentance because then they would have to admit their sins. Admitting your sins is difficult for one thing; identifying them without the word of God showing you the way is impossible. We so easly condone our lives based on the ways of the world. For example the legalization of abortion: man said it was ok so it must be. I think 90% of Christians today are unrepentant, unprepared in heart. Most Christians that I know still believe doing good deeds is the way to Gods heart.