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Everything posted by Raph

  1. Q3. (Galatians 6:9-10) Why do we tend to become weary living out our faith? We tend to become weary living out of faith because we don't believe that a man will reap what he sows. What promise does Paul give us in 6:9 to forestall this weariness? To forestall this weariness, Paul, in 6:9, promises us God's reward for our faithfulness. Why should our "doing good" begin with our spiritual family, not with the non-Christians? Our "doing good" should begin with our spiritual family,not with the non-Christians because spiritual family members have a responsibility first to one another, to meet each other's needs. Then if there is something left, they can help those outside the family, the non-Christians.
  2. Q2. (Galatians 6:7-8) What does it mean to "sow to the flesh"? To "sow to the flesh" means to live a sinful life. What does this look like? This looks like living a life assuring yourself that there are no consequences for the sins you are committing. What synonyms does Paul use for "sow to the Spirit" in Galatians? (Hint: see 5:16, 18, 25). The synonyms Paul uses for "sow to the Spirit" are: "walking in the Spirit," "being led by the Spirit," "living in the Spirit," What does sowing to the Spirit look like in a congregation? In a congregation sowing to the Spirit looks like a family full love. What are the results in a congregation of sowing to the flesh? The results in a congregation of sowing to the flesh are hatred, backbiting, corruption and all kinds of sinful life.
  3. Welcome Solange. And we pray for you Manuel; may the Almighty Lord pour His healing power upon you. AMEN.
  4. Q1. (Galatians 6:1-5) What does Paul mean, "caught in a sin"? By saying "caught in a sin", Paul means to commit sin acidentally; not being a normal thing in life. What would restoration of a such brother or sister look like in his or her life? The restoration of such a brother or sister will bring him or her back in line and start again to walk with the Spirit. Who should restore this person? This person should be restored by those who walk and line in the Spirit; the true believers. In what spirit should it be done? It should be done in the spirit of meekness/gentleness. What is the result of trying to restore a person without humility? The result of trying to restore a person without humility is to hurt more that person and ourselves we will be tempted.
  5. Q4. (Galatians 5:24-25) What does it mean to "crucify the flesh with its passions and desires"? To "crucify the flesh with its passions and desires" means to put it to death; to make it cease completely. Can a person be a Christian without "crucifying the flesh"? No, a person cannot be a real Christian without crucifying the flesh. How have we produced such a crop of lukewarm Christians? We have produced such a crop of luke warm Chirstians dur to the little faith and the work of the devil.
  6. Q3. (Galatians 5:22-23) How does the Holy Spirit produce this fruit in our lives? The Holy Spirit produces this fruit in our lives by changing our character making it holy. What theological term would you use to identify this process? The theological term I would use to identify this process is sanctification. How can it be that a person who has been a "Christian" for years displays few or none of these fruits? It can be that a person who has been a "Christian" for years displays feew or none of these fruits if such a person is of little faith. He or she is jus a Christian by the outside but not inside. Are they saved, but just immature? No. They are not saved; and it is not the issue of immaturity. What does James 2:17-19 say about this? James says that, faith without action is dead. thus, faith is shown in our actions. Is that too harsh? It is not too harsh. As James says, saying you believe in God but doing things contrary to what God wants us to do is no different from Satan who also believes in God and trembles with fear and acts against Him.
  7. Q2. (Galatians 5:22) The fruit of patience should be understood as forbearance, that is, putting up with people around us without exploding. Why is this patient forbearance such an important personal character element? Patient forbearance is an important personal character element because it enables a person to tolerate others; even iif they oppose the person. Why is it so important for peace in the family and in the Christian community? It is so important for peace in a family and in the Christian community as it helps to eliminate confrontations between members of the family or the Christian community as they tolerate each other.
  8. Q1. (Galatians 5:22a) Love is the first and primary fruit of the Holy Spirit, but joy and peace are inseparable from love. Why can't joy and peace exist apart from love -- love for God and love for our neighbors? Joy and peace can't exist apart from love because when you love God or your neighbour you experience joy and when you are happy you then you are in peace. There can't be joy and peace if you don't love God and your neighbour.
  9. Q4. (5:21) Why do some Christians resist accepting Paul's warning in 5:21 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-11? Some Christians resist accepting Paul's warning in 5:21 and 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 because they believe that they will be saved by being good forgeting that, being only good in being under the work of the law and not the Spirit. What statement might these Christians desire to substitute for Paul's warning if they could reword the Scripture? If they could reword the Scripture, the statement that these Christians might desire to substitute for Paul's warning is that concerning the inheritance of the Kingdom of God by writing that, those who commit the listed vices will still inherit the Kingdom of God.
  10. Q3. (Galatians 5:19-21) If you were to divide the works of the flesh into several groups, what would those groups be? If I divide the works of the flesh into several groups, those groups will be as follows: (a) Sexual sins. ( Sins common to the pagan world. © Sins relating to failure to love a neighbour. (d) Sins relating to unrestrained partying.
  11. Q2. (Galatians 5:16-18) We are told that it's impossible for a Christian to live a sinless life. What do theseverses teach about that? About that, these verses teach that if a Christian continues to be under the bondage of the flesh, he or she will continue living a sinful life, but if that Christian allows the Spirit in his or her life then he or she will be freed from the bondage of the flesh and can live a sinless life. In what way does yielding to the Spirit suppress the power of the old nature (the flesh)? Yielding to the Spirit suppresses the power of the old nature (the flesh) by enabling us to break the hold that the flesh has had over our lives up to the point when we start walking with the Spirit. If Spirit-led living is possible, why do people claim that it's impossible not to sin? People claim that it is impossible not to sin because they have not decided to walk with the Spirit; they are still under the bondage of the flesh, as such easily tempted to sinful ways.
  12. Q1. (Galatians 5:13-15) Have you ever seen Christians act as if they were lawless? Yes,thereare some who act as if they were lawless. How do Spirit-led Christians fulfill the spirit of the law? The Spirit-led Chiristians fulfill the spirit of the law by loving one another. What does backbiting and rudeness in a congregation say about the spiritual climate of that congregation (5:15)? It says that, that congregation is in the verge of detroying each other and the congregation as a whole.
  13. Q5. (Galatians 5:11) What is "the offense of the cross" that offended the Jews? What offended the Jews in "the offense of the cross" is the facts that, the Messiah died and is the Jews who killed Him and that, now grace, and not the law, reigns; that we are made right by the death of Christ and not by the obedience to the law. How does the cross offend people in our day? The cross offends people in our day by such people doubting the true love of God: sending His son to save us and for Christ dying on the cross in order for us to receive forgiveness from our sins. They use the human thinking and doubt whether this is possible: someone to give out his life for another person. Have you noticed Christians softening their proclamation of the cross? May be not directly but yes, by how they act. Though some of these people call themselves Christians, their conducts do not reflect the image of Christ. Does this help them communicate more clearly to our age or does it compromise the true message? I think this compromises the true message. As true Christians, we are not supposed to soften the teachings of Christ but to proclaim them as they are.
  14. Q4. (Galatians 5:5-6) Circumcision had been the primary "mark of identity" for a believer in God. In what way has the Spirit become the new "mark of identity" for the believer? The Spirit has become the new "mark of identity" for a believer in God by showing acts of love towards the other members of the community. What is the evidence of the Spirit's presence in a believer's life according to verse 6? According to verse 6, the evidence of the Spirit's presence in a believer's life is faith that is expressed through love to others.
  15. Q3. (Galatians 5:4) Exactly what does Paul mean by "fall from grace" here? By "fall from race" here, Paul means to change for the worse from a favorable condition, lose something. Exactly it means losing God's favour. What has occurred that has caused this fall? What has caused this fall is the tendency of the Galatians starting following things based on the law than on faith. How can present-day Christian legalism cause such a "fall from grace"? Present-day Christian legalism can cause such a "fall from grace" if we forget about faith and start doing things as an obligation; without the freedom or liberty to do them; without understanding why we are doing them.
  16. Q2. (Galatians 4:19-20) How is Paul's grief over his spiritual children like that of a parent seeing children stray? Paul's grief over his spiritual children is like that of a parent seeing children astray in that, Paul was a spiritual father of the Galatians and, just as the parent is concerned by the welfare of his children, Paul is also concerned with the spiritual welfare of the Galatians. What does it look like when Christ is formed in a person? When Christ is formed in a person, it looks like the early days of that person's Christian life where patterns are being set for the rest of his life. What is the process involved in this spiritual formation? The process involved in this spiritual formation is genuine repentance.
  17. Q1. (Galatians 4:10-11) Is celebrating different special worship days essentially wrong? Celebrating different special worship days is not essentially wrong. Why did Paul grieve over the Galatians' observances? Paul grieved over the Galatians' observances because they were doing it not at their own liberty but something being imposed upon them by the Jews. What significance did these have in terms of their movement towards Judaism? The significance this had is to ensure that, the Christian Gentiles of Galatia do not move from faith to legalism. How can we be blessed by observing special days in our era? We can be blessed by observing special days in our era if we observe the days thoughtfully; knowing what it entails to do such observances. How can observance of special days become legalistic for Christian believers? Observance of special days can become legalistic for Christian believers if we take such observance as a legal obligation.
  18. Q4. (Galatians 4:6-7) How does the Spirit's filling demonstrate we are full sons? The Spirit's filling demonstrates we are full sons by making us call God Abba; Father. What is the special sense in which the Aramaic word abba is used to speak to one's father? The special sense in which the Armaic word abba is used to speak to one's father is that you become a full son of that father. What is the significance of being heirs of God? The significance of becoming heirs of God is that we become sons of God just like Jesus. Are we sons in the same sense that Jesus was God's Son? Yes.
  19. Q3. (Galatians 4:3-5) In what sense were both the Gentiles and the Jews enslaved? Both the entiles and the Jews were enslaved in the sense that, before the coming of the Messiah, they were all living under the dependence of the principles of the world. What does "redeem" mean in verse 5? In verse 5, "redeem", means to be liberated; to be freed; to be delivered. What are the implications of adoption regarding a person's legal and spiritual rights? The implications of adoption regarding a person's legal and spiritual rights are that, the adopted person becomes a full child of a person who adopts him/her and that person becomes an equal heir to the property of the person who adopts.
  20. Q2. (Galatians 4:4) Why do you think it took so long to send the Messiah? It took so long to send the Mesiah because the right time had not come. What about the first century world made it fertile ground for the revelation of the Messiah and the spread of the gospel? The first century world was made it fertile ground for the revelation of the Messiah and the spread of the gospel by enabling religious, commercial, cutural and political factors.
  21. Q1. (Galatians 4:26-29) Do you think Jewish Christians regarded Gentile Christians as second-class citizens? Yes, I think Jews Christians regarded Gentile Christians as second-class citizens as, because the Gentiles were not circumsised, the Jews were not ready to come together with them in any way; I think they (Jews), regarded Gentiles as outcasts. What is the basis of our unity in Christ? The basis of our unity in Christ is our baptism into Christ. In what way does this unity pull down barriers? This unity pulls down barriers in that, Christ removes hostility between us and also removes our dependence on the law, but in faith. Do any groups continue to be regarded as second-class citizens in our congregations? The posibility is there. What should we do about this? We should continue to speak vigourously about the unity that is borught by our baptism in Christ.
  22. Q4. (Galatians 3:19-25) What was the purpose of the law? The purpose of the law was to restrain human nature from unrighteous acts, to make a wrong doing a legal offence and to point us to the faith in the Messiah as our oonly hope. Was it intended to justify a person? The law was not intended to justify a person but to lead to such justification. In what ways did it restrain sin? The law retrained sin by indicating to people the wrongdoings. In what ways did it expose sin? The law exposed sin by identifying the wrong acts as sin.
  23. Q3. (Galatians 3:10-14) What is Paul's argument for salvation by faith based on the concept of the "curse of the law"? Paul's argument for salvation by faith based on the concept of the "curse of the law" is that, Christ has freed us from the curse of the law on the basis of our faith. On what basis do the Gentiles receive "the promise of the Spirit" (3:14)? The Gentiles receive "the promise of the Spirit" on the basis that they are children of Abraham.
  24. Q2. (Galatians 3:6-9) What is Paul's argument for salvation by faith based on Abraham? Paul's argument for salvation by faith based on Abrham is that, Abraham was justified by his faith in the Lord, according to God's promise, the Gentiles are the spiritual children of Abraham and therefore originally salvation came by faith, without law being in the picture at all. In what sense are we "children of Abraham"? We are "children of Abraham" by our faith.
  25. Q1. (Galatians 3:2-5) What argument for salvation by faith does Paul give from the presence of the Spirit? The argument for salvation by faith that Paul gives from the presence of the Spirit is that, the Spirit came through faith rather than the law. What does this tell us about the spiritual environment of the Galatian churches? This tells us that, the Galatians recieved the Holy Spirit first long before they were tried by the Judaisers to observe the Mosaic Law. How can we regain this dynamic environment in our own congregations? We can regain this dynamic environment in our own congragations by standing on our belief that, the Holy Spirit is real and powerful in our midst.
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