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God's Handiwork

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Everything posted by God's Handiwork

  1. When in Egypt 40 years earlier Moses believed he was God's instrument to bring deliverance to his people (Acts 7:23-25). However, he acted in his own might and not in the power and direction of God. He failed miserably, as we all do when we try to accomplish the things of God in our own power. Now God was telling him to go and be the deliverer. I believe Moses' response was both lack of faith in and lack of knowledge of the God of Abraham. He had failed once already so to do it again was just foolishness in his own eyes - Moses was still seeing things through the flesh and not through the spirit. God's reassurance is that God, Himself, will be with him and that Moses will successfully return with Israel to worship Him on this very mountain. The battle with the flesh is real and powerful. Even when our heart knows that God will be with us and provide the means to accomplish what He proclaims, our "logic" resists. Is it because God's ways are so different from ours in accomplishing His work? As the father cried out in Mark 9:24, "help my unbelief!" I can identify with Moses - learning to trust is a hard, ongoing, lifelong process. It is relinquishing our autonomy in a given situation to God. Thank you God that You understand this struggle. God dealt patiently and lovingly with Moses through all the questions, BUT He never let Moses "off the hook." He was going to be God's appointed deliverer, and Moses was going to go in the power and strength of God Almighty.
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