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About Deacongirl

  • Birthday April 17

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    Baltimore, MD
  • Interests
    COOKING, reading and learning God's Word

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  1. It is difficult for some church leaders to confront people because they do not want to have to deal with the fallout that comes with the confrontation and the retaliation. These confrontations can cause discord amongst organizations, mistrust, accusations that have to be defended that draw attention away from the original reason for the confrontation. Confrontation and rebuke can be a good thing when it helps to bring control, respect and direction back to your organization. When we refuse to confront when we should, we slowly lose control of our organizations, our sense of direction and respect and things continue to spiral out of control until we confront and rebuke to set the situation right. However, we must handle this in decency and order, we should pray and seek God before the confrontation. His guidance will put us on the right path and keep us there.
  2. Moses blamed God for his troubles because he was following the instructions of God and if not for the instructions given by God, he would not have been inclined to speak to Pharaoh and make such demands. Moses' and Aaron's stubbornness are born out of both fear and unbelief. Neither greater than the other. God has to command Moses and Aaron because they are refusing to following the path that is being laid out for them, they are resisting because the fear and unbelief they have is becoming a stumbling block that God has to remove.
  3. We are afraid because we are not sure that we can handle God's decision. We fear what others will think when it comes down to explaining why we made a decision and the only explanation that we have is God. When we feel fear, we should deal with it through prayer and reading God's Word. Fear is what happens when your faith falters, courage is what happens when you put on the Whole Armour of God. Courage is required in leaders and disciples because you will constantly be tried and much of your success will depend on your faith walk.
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