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Everything posted by Noke
Q1. Father, Forgive Them (Luke 23:34)
Noke replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in Seven Last Words of Christ from the Cross
Everyone was responsible for killing Jesus because if it were not for the sins we all committed, Jesus would not have come to earth in the first place. We bear the responsibility to forgive others and to sin no more. Jesus was praying for us to be forgiven our sins which are regarded as debts owed to God. -
Q1. Treasured Possession
Noke replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. The Covenant at Mt. Sinai (Exodus 19-24)
From an emotional standpoint, it takes pride and love to take out and look over one of your treasured possessions. The idea of treasured possession was fulfilled in Israel as God pronounced it through Moses that ......"the Lord has chosen you to be His treasured possession," and also as God protected the Israelites against other nations. To be God's treasured possession feels like being truly loved, safe from all sorts of adversities, and blessed to succeed in every situation. -
Q4. Delegating Leadership
Noke replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 4. Grumbling, Rebuke, Battle, and Delegation (Exodus 15-18)
By tradition a leader performs all the leadership duties himself, and it was until Jethro taught Moses to delegate, that he shared some responsibilites with the elders. The qualifications were that the judges should be capable, God fearing, honest, and accountable people. Moses' role is similar to the role of leaders in Ephisians 4:11-12, in that he equipped the elders wth the decrees and laws to become junior judges for the work of the Israelites. The importance of the anointing of the spirit in christian Leadership is to help the leadership to do the work of God adeaquately. -
God provided manna for the people because there was no food in the desert, and to survive them HE had to provide something. Manna finally ceased because the people eventually reached the land of Canaan where food was available. The people gradually began to take the manna for granted because they were receiving it continually and it appeared to them that they will receive it endlessly. We take for granted the life that God bestowed upon us. It is until the death of someone that we realise a lot could have been done before his death.
Grumbling against a leader is a symptom of grumbling against the Lord when leaders are carrying out what God commanded them to do. This might not be true when leaders are falsely doing what God did not command them to do. Leaders tend to take complaints personally because complaints are directed straight to them and naturally they feel the blame. It takes a lot of understanding the whole scenario to learn that "its not about you" but about God who gave instructions.
People grumble and complain when things are not going according to expectation and are afraid and frustrated. Fear is expressed by indicating hopelessness and faith is expressed by showing hope even when things are not going right. Symptoms of grumbling in my own life are felt when adverse situations persist. I should pray about it to gain more faith and belief that things would later change for the better.
Q4. God's Glory
Noke replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Passover and Crossing the Red Sea (Exodus 12-15)
God's glory is important in the Exodus because God is a God of power and what He commands should not be undermined as Pharoah did to defy His word to let the Israelites go. The Egyptian religion regards Pharoah as their God, and therefore the recognition of God's glory is important: to faith to show who the true God is, so as to be honored and respected. To holiness to be glorified. To reverence to be respected and obeyed. When leaders take for themselves the credit and glory that should go only to God, God gets forgotten and that's when idolatry begin to be practiced. Leaders can keep themselves from pride by being humble to people and giving the credit and glory to God all the time. -
Q3. Blaming the Leader
Noke replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Passover and Crossing the Red Sea (Exodus 12-15)
The people blamed Moses for advancing Egyptian army because they were terrified and fearful of the army. The Egyptians fast horses and chariots motivated their fear and the thought of diying in the desert. The blame actually is of God's leadership through Moses. Moses' response to their criticisms was to reaffirm them of the Lord's victory, so that they should not be afraid but to stand firm and still. Moses doesn't defend himself because he has faith that God will defend them against the Egyptians. The people responded to Moses' words by following what he said. -
Q3. Obedience and Deliverance
Noke replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Passover and Crossing the Red Sea (Exodus 12-15)
Obedience was so important to the people's deliverance because God had a plan for their deliverance and His command had to be followed at all costs. Obedience is also very important for our deliverance from sin, the flesh, and the devil because that is what Jesus Christ died for, that whoever believes in him, all these would be freed from him - we have to obey to be delivered. There is no discipleship without obedience because a disciple is a follower, a learner, who is required to carry on what he learnt from his master. A person who says he believes in Jesus but don't obey Him does not have real faith. Jesus is the way to God. God is Jesus and His word is our way of life. -
Q1. Christ Our Passover Lamb
Noke replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Passover and Crossing the Red Sea (Exodus 12-15)
Jesus came to show Himself on earth, preached the word, and died for our sins, that whoever believes in Him shall be forgiven all his sins. We are marked with His blood by way of being born-again to become staunch christians. God's judgment pass over us as God comes to know His people whom Christ sacrificed his life for and followed Him eversince. -
Q4. Letting God Fight the Battle
Noke replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Finding Courage to Stand (Exodus 5-11)
We tend to fight our battles "in the flesh" rather than using spiritual weapons because we lack faith and do not bring God to the battle for ourselves. Often we mistake the human enemy for the spiritual enemy because we can't make the difference between the two. God will fight our battles if we put Him forward, have faith in Him,and pray Him for all our needs. -
Moses did not accept Pharaoh's compromises because Moses knew what God wanted and had to obey it. Church leaders should accepta compromise in a situation where they do not have all the required necessities to move the church forward. It is, however, wrong for church leaders to compromise in a situation where God has clearly told them what they must do because God would not tell you to do something without sponsoring the whole affair.
Q2. The Courage to Confront
Noke replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Finding Courage to Stand (Exodus 5-11)
It is difficult for some church leaders to confront people because of fear to spoil their relationships or cause conflicts. Confrontation and rebuke can be a good thing when they bring the situation back under control and enlighten those concerned of the situation thus arrested. If we refuse to confront when we should, things might get uncontrollable and even destroy the harmony that pre-existed. -
Q4. Fear and Courage
Noke replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Birth and Call of Moses (Exodus 1-4)
We are afraid to obey God when He puts on our heart to do something decisive because of doubt as to whether we would be able to do it and also lack of faith. When we feel fear we must pray God to give us strenghth and courage. Courage is built from fear as you learn from it and get strengthened to carry out God's command. Courage is required in leaders and disciples to carry out God's commands without fear and doubt. -
Q1. Blaming and Resisting God
Noke replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Finding Courage to Stand (Exodus 5-11)
Moses blames God because he (Moses) is put in a hot soup for what God has commanded him to do. Pharoah on one side turns the Israelite foremen against Moses who blame Moses for the trouble he has brought upon them, and are now resisting his instructions. Moses and Aaron appear to be stubborn because of fear. Pharoah cannot take instructions of God from them and the Israelites are restless of the sudden increase of hardlabor imposed upon them. God had to command Moses and Aaron because there a decree to be carried out and they were the chosen few, to lead it, no matter how tough it was for them. -
Q3. God is Angry with Moses
Noke replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Birth and Call of Moses (Exodus 1-4)
God is angry with Moses because Moses doesn't want to carry out His command. Moses' basic sin is fear and unbelief. I suspect God has been angry with me before. It is just that we dont always listen when He speaks to us. Moses did not appease God's anger in anyway. It is God Himself who found a way of convincing Moses to carry out the assignment. -
Q2. Moses Responds to God's Call
Noke replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Birth and Call of Moses (Exodus 1-4)
A Yes Moses' response reflects a self-doubt, low esteem image because of his status as a sheperd at that particular moment. It is lack of faith as well because God had spoken to him and should have believed in Him. God reassured Moses by telling him that He will be with him,and this notion has always reassured everyone else that when God is with you nothing is impossible. -
Q1. Moses the Murderer
Noke replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Birth and Call of Moses (Exodus 1-4)
Moses can be regarded here as a quick to react person, not conscious of the consequences. He is protective of his fellow tribesmen. He is a no-nonsense, unforgiving type of character. Positive things about him: He doesnt relinquish his nationality. He is quick to make decisions. He is a strong man. Negetive things: He is reactive rather than being responsive. He is violent.