The Spirit of the Living God through the writer of Hebrews is revealing Jesus as the Son of God. He is his OFF SPRING. This is not a metaphoric idea, it is the TRUTH. He is not just like God, or resemble God...He is God in the flesh...He has God's SPIRITUAL DNA...Only the SON OF GOD can quicken man's unregenerated spirit and EMPOWER US TO BECOME CHILDREN OF GOD...WE MUST ACCEPT AND RECEIVE JESUS AS GOD INCARNATE...OR WE DEPLETE HIS POWER TO REGENERATE OUR SPIRIT. If we believe that he was a good man only, then it will make him a good role model, Following the example of His life will make us a BETTER PERSON, BUT IT WILL NOT MAKE US A NEW CREATURE...IT WILL NOT MAKE US CHILDREN OF GOD. To be born again, we must believe that He is the only begotten Son of God given as a sacrifice for our sins...Then we will RECEIVE ETERNAL (GOD LIFE) LIFE IN OUR SPIRIT...AND BECOME EMPOWERED TO BE CHILDREN OF THE MOST HIGH GOD...