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The obligation of obedience becomes obsolete when adult children form a new family but we are always to honor our parents and care for them. We have that obligation until death. The exception might be if there is a conflict in faith and morals then it is better for the adult child to obey and honor God than to listen to the parents. Respect should always form a vital part of this relationship and as for forgiveness is necessary if an adult child wants to prosper and have a long life.
Q53. Christ Our Husband
Jubilee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6.1. Christian Husbands and Christian Wives (5:21-33)
As individuals Christ is our husband who supplyu our needs. As a Church he is the head. He shed his blood for the Church so that we might have eternal life. The implications of this for our lives is that we align our lives into his protection making sure that we are in complete unity with him. Christ's responsibilities towards us is that he is our care-taker and he provides our needs. -
Q52. One Flesh
Jubilee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6.1. Christian Husbands and Christian Wives (5:21-33)
Christ loves his Church and sacrifices his life for it. His blood cleanses his Church from all impurities of life. In like manner the husband ought to lay down his life for his wife and take responsibility for the wife's welfare. The principle from Genesis 2:24 that underlies this divine truth is "The two will become one flesh." -
Q51. Husbands
Jubilee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6.1. Christian Husbands and Christian Wives (5:21-33)
Being head of the wife does not involve being "boss." God does not place a husband over her wife as a "boss." but rather as a "head." Being "head" requires a husband to imitate Christ as the "head" of the Church. Christ is the role model for the husband to follow. The example husbands are to follow in headshio is Christ. The yard stick is Christ who loves us imperfect humans and bears with our weaknesses. The husband's standard is Christ's love for sinful humanity. -
Q50. Wives
Jubilee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6.1. Christian Husbands and Christian Wives (5:21-33)
A wife should submit herself to her husband because the Word of God instructed her to do so. According to these verses a wife is required to submit to her husband in everything. However, to a husband who is not a Christian or one who is a carnal Christian her responsibility is to God. Submission does not mean that a wife does not verbally disagree but in matters of faith and conscience or in matters where the wife has a more working knowledge she can peacefully excuse herself and lead the husband to a more peaceful solution. If there is a conflict with the wife's conscience in this case she should consult the advocate, the Holy Spirit for clarification and guidance. -
Q53. Christ Our Husband
Jubilee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6.1. Christian Husbands and Christian Wives (5:21-33)
As individuals Christ is our husband who supply our needs. As A Church he is the head. He shed his blood for the Church so that we might have everlasting life. The implications for this for our lives is that we align our lives into his protectiob making sure that we are in complete unity with him. Christ's responsibilies toward us is that he is our care-taker and he provides our needs. -
Q52. One Flesh
Jubilee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6.1. Christian Husbands and Christian Wives (5:21-33)
Christ loves his Church and sacrifices his life for it. His blood cleanses his Church from all impurities of life. In like manner the husband ought to lay down his life for his his wife and take responsibility for the wife's welfare. The principle from Genesis 2:24 that underlies this divine truth is "The two will become one flesh." -
Q51. Husbands
Jubilee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6.1. Christian Husbands and Christian Wives (5:21-33)
Being head of the wife does not involve being "boss." God does not place a husband over her wife as a "boss" but rather as a "head." Being "head" requires a husband to imitate Christ as the "head" of the Church. Christ is the role model for the husband to follow. The example husbands are to follow in headship is Christ. The yard stick is Christ who loves us imperfect humans and bears with our weaknesses. The husband's standard is Christ's love for sinful humanity. -
Q50. Wives
Jubilee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6.1. Christian Husbands and Christian Wives (5:21-33)
A wife should submit herself to her husband because the Word of God instructed her to do so. According to these verses a wife is required to submit to her husband in everything. However, to a husband who is not a Christian or one who is a carnal Christian her responsibility is to God. Submission does not mean that a wife does not verbally disagree but in matters of faith and conscience or in matters where the wife has a more nworking knowledge she can peacefully excuse herself and lead the husband to a more peaceful solution. If there is a conflict with the wife's conscience in this case she should consult the advocate, thew Holy Spirit for clarification and guidance. -
Q49. Singing
Jubilee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.2 Children, Imitate Your Father (Ephesians 5:1-20)
An attitude of thankfulness should underlies our corporate singing and all true worship. Corporate singing is designed to help us singers focus on Jesus alone the object of our praise and worship. Corporate singing is designed to worship God and honor him for his goodness and mercy. Singing in my own daily life leads me into the presence of God. It is a time of praise and worship for me. The Holy Spirit stirs me on and leads me into another level of worship. -
Q48. Intoxication
Jubilee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.2 Children, Imitate Your Father (Ephesians 5:1-20)
The primary temptation involved with drugs and alcohol is a way of escape from the realities of life. Drug and alcohol are mind-altered drugs which dull the believers so they cannot "make the most of every opportunity." (Ephesians 5:16) Being filled with the Spirit helps us fend off the temptations of druigs and alcohol. The Holy Spirit opens the unseen world to us to see the realities of the spiritual world. He leads us into all truth. We have to learn to include the Spirit and his power in our lives. -
Q47. Opportunity
Jubilee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.2 Children, Imitate Your Father (Ephesians 5:1-20)
Paul exhorts us to make the most of every opportunity because whatever we sow is what we will reap. If we sow in obedience we will reap blessings and if we sow in disobedience we will reap curses. We resist that because our present day cultural values vehemently oppose to righteous living. We are also under pressure to go contrarily against Biblical values. It is only when we spend time studying and meditating the Word of God that we can be ready for the opportunity. -
Q47. Sexuality
Jubilee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.2 Children, Imitate Your Father (Ephesians 5:1-20)
Paul warns so strongly against sexual sin because those who engaged themselves in such immoral acts will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Sexuality can be part of our spiritual life. It should be partioned from our spiritual life when it is done outside the walls of married life and for the only purpose it is meant for. -
Q49. Singing
Jubilee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.2 Children, Imitate Your Father (Ephesians 5:1-20)
An attitude of thankfulness shouyld underlies our corporate singing and all true worship. Corporate singing is designed to help us singers focus on Jesus alone the object of our praise and worship. Corporate singing is designed to worship God and honor him for his goodness and mercy. Singing in my own daily life leads me into the presence of God. It is a time of praise and worship. The Holy Spirit stire me up and leads me in to another level of worship. -
Q48. Intoxication
Jubilee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.2 Children, Imitate Your Father (Ephesians 5:1-20)
The primay temptation involved with drugs and alcohol is a way of escape from the realities of life. Drug and alcohol are mind-altering drugs which dull the believers so they cannot "make the most of every opportunity." (Ephesians 5:16) Being filled with the Spirit helps us fend off the temptations of drugs and alcohol. The Holy Spirit opens the unseen world to us to see the realities of the spirit world. He leads us into all truth. We have to learn to include the Spirit and his power in our lives. -
Q47. Opportunity
Jubilee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.2 Children, Imitate Your Father (Ephesians 5:1-20)
Paul exhorts us to make nthe most of every opportunity because whatever we sow is what we will reap. If wqe sow in obedience we will reap blessings and if we sow disobedience we will reap curses. We resist that because our present day cultural values vehemently oppose to righteous living. We are also under pressure to go contrarily to Biblical values. It is only when we spend time studying meditating the Word of God that we can be ready for the opportunity. -
Q47. Sexuality
Jubilee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.2 Children, Imitate Your Father (Ephesians 5:1-20)
Paul warns so strongly against sexual sin because those who engaged themselves in such immoral acts will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Sexuality can be part of our spiritual life. It should be partitioned from our spiritual life when it is done outside the walls of married life and for the only purpose it is meant for. -
Q45. Forgiveness
Jubilee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.1. Putting on Clean Clothes (Ephesians 4:17-32)
It is so difficult to forgive those who hurt us because it gets down deep under our skin and brings into the surface other buried wounds of the past. According to Ephesians 4:32, God in Christ became our example of forgiveness. According to verse 32, the heart attitudes toward people evidenced of a forgiving spirit is showing kindness and compassion/mercy towards people. -
Q44. Unwholesome Talk
Jubilee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.1. Putting on Clean Clothes (Ephesians 4:17-32)
The kind of "unwholesome talk" which is common among us Christians is to gossip about others, make derogatory jokes or remarks about people who do not belong to our native culture, make intensive statements about people we think are inferior to us. Paul gave us three guidelines to measure the value of what we say. They are: 1) Is it helpful for building others up?; 2) Is it according to the hearer's needs? 3) Is it beneficial to the hearer? Slander is a story that puts people down, brings people to a level of nonentity. Slander is saying degrading things about another person to lessen people's opinion of them. It is common among Christians because they feel they are doing a service to someone. We can prevent slander by catching ourselves up anytime we find ourselves in such a position. We can also prevent it by asking the Holy Spirit to strengthen us in our weakest moments, and helping us to unlearn it gradually. -
Q43. Anger
Jubilee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.1. Putting on Clean Clothes (Ephesians 4:17-32)
I think God gave us the emotion of anger as a natural reaction to injustice. It ia an emotions God gives us so we will not passively allow injustice to have its way forever. Anger can be dangerous if we do not deal with it. We can keep from sinning when we are angry by being careful of our speech and language we use towards people. We can also self-control ourselves so that anger does not become abusive and violent. Anger itself is not sin. -
Q42. Darkened Culture
Jubilee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.1. Putting on Clean Clothes (Ephesians 4:17-32)
Using Ephesians 4:17-19 as a basis, I would describe the secular, non-Christian mindset of our age as rebellious. We no longer have respect for the things of God. The fear of god is no longer in our hearts. Things that we regarded as sin are now accepted as the norm of life. It appears evil has blinded people's eyes and hearts are lukewarm. We are tempted to conform to its values because it is the easy road to take, with no rules, no accountability, and no responsibility towards anyone. -
Q45. Forgiveness
Jubilee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.1. Putting on Clean Clothes (Ephesians 4:17-32)
It is so difficult to forgive those who hurt us because it gets down deep under our skin and brings into the surface other buried wounds of the past. According to Ephesians 4:32, God in Christ became our example of forgiveness. According to verse 32 the heart attitudes toward people evidenced of a forgiving spirit is showing kindness and compassion/mercy towards people. -
Q44. Unwholesome Talk
Jubilee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.1. Putting on Clean Clothes (Ephesians 4:17-32)
The kind of "unwholesome talk" which is common among us Christians is to gossip about others, make derogatory jokes or remarks about people who do not belong to our native culture, make intensive statements about people we think are inferior to us. Paul gave us three guidelines to measure the value of what we say. They are: 1) Is it helpful for building others? 2) Is it according to the hearer's needs? 3) Is it beneficial to the hearer? Slander is a story that puts people down, brings people to a level of nonentity. Slander is saying degrading things about another person to lessen people's opinion of them. It is common among Christians because they feel they are doing a service to someone. We can prevent slander by catching ourselves up anytime we find ourselves in such a position. We can also prevent it by asking the Holy Spirit to strengthen us in our weakest moments, and helping us to unlearn it gradually. -
Q43. Anger
Jubilee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.1. Putting on Clean Clothes (Ephesians 4:17-32)
I think God gave us the emotion of anger as a natural reaction to injustice. It is an emotion God gives us so we will not passively allow injustice to have its way forever. Anger can be dangerous if we do not deal with it. We can keep from sinning when we are angry by being careful of our speech and language we use towards people. We can also self-control ourselves so that anger does not become abusive and violent. Anger itself is not sin. -
Q42. Darkened Culture
Jubilee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5.1. Putting on Clean Clothes (Ephesians 4:17-32)
Using Ephesians 4:17-19 as a basis, I would describe the secular, non-Christian mindset of our age as rebellious. We no longer have respect for the things of God. The fear of God is no longer in us. Things that were regarded as sin are now accepted as the norm of life. It appears evil have blinded people's eyes and hearts are lukewarm. We are tempted to conform to its values because it is the easy road to take, with no rules, no accountability, and no responsibility towards anyone.