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About goldentoejam

  • Birthday 05/31/1985

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    My best friend Jesus, growing in grace! I also am a student at the University of Arkansas. I enjoy art, food, good conversation, and a thought-provoking bible study.

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  1. First and foremost, God was literally Jesus' father. One must be obedient and submit to his/her father, especially in Jesus' case. Nonetheless, wisdom is gained through submission. Secondly, we have this "Great Commission" that is often not taken seriously enough. If we are to be "fishers of men" and truly instruments of the Lord, then how will a lack of submission to our contemporaries give what we say any credibility? In other words, how should be expect the lost to listen to us if we have not found favor with them. The Lord Jesus Christ found favor among God and men and was a GREAT minister to men. Credence was given to his every word, not only because his words were divine in nature, but because people liked him. How is our relationship with people vital to our spiritual growth? How is it not?!! We grow spiritually and gain a greater appreciation for our Lord when we witness to others. Also, we slowly but surely become a reflection of our the people that we come into contact with on a regular basis. Surrounding oneself with other Christians is a great way of establishing a spiritual accountability. I know that having Christian friends and influences has been instrumentally in my spiritual walk.
  2. Hello All! My name is Jason and I am a college student at the University of Arkanas. Here at the University, following the example of a friend and marveling at the Joy of the Lord in him, I accepted the gift of salvation. Now having quickly grown out of my spiritual infancy, I greatly look forward to enriching my life and my witness with the WORD OF GOD! I pray that I will be as great a ministry to you all as you all will surely be to me. I am a member of Calvary Baptist Church, a missionary church in Fayetteville and my first church home. Thank you for the warm reception God Bless You and keep you and yours, Jason
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