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Everything posted by Alicea
Q2. Significance of Circumcision
Alicea replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. The Covenant of Circumcision (Genesis 17)
:11) What does circumcision signify for Abraham, his household, and his descendents? Why is some kind of definite act on Abraham's part important to confirming the covenant? What does Abraham's obedience the very same day signify? The circumcision signifies for Abrahm, his household and his descendents that they are set apart, God called to be His people. A covenant (contract) requires two or more parties to meet in agreement of action. (Each to do his part) Abraham's was to show his obedience to God and his willingness to be set apart. Abraham's obedience the very same day signifies to me, his absolute belief and love in God. He takes God literally at His word, (after one last offer to God to accepet Ishmael as the answer). When he knows absolutely that this is God and His will, he does not hesitate to get on with his obedience. -
Q1. Walk Before Me and Be Blameless
Alicea replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. The Covenant of Circumcision (Genesis 17)
Q1. (17:1-2) When God tells Abraham, "Walk before me and be blameless," is he requiring moral perfection? What kind of blamelessness does he require of Abraham? Does he expect more (or less) of Christians under the new covenant? He is not requiring moral perfection because He knows as a human Abraham is incapable of moral perfection. But He does know that as a human Abraham has the right of decision, to continually chose to walk before God, to correct himself when he falters and get back on the walk before God. Abraham's true desire was to walk before God and that is where the blameless part comes in, I believe. I don't know if God expects more of us, certainly I don't believe He expects less. He expects our hearts to be set firmly in our desire to be His servants. -
Q4. Disciple Lessons from Hagar
Alicea replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. God Speaks to Hagar (Genesis 16)
Advanced Member Group: Admin Posts: 301 Member No.: 2 Joined: 22-November 02 Q4. What lesson is God teaching you out of Hagar's experience? Which situation that God is calling you to is most difficult for you to submit to? Hagar was treated unjustly in some respects. She didn't ask to become impregnated by Abraham and Sarah treated her harshly. However because of her attitude toward Sarah she wasn't totally blameless either. She "messed up" with her attitude. It was humbling to her to have to go back and submit to someone who treated her harshly. I have been in similar situations and it is so difficult to go back and submit but God never lets us take the easy way out when it comes to facing up to responsiblity. The situation that is difficult for me to submit is staying at the job that I find so completely exhausting and that is where I have to head off to right now. -
Q1. Hagar's Pride, Sarah's Jealousy
Alicea replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. God Speaks to Hagar (Genesis 16)
Q1. (16:1-6) Why does Sarah take her anger out on Abraham? Why does she take her anger out on Hagar? Is she trying to get rid of Hagar or the baby? In what sense is Hagar's pride Abraham's fault? In what sense is Hagar's affliction Abraham's fault? What situation in your family does this reminds you of? I think Sarah takes her anger out on Abraham because he did not stand up for her and admonish Hagar for her attitude toward Sarah who was still, after all her mistress. She takes her anger out on Hagar because of the way Hagar is treating her. She was willing to swallow her pride and have another woman bear Abraham a child. This was a great sacrifice for her and then the sacrifice is not acknowledged and there is not gratefulness shown. Instead she is treated disdainfully by Hagar. Abraham "checked out". He did not discipline Hagar for her disrespect which allowed Hagar to think it was ok to continue this way and then he allowed Sarai to be cruel towards Hagar. By doing so he didn't seem to care much if he had a child by her or not. It makes me ask, if this child meant so little to him as to risk its very life and its presence is his life, why did he have sex with Hagar at all. Trouble always comes in our families when we try to smooth things over and work them out in our own ways instead of waiting for God to direct us. -
Q1. Hagar's Pride, Sarah's Jealousy
Alicea replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #5. God Speaks to Hagar (Genesis 16)
Advanced Member Group: Admin Posts: 301 Member No.: 2 Joined: 22-November 02 Q1. (16:1-6) Why does Sarah take her anger out on Abraham? Why does she take her anger out on Hagar? Is she trying to get rid of Hagar or the baby? In what sense is Hagar's pride Abraham's fault? In what sense is Hagar's affliction Abraham's fault? What situation in your family does this reminds you of? -
Q1. Wealth and God's Blessing
Alicea replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. Abraham Rescues His Nephew Lot (Genesis 13-14)
Q1. (13:2) Does Abraham's material wealth reflect God's blessing on him? Does material wealth always reflect God's blessing? Does physical poverty always reflect God's curse? In this case I do believe that Abraham's wealth was a relection of God's blessing. I don't believe material wealth does represent God's blessing in all cases because of the life style of many wealthy people, actors, singers etc. . Many of these people live ungodly lives and even seek false gods for guidance. Jesus said it was harder for a rich man to go through the eye of a needle than enter the kingdom of God. Does that sound like a blessing? But He also said , give and it shall be given unto you pressed down and running over. Paul said that he knew how to be in need and how to abound, but the secret was godliness with content. The blessing is contentment . I feel extremely blessed when I am content. I would like not to have to be concerned about money but I also would not want to be far from God becasuse of my material wealth took my attention away from the Lord. -
Q4. Calling on the Name of the Lord
Alicea replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. The Call of Abraham (Genesis 11:27-12:9)
Abraham calling on God showed that he was ready to initiate contact with God and not just wait until God chose to call on him. It also shows his choosing Yahweh over the false gods of his past and those around him. When Abraham called on God he showed his desire to have a two way relationship with the Heavenly Father. I call on God constantly, but not enough I believe. I believe that He wants us totally dependent on Him and recognizing His presence and our need of Him 24, seven. I get caught up in the busy-ness of life and my mind strays from Him, then I notice I am losing my peace. That is my signal, it is time to once again call on the name of the Lord. -
First of all, it seems to me that if we set out to do something and see how it is going to turn out that doesn't require a lot of faith, but to step out and do something that doesn't make sense or we can't see a clear reason for it, it takes a lot of faith. The first point is believing that it really is God we heard telling us to do something and then facing up to questions of those around us as to why we are doing this or that and are we sure it really is God telling us to do something. I have several instances in my life when that has happened,some smaller than others. In spite of how small it always becomes evident after the fact of how and why God directed me in the way He did. I am presently in an adventure and I really don't know where God is taking me or why but I sense His presence in it and have a real peace. So as the bumper stickers say, get in, shut up and hold on. Alicea
Q2. Being Blessed and Being a Blessing
Alicea replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. The Call of Abraham (Genesis 11:27-12:9)
Abraham was blessed in his present time with wealth, a respected name (reputation) and children, in particular Isaac. He was blessed in the future by having many descendents, being the physical ancestor of a great nation, and the spiritual father to us. He was blessed because God chose through his line to send Christ and because of the redemptive work of Christ all people are blessed. The last part of the question, How does Abraham continue to bring blessing through us today was quite thought provoking to me as I had never thought of that aspect of Abraham before. He continues to bring blessing through us when we share Christ with the world, whether by our actions or verbal witness to others. -
Q1. Beginning Again
Alicea replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. The Call of Abraham (Genesis 11:27-12:9)
I was called by God at a young age into ministry; over the years I have tried to answer that call but I don't believe it has ever been in the fullness of what I was being called. Out of out sin, family situations and just life in general has dimmed my response to that call. At this point I am aware of the renewing of that call and I am ready to respond. I am not sure exactly how or what He is calling me to do, but starting this bible study is one of the ways I am obeying. Grace and Peace Alicea -
Hello, My name is Alicea and I live in Washington State. I am looking forward to this study and to getting to know everyone better. Blessings and Peace