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Everything posted by Renee
Q2. (John 5:28-29; Acts 24:15) According to scripture, both the righteous and unrighteous will experience resurrection. What will be the result of resurrection for the righteous? We get a new body, new homes and we'll be in the presence of God forever... That's just the coolest thing ever. I am disabled and the realization that one day I will have a body that is normal is WONDERFUL. I am looking forward to all of it.
Q1. Job's Vision of Resurrection
Renee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Promise of Resurrection from the Dead
Q1. How does Job's vision of resurrection (Job 19:25-27) differ from the Jews' former understanding of death as Sheol? What is progressive revelation? Well, to start off, I have really enjoyed reading everyones answers this morning. The difference is that the Jews see negitive and Job sees positive. I for one would much rather see Jesus one day then to think that I wouldn't. I have thought before about what it would be without God's presence in my life and that's a major spooky thought so I really wouldn't like the idea of never having Him around. As far as progressive revelation it's just what it says: progressive - one step at a time, revelation - learning the truth. I think this is why we are all on different levels in our christian walk because Jesus is teaching us at the level that we are at. -
Hi everyone, I believe that this bible study is going to be wonderful! I pray that when it is over we will all have a closer walk with Jesus. I live in a very small town in southern AL. I am a five year widow with two grown children and two small grand children. Jesus rules Renee'
Q1. Confidence in the Flesh
Renee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. That I May Know Him (Philippians 3:1-11)
Q1. (3:2-6) How does "confidence in the flesh" show up in your congregation? As much as I would love to say that it doesn't show up in my church it wouldn't be true. I have seen some things that have really upset me but I know that it is God's job to deal with His people. We are human but that is an excuse that I don't want to use. I want to be all that God wants me to be. I borrowed that from the military, sorry. Have you ever struggled with it? Yes, but when I notice that I'm doing it I normally confess and get right with God. I'm not perfect but I do want to be pleasing to Him. -
Q3. Holding Fast the Word of Life
Renee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. God Is at Work in You (Philippians 2:12-18)
Q3. (2:16) In what sense are we Christians to "hold fast" the Word of Life? In what sense are we to "hold forth" this Word of Life? Basically what I think it means is that no matter what's going on in this world or our lives we need to hold on to the Word of God and believe that. How does this relate to the purpose of the church? It shows the world that what we have in Christ is worth having. -
Q2. Shining as Stars
Renee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. God Is at Work in You (Philippians 2:12-18)
Q2. (2:14-15) How does ceasing complaining and arguing enable a church to shine as stars in a dark sky? When the world sees the church it must be full of love and not arguing. Why would they want what we have if it's not different than what they have now? What does this shining as stars signify? I think it's love. Have complaining and arguing compromised your church's witness as a God-place? If so, what can you do to change this? As a whole I don't think my church has much of that. I have a few problems with a couple of people in my church but it's between God and myself. -
Q1. Work Out Your Salvation
Renee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. God Is at Work in You (Philippians 2:12-18)
Q1. (2:12-13). In this passage, what does it mean to "work out your own salvation"? Salvation is cool in the way that it is a gift given when we accept Jesus as our savour but it also is a way of life that we have to live. I think that's what he's talking about. Is this referring to salvation from sin? If not, what kind of salvation is it referring to? Above -
Q3. (1:20-21) How can fear keep us from being a bold witness? Fear is very strong when you let it control you. Whether it's fear of loosing a "friend", being looked at as "one of those", watched to see when you mess up (and we all do. Being a christian doesn't make us perfect, it makes us forgiven but it also doesn't give us the right to mistreat others. I'm sorry that's a whole other story.) The thing is that we need to get rid of whatever fear it is that's holding us back and just share Jesus' love to others. I try real hard to walk the walk so that people will ask what's up with me, that way I can tell them that it isn't me, it's Jesus. Why does fear of people bind our tongues? Same as above. How does "losing our life" for Christ's sake actually give us an abundant life? Well, once we live for Christ then we get everything that He has for us here and now but also when we leave this place and get to go to heaven and be with our Father. That is just too cool. What fear is keeping your from clear witness? As I said above I try to live as Jesus would have me live and to do that in this sinful world people see the difference. I let them come to me rather than me going to them. I think if I have a fear it is that I don't want to push people away from Jesus. People around me know that I love God and that I live by my belief and that if they want to talk about either of those things I am always available.
Q2. (1:18b-19) Why is our ability to rejoice so dependent upon our faith that God is in control, working even in the midst of difficulty? Because when things get so bad and out of control that if I don't know that God is ultimately in control I'd freak out, not praise. What must you believe in order to be able to rejoice in the midst of problems? I need to know that no matter what happens here, that God is on the throne and that He will work it out for His glory. There are times that I tell myself just that and it helps me get through the moment. What is your basis for believing that? Because I know God personally and His word says that He will work things out for His glory.
Q1. Crediblity
Renee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Struggles that Advance the Gospel (Philippians 1:12-30)
Q1. (1:12-14) From the standpoint of witness to others, you are much more credible when you are undergoing personal struggles, stress, and problems. Why is this so? Because it is hard to witness to someone about something that you've never gone through. For instance, a person who has been abused can relate to another person that is going through it. Also, once you can relate then you can let them know how Jesus helped you go through whatever it was. Why was Paul's witness so powerful? Paul was in prison, not for doing anything bad, and it never stopped him from sharing Christ. What personal struggle are you going through that could enhance your testimony if you handled it right? We all have some sort of struggle in this sin infested world but I think the way any of our struggles would be included in our testimonies is if we keep Christ first and just walk through the struggles. Sounds easier than it is, I know but if we fight them then more than likely we'll have to go through something like it again but if we just walk through holding on to Jesus then it's part of our testimony that we can share with others. -
Q4. Discerning the Best
Renee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Approve What Is Excellent (Philippians 1:1-11)
Q4. (1:9-11) Why does Paul ask God to give the Philippian Christians discernment? Discernment will let them know God better and the better that the know God the more that they will want to please Him. What will be the result of discernment in their lives? Same as above. How does selfishness cloud discernment? When we are being selfish then our eyes are on ourself and not God or others. How is the good the enemy of the best in our lives? Well, if we aren't getting the best, what God wants us to have, then we are only looking with our own eyes are just good. I know that when I'm not staying close to God then even if things are going okay it's not the best. -
Q3. Bring to Completion
Renee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Approve What Is Excellent (Philippians 1:1-11)
Q3. (1:6) What does Paul expect God to do for the Philippian believers? Well, Paul expects God to do what He always does. God loves the Philippians and He will guide them and help them to grow and become the people that He wants and knows that they can and will be. I hope that made since to everyone. Why does he expect God to do this? Because Paul knows God and with that knowledge he knows what to expect or not to expect from Him. What is the basis of Paul's confidence? Same as above. They say knowledge is power. On what basis can we expect God to do this for us? Because He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Praise God! -
Q2. Partners
Renee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Approve What Is Excellent (Philippians 1:1-11)
Q2. (1:6) When we become financial "partners" with a Christian missionary, minister, ministry, or church, what do we receive out of the partnership? Well, we are all in the family of God and in families when one person helps another the family grows stronger. I think that is true in God's family too, also our Father is pleased and blesses us in different ways: growing knowledge of Him and His ways, financial help when we're in need, help when we are just down, ... What other kinds of support might we offer beyond financial? There is always prayers and also sometimes we can give things; car, toaster, dresser, ... All of these things would be other ways that we could help our family. -
Q1. Slaves and Saints
Renee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Approve What Is Excellent (Philippians 1:1-11)
Q1. (1:1) What is the basic idea of "slave"? What is the root idea of "saint"? In what way are these words saying the same thing about a Christian's relationship to God? A slave is someone that has no rights and has to do what the master says. A saint is someone that is bought and paid for by the blood of Jesus. I may get some people upset with me but I am not a slave, I am a blood bought, daughter of God. I understand where he was coming from when he wrote this book but I am not a slave. I can be a rebellious daughter and my Father doesn't whip me, He loves me. No, I'm sorry. I hope that I don't offend anyone with my belief. -
Q5. Course Evaluation
Renee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Praying the Prayer of Faith (James 5:13-20)
Q5. Now that you're finished with James: Practical Christianity, what did you get out of this study? This was a great study. I love James and the way he looks at faith and works. -
Q32. Wandering Sheep
Renee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Praying the Prayer of Faith (James 5:13-20)
Q4. (5:19-20) In the light of James' emphasis on active faith vs. dead faith (2:17), why is the role of finding and bringing back the wandering sheep so important? These are our brothers and sisters in the Lord and we HAVE to look out for our family. Isn't that what families are all about? -
Q31. Anointing and Confession
Renee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Praying the Prayer of Faith (James 5:13-20)
Q3. (5:14-16) In the healing prayer, what is the role of oil? The oil isn't what is doing the healing but it is symbolic for the Holy Spirit. What is the role of the prayer of faith? Prayer of faith is a prayer that is founded in faith. Without some form of faith prayer is just hot air. God acts on our faith but praise God He is the giver of faith. What is the role of faith? "above" What is the role of confession of sins? Sin that is held on to and nurtured stops God from doing the healing. It's like when Jesus said that He couldn't do much healing in His home town. We must get rid of sin. -
Q30. Faith-filled Elders
Renee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Praying the Prayer of Faith (James 5:13-20)
Q2. (5:14) What is the elders' role in prayer for the sick? Well, they have to be a willing prayer warrior and be full of faith. What must be their spiritual qualifications for this ministry of prayer? To be mature christians full of faith. -
Q29. Healing Prayer
Renee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 8. Praying the Prayer of Faith (James 5:13-20)
Q1. (5:13-14) According to verse 14, who is to initiate prayer for healing? The sick person is to ASK an elder to pray for them so I would have to say that the sick person is to initiate the prayer. Why might this be important? In the bible a lot of times before a healing was done the sick person was responsible to doing something. I believe that it's a step of faith. -
Q28. Complaining
Renee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Learning Patience in an Instant Age (James 4:13-5:12)
Q4. (5:9) What does our grumbling and complaining say about us? It says that we aren't where we should be with God. About our faith? It's lacking. I know that with me, I try not to grumble or complain but I do it sometimes and I feel bad afterwards because I have given this situation to God and I keep taking it back. About our patience? God's just not answering me fast enough. I'm trying to be funny. His timing is perfect but my patience isn't. -
Q27. Christ's Return
Renee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Learning Patience in an Instant Age (James 4:13-5:12)
Q3. (5:7-8) What can happen to us Christians if we lack the patience to eagerly expect Christ's return? We backslide because we are not looking for His return to be soon. "I'll just repent of this 'sin' tomorrow and God will forgive me." That's a bad way to think because He is coming as a theif in the night. Why is patience so vital? Well, patience is vital in a number of ways. I need to be more patient with a co-worker that just wants to make my life miserable. I need to be patiently awaiting Jesus' return and I need to be more patient with my kids. It just goes on and on and on. -
Q26. Comfort and Luxury
Renee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Learning Patience in an Instant Age (James 4:13-5:12)
Q2. (5:5-6) What is the spiritual danger of our demand for comfort and luxury? I think the key word here is 'demand'. God doesn't care if we have comfort and luxury. He is our Father and loves us. The thing is that if that's all we live for then it is sin. God has to be first. -
Q25. Humble Planning
Renee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 7. Learning Patience in an Instant Age (James 4:13-5:12)
Q1. (4:13-16) What danger is James warning us about in verses 13-16? Basically we sometimes think or act like we believe that we are in control, that is by no means correct. God is on the throne and we need to remember that at all times. How can we be humble in our planning without being indecisive and wishy-washy? I think by remembering to keep God first. When God is first in our life we are nor wishy-washy nor indecisive. -
Q24. Criticizing
Renee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Submitting Yourself to God (James 4:1-12)
Q4. (4:11-12) In what way does bad-mouthing a neighbor cause you to be a judge of the law? I guess because you are putting yourself above them. The only way I can judge you is by being over you as a Judge is over us. Why is it tempting to bad-mouth others, do you think? Because maybe we were hurt by this person. It doesn't make it right though. -
Q23. Humbling Ourselves
Renee replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. Submitting Yourself to God (James 4:1-12)
Q3. (4:6-10) Verses 7-10 contain 10 different commands. Why are these actions so vital? They are vital because they help us to get closer to God and stay that way. In what way do they go against our nature? Our nature is to look out for #1, that being ourself. Which of these commands is most difficult for you? Resisting the devil is probably the hardest for me. He is so clever sometimes I don't realize he's messing with me at first.