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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by Faithd

  1. Why does James refer to church members s adultresses? Because we, the church, are married to God and should not be unfaithful to Him What does the adultery consist of? The adultery spoken about here is our preference of pleasure and things of the earth above God which makes us unfaithful to Him. Who is the agrieved husband God is What is wrong with friendship with the world? Friendship with the world is wrong because then your focus is no longer on God but on earthly things whereas God wants us to leave everything of this world and follow him.
  2. Is God against pleasure? No, God loves for us to please ourselves and to satisfied at all times. He wants us to be happy as long as we know that this pleasure and happiness will not remove us from the ways of God. What wrong is in living to increase one's pleasure? Living to increase one's pleasure is not wrong in its own context, the reason why is the problem. I f we want to increase our pleasure because we want to show off and are self centered then it is wrong because we would be focusing on the things of the earth, BUT if our pleasure will be a blessing to God's children and we willuse it to testify of God's graetness then pleasure should increase.
  3. The word of truth gives us knowledge and understanding through which we have the wisdom to know that we have to die to our flesh and be born again spiritually. This through having faith in God, as we know that faith is daring the soul to see beyond what the eye can see, meaning you now see in the spiritual
  4. The promise to claim is wisdom, The condition is to believe and not doubt. Trials help us receive this wisdom in that when want them to go away we will definitely believe and trust God that they will go
  5. When one goes through trials you end up thinking a lot of things therefore becoming doubleminded but when your trust and faith is in God you are cured of doublemindedness because you know that God will handle the trial for you. At the same time you grow in Faith because you are trusting God for a breakthrough in you trial
  6. People blame God because they believe that God is responsible for the wrongs that we do and that since he is God he should protect us at all times, forgetting that we also should learn to guard ourselves against Satan and his evil ways God does not tempt us, the Devil does but God allows those temptations to happen to see how deep our faith and trust in him is. Sinful people, I believe , the enemy already has them in his side and there is no way God will tempt them because they already allowed their hearts to fall into the trap of sin If God did not allow people to sin then there will be no free will - God wants us to be able to choose him out of our own free will. God allows evil to exist for the purpose of knowing who His true followers are as they will choose him over evil.
  7. Trials have actually made me what I am today - more stronger, able to face theworld in whatever it throws down at me. I can safely say I am and independent person now because of the trials I have been through in life.
  8. Hi my name is Faith Dube.I am from South Africa. I am a member of Faith Ministry International and am a leader in the church. I look forward to learning a lot from the lessons offered to be empowered so I can empower others in my church.
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