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Everything posted by noemi

  1. A wrong understanding of determination and predestination keeps us passive and unable to pray like Moses prayed. A prayer that mkes no difference to Gods response is just words blown to the wind with no hope or faith.
  2. Moses intercessary prayer emulates in Gods promises to our forefathers and how He is. His appeal to God was that if God did away with his people the Egyptians as well as the other people would have thought that God was a cruel decieving God not a Good, merciful God that remembers His promises and His many mercies. I think that in praying the promises of God is to remined yourself that no matter the situation God is our only hope in that He can through His mercy make a way for us no matter what. By knowing the Bible we learn many things specially who God is and what He can do and will do for us. When we learn about His promises we also learn about His will for us and this helps us pray His will in our lives.
  3. The people made God angry by not keeping the covenant they promised to keep, they became impatient, committed idolatry and fornication. God is a loving God and his anger is a righteous one that shows that something has gone wrong and must be corrected for the sake of survival. In God's sentence to destroy Israel and rise up a new nation through Moses shows me that for God nothing is impossible and that we did not choose God, but that He in his loving mercy chose us.God's anger is provoked when His Holiness is assaulted by the acts of rebellion. Gods anger doesnt go away it can be redirected or delayed,but it will express itself.God's justice is not an optional pruduct of His will. But an unchangeable principle of His very nature.(Ps.89:14)Righteousness and Justice are the foundation of your throne. Unfailing love and thruth walk before you as attendants.
  4. we must continually ask for forgiveness because we're not perfect and if we are always offending with our words or actions in this multicultural world what we don't know can hurt us and others therefore forgiveness is assencial. Forgiveness is very important for the welbeing of others and ourselves because not forgiving can hinder us from the blessing of healing and from growing spiritually also from moving on with life. I heard someone say and I quote " Faith moves God and forgiveness releases God's power".
  5. As a child depends on the father to provide what's needed so should we, most of the times the wants are not the needs God as our Father knows us better then we know ourselves.To depend on God is to rely on the Father to acknowledge that He is the creator and provider of all we have to remember that there are situations in our lives that our jobs nor our strength can solve and I believe that in asking him for our Daily Bread we are asking not just for food but for wholeness as He is our provider and knows what we needed.
  6. When I ask for the father's kingdom to come I'm asking for His presence to be manifested, I'm asking for His power and glory not just for me but for those around me that need His presence in their lives and in doing this I know that my situation as well as theirs is bound to change and the reason I know this is because Jesus is the king of kings "John procraimed it (Matthew 3:2) He knew the King was before him" we are also told to seek the kingdom first( Matthew 6:33)because in doing so the will of the Father will be done on earth as in heaven where there is freedom,peace,health,love and we will lack nothing. This prayer affects our living in that it give us hope of the fulness there shall be in te near future.
  7. Our lives and words should always hallow the name of our father. It is those thing that some see and hear that influence the behavior of desecration and desmirches it in order to not be influenced it is necesary to be selectful of the company we have and choose a quiet place to clear our minds and hearts with all the respact He deserves in order to address Him in prayer.
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