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  1. Holiness is aspiring to live each moment of each day in the likeness of Christ by obeying the word of God and applying Christ's teaching to each and every situation we encounter. Holiness is doing the right thing even when no one is looking. It is responding in love even to the unlovable. It is obeying and submitting our will even though we may not want to, which is what I struggle with the most...submission.
  2. The second coming of Christ should inspire in us a great HOPE. The hope of salvation and the true understanding of God's GRACE. The anticipation of His coming should inspire in us a desire to be self-controlled and aware of our place in God's love. If we don't really believe that Christ will come soon and do not wait in great anticipation, then we will lose hope and live in darkness and dispare.
  3. The basis of inexpressible and glorious joy is TRUE faith. As we mature in our Christian walk our faith in God's grace gives us Hope of eternal life without the struggles and sadness of this life on earth. This type of joy is different from our "human" emotion of joy because it overpowers every other emotion and gives us peace and comfort beyond human understanding. Genuine joy is obvious in how one deals with the trials, temptations, disappointments, etc, in everyday life. Genuine joy is obvious even when things don't go well.
  4. For many years I suffered great anxiety in difficult situations, particularly financial. Several years ago, God taught me through some rather distressing financial circumstances that NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS he has got my life in his hands and he will never let anything hurt me. Not even death can separate me from his love and compassion. My family and friends, ie..people are the most important and valuable things in life, not material positions. In the end, God taught me through this situation what is really important to HIM and I learned that what ever the situation, God will get me through.
  5. God's part in our salvation is Grace. Our part is in accepting it.
  6. In receiving God's forgiveness we give ourselves to him to be his obedient disciple to fulfill His love in the world, therefore, we cannot have one without the other. True faith does require obedience because only our devotion and love of God thru Jesus Christ can save us, not works. However, if we love God we will be obedient to Him and therefore will do His works in our world as He has commanded us to do.
  7. I would describe Christians who identify more with their homeland that God's heavenly on as people still seek after material possessions to make them feel fulfilled rather than the peace and comfort that is found in God's love.
  8. I would describe Christians who identify more with their homeland that God's heavenly on as people still seek after material possessions to make them feel fulfilled rather than the peace and comfort that is found in God's love.
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