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Everything posted by fireball3

  1. 1.It shouldnt be they sould listen to the spirit of the lord and come with love to them. 2.Losing a soul? They might leave because u exsposed there sin . But as a leader u need tto stand on the word, dont sugar coat nothing if they leave and dont pray for them. 3.open rebuke is good for the soul.Proverbs27.5,confrontation will test you spiritualy. 4.we get in trouble with the lord.we dont confront sitation well it could turn to sin.we can miss a blessing
  2. lesson 2 Q1. He counld see the out come and everyone kept blamming him why they were in the postion they were in . Q2.Things didnt gothe way they wanted it right away they had to suffer a little.they couldnt doubt they had to believe so god could use them for his glory. Q3.When ther faith was buildt up and god commanded themthey acted on his word god showed up and showed out and pharoah let them go.
  3. 1.Afraid of failure not anuff confidence,doubt.2.Pray stand on the word of lord jesus tell the devil to go to hell trust n jesus have more faith the that he gave us use it .3.fear is to doubt ,give up ,lack of faith the devilwill try to come anyway he can if u let him,courage is to have faith ,trust ,confident, hope,strong believe.4.To be strong so the people can see the jesus in u let the light of christ shine n you thru u amen so the holy ghost can use you for the glory of of the lord so u can be a example if people dont see the jesus n you they wont follow amen
  4. Q1:Moses thought noone was watching so he thought he could get away withit sin is sin you will have to answer for it. Moses should have took a different approach his angryness caused him to murder.When the 2 hebrew were fighting he tryed to help.But when the hebrew & the egyptian were he killed him and tryed to cover it up u know u did something wrong u might get away with it in this life time but u will have to answer to the lord for it moses weas a born leader god just had to bring that out of him .just as christ does with us if we belong to him amen god. Postive god was working on his character neg was sin amen.
  5. Gideon blame god for there troubles but really it was there mess they got themself into.And when god brought them out they still complained. his assessment wasnt accurate because of unbelief and disobiedance.why do we blame god.why because we can be in sin and there is consequeses and we want to blame god or someone else for our mess up.the danger we will go around in circles untill we get it right. repent and be obiedent to the lord jesus/holy spirit amen.
  6. Hello,My name i joey i'am on fire for christ iam in phx,az iam ready for some bible deep teaching so lets get busy pastor ralph.Iam a believer of the holy word of god ,jesus christ, holy spirit the trinity amen no sugar coating teach the word please
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