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Everything posted by lindaparadise
In what way does a prayer for pardon require faith? first in praying you are showing that you believe in GODknowing he will forgive. which means you know you've done wrong and are truly sorry. also knowing the only way to rectify this is by asking for forgiveness. there's no way forgiveness will be granted if you don't believe. there's no better way than in prayer to the lord for this or anything for that matter. What is that faith based on? How does a person gain the faith to pray this prayer in confidence? your history of truly believing in jesus and having these prayers answered.
Q3. Pleasing Boldness
lindaparadise replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Abraham's Prayer for Sodom (Genesis 18:16-33)
Do you think Abraham's boldness pleased God? Why or why not? What might cause God to take delight in your prayers to him? 1-well he didn't give up when the others did. 2-he did this patiently one step at a time. 3-and continued until he recieved GOD's word that he would do his bidding i have an example in my own life: i had been hoping and praying to have my own house since i was about 15 yrs. old my 4 sisters each had thier own houses. i worked very hard and wasn't reckless with the money. yet hubby had it in his mind that now wasn't the time. i continued to pray for this house. when at age 48 i talked to GOD and told him that this house i'd been praying for was no longer necessary and that i was thankful for what i had. 3 months later my hubby approaches me and says that we can't afford to continue paying this type of rent now or later and that we had enough money in our 401K to pay for about 1/2 a house. thankyou GOD you knew that i still wanted a house just that it was more important than everything. -
Q3. Pleasing Boldness
lindaparadise replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Abraham's Prayer for Sodom (Genesis 18:16-33)
Do you think Abraham's boldness pleased God? Why or why not? yes, and he also didn't give up like the others, which shows that they can't truly believe in GOD. yet abe told GOD what he truly felt. and even in his boldness still keep himself humble. What might cause God to take delight in your prayers to him? that we're not talking just words but true feelings. GOD understands each of our individual languages (just keep it clean and righteous). -
Q2. Humility and Boldness
lindaparadise replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. Abraham's Prayer for Sodom (Genesis 18:16-33)
How did Abraham demonstrate his humility before God? well he took it 1 step at a time by starting with 50 and working his way down. Why must boldness be tempered with humility? so that you don't start thinking that it's your lead or ideas but GOD's. and that he does these things to teach you whatever is needed at this time for you. -
Q4. Changing God's Mind
lindaparadise replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Moses' Intercession for Israel (Exodus 32:9-14)
How can prayer change God's mind without conflicting with the doctrine of the Immutability of God? no matter what is to happen GOD already knows the outcome. yet for example if the person is to die it could be in a diffrent way. it could be painless, or quickly, or without having to be humiliated. it will be in a better way the route will be a diffrent route yet the arrival time will not be changed. Can God answer a prayer for something outside of the scope of his will? like i said if this person is ment to go to heaven they will. if not they won't. GOD will let you have hope for them though. and when you die all memory of that person no matter who they were to you will be erased from your mind. this way you won't be hurting knowing they didn't make it.so in the end what GOD does is for the person doing the praying not always for who the prayer is for. GOD has it all under control. -
How can a wrong understanding of determinism and predestination keep us from the kind of gutsy prayer that Moses prayed? What do you call a belief that our prayers make no difference to God's response? 1st even if GOD knows the end we don't. without any of our actions, we're showing GOD that we don't care what happens. we have a choice and prayer is 1 of them. it's our way of asking for his help. it also acknowledges that we know we need his him. prayer shows GOD that we believe in him and that we care.
Q2. Praying Boldly
lindaparadise replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Moses' Intercession for Israel (Exodus 32:9-14)
What aspects of Moses' prayer of intercession should we emulate in our own prayers? 1st moses is praying with other intent than himself in mind. taking the chance that GOD will punish him for not just doing what he's told. seeing that moses is willing to take that chance and so giving it to him, for his people. Upon what logical grounds does Moses offer this bold appeal to God? what the egyptians would say as well as the promise he had previously made to abe, isaac and isreal. What do you think it means to "pray the promises of God"? to make his promises ours as well and as disciples lend GOD a hand in seeing that they get accomplicated. How does knowing the Bible help you get your prayers answered? the more you know GOD and his ways shows you what is expected of you so that you can do it. GOD knows that if you read his word there's a high percentage that you will truly believe in Jesus which means you'll then practice what it says. How does this help our prayers be within God's will? from past examples and the knowing of GOD better and what he's looking for or expecting. -
Q1. Rebellion
lindaparadise replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 2. Moses' Intercession for Israel (Exodus 32:9-14)
What had the people done that was so bad? from lack of patient and the incapability of being able to lead themselves (because were slaves for so long) they created a cafe idol from the gold jewelry they had and started to give in the credit for setting them free. worshipping it How can a loving God be angry? i'm not sure but it seems that GOD feeling responsible towards what the human race was up to. especially after all that he had just done for them.they would be lost even still. there was no graditude no thanks. and then to give a non-exisiting god the worship was the last straw. the ones who did this wouldn't go to heaven. what a waste. Is God's sentence to destroy Israel and raise up a new nation through Moses justified? well let's put it this way, moses gave GOD a reason for him to change his mind. something to think about. let's give them direction until them get the drift on thier own. and that's the reason for the 10 commendments. -
Q4. Forgiving
lindaparadise replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15)
Why should we continually ask forgiveness? 1st we sin everyday, not intentionaly but there it is. if we ask forgiveness as we relize that we've sinned then we can keep our souls clean and show GOD that we are truly sorry for our sins How can unforgiveness on our part block God's blessing? you want to be forgiven yet you are not willing to forgive. sounds pretty selfish to me a one way street. that's not the way it works. give and you shall recieve that goes for forgiveness as well. How can unforgiveness block God's forgiveness? Jesus said in John: that we should love each other as i have loved you. if you can't forgive them then we're not loving them. also during the last supper Jesus forgave Judas for what he was about to do. aren't we suppose to follow in his footstepts. i'm sure nothing we've been through can compare to what Jesus went through and he forgave. anyway if you can't forgive then you're not a true disciple of Jesus and won't be forgiven for your sins. -
Q2. Kingdom and Will
lindaparadise replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15)
In what sense are we asking that the Father's kingdom should come? that the moment GOD has decided to "Come" and get us (we die) that then we go directly to "heaven" Why are we asking for the Father's will to be done here on earth? that Jesus uses us for his doings while still here (on earth) alive How should this prayer affect our living? lets us know that we are here for a purpose, (which is to let everyone we come in contact with know of GOD and his doings) as well as there is a better place to go when Jesus is finished using us for his doings -
Q1. Hallowed Be Thy Name
lindaparadise replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:5-15)
What about our lives and words "hallows" the name of our Father? when we speak of GOD, how we speak of him and who we speak of about him which is always, in praise and to everyone What desecrates and besmirches it? any time we or anyone else does something that is disrespeckful of him. (ex) disobeying any of the 10 commandments or seeing someone else doing it and disreguarding it because it's not yourself not helping others be better in GOD even if they aren't willing right away. How should we "hallow" the Father when we begin to pray? to give him thanks, praise, and recognition. -
How were the Philippians' financial gifts credited to their heavenly account, do you think? How was their giving linked to temporal blessings? they were thier for paul no questions asked. when ever and where ever he was. that's the way that GOD wants it to be. do what you can with the resorces and gifts that you have been given. no questions asked. he knows what is best for you and for all. i believe that they scored quite a few brownie points with what they did.
What is the basis of Paul's contentment? Does this contentment undermine ambition? What is necessary for us to achieve this kind of contentment? the basis is simple; that GOD is first now, tomorrow and always. and if you have to give up what you've recieved than no questions asked or procastinating either. just do it. GOD will lead you where and with what is necessary to do the job he has in mind for you.
How can a "prosperity doctrine" threaten Christian ministry? properity can be good and bad. good; if you see it as a means from GOD to do something for others with. bad; if you see it as a reward for what have already done. our reward is to be later in heaven. so it may change the person recieving to doing things for others for the wrong reason. but GOD will test us to see what we will do. To what prime motivation in us does such a teaching often appeal? it depends on the individual, if you truly believe in GOD. this test will let you help others. yet on the other hand, what do you have to look forward to. something else that may not be necessary. and at that point you'll never be satisfied. In balance, what does the Bible teach about poverty and riches? most of the time people aren't strong enough to handle it. once have it not willing to give it up for anything, including GOD.
Why is mind control necessary for success? that depends on whom is controlling the mind. if you think that you can do it alone think again. i'm sure we've all thought more than once that we can make up our own mind. but when we do it without Jesus' help the devil jumps in and goes to work. and we don't always recognize him. so if you consider that asking Jesus for help everyday to direct you in the right direction mind control. than i agree that it's necessary. For mental and spiritual peace? if you agree that Jesus should be in control, than spiritual and any other kind of peace is always there. What have you decided to focus on instead of your anxieties? praying for peace and salvation for others How is this working for you? i'm kind of impatient. i've seen an improvement in many but not to the point of salvation yet. it kinda takes longer than i'd like. keep praying that it won't be to late for them.
How does making our requests known to God help build a relationship and trust? it's like talking to your best friend (but better) you can say anything that you want knowing that it's being heard, listened to, heart felt and if it's in need of a reaction it will get the appropriate one. What is God's part in the promise of peace? peace of mind that GOD will do what is needed for those who truly believe and love him.
How is a request in prayer altered by the presence of thanksgiving in the prayer? How does thanksgiving affect our faith as we pray? saying thank you like you're putting in a request rather than asking Jesus for help. it's not the same thing Jesus isn't here to serve your every request. for all that you know you might not have the right request or answer. you might not know what Jesus has in mind for you at this time.he's the only one with all the answers. all you do is pray(ask) for help not something in particular. he'll do what's best for the situation. then you give thanks for the ressults.
Is rejoicing in the Lord a feeling or an action? How should you seek to fulfill this command if you don't feel like it? it starts as a feeling and spreads out to other things. you fell great about GOD,yourself, everything..so you want to share your feelings. which makes you take action. this takes form in several ways. by telling of your feeling and experience, by wanting to help those who may be in the prediciment you were or still are in or anything else you can do. especially being a disciple of GOD. What is the effect of rejoicing? hopefully it will spread like a grape vine continueing and producing fruit of life.
Why is recognizing and affirming your citizenship and allegiance vital to discipleship? How does it keep us from the temptations outlined in verses 18 and 19? 1st you have to know where you came from before you know where you are going. then when you decide where you'd like to go you can avoid the mistakes (with Jesus's help) once made a go forward towards your goal. What are the dangers of a church combining and confusing the concepts of temporal patriotism with a Christian's true citizenship? true citizenship is not always in the interest of GOD.
How can Paul be so bold as to ask others to imitate him? he was very proud of Jesus and wanted to share hom with as many people as possible. witch he needed help with so he asked for that help by educating others to help him spread Jesus' WORD Why are we so hesitant to do this? at 1st i was for i didn't want to be ridiculed, by humans (foolish han?) then the more i learned of Jesus and talked to him the less i cared of what others thought of me. and the more endurance i had. How does God use imitation in building disciples? Who is likely to imitate you? if you past the tests of others and they acctually see you doing what you're talking about then they'll know that's it's not just a lot of hot air. also (the loudest squeek gets the oil) like the parabale of the woman who needed to talk to the king. she continued to come every day no matter how long it took till he gave in and saw her. hopfully if you don't give up on people and keep praying for them there might be a chance that they'll give Jesus a try and you've got them hooked.
What is it like to be called upwards by God? Have you ever experienced this? it's great, let's you know that you're not just here to take up time. not just exisisting but have a function to help Jesus help as much of the world as can be helped (if they're willing) What causes God's call to become dim in our hearing? How can we renew our hearing of his call? What is the content or specifics of this message or summons or call? how about GOD"s testing us the devil's oppotunity to get in and take over. if you speak to Jesus all the time (everyday, several times a day) and ask him questions and for help his call will become aware to you.he won't let you down. and sometimes something that is happening may not be bad. just Jesus' way of letting go of something in the present to make way for something else in the future.
Q1. (3:13) How can the past get in the way of our quest to know Christ? What do you need to "forget" so that you may focus on Christ today and tomorrow? Is there forgiving you need to do so you can grow in Christ? if you continue to live in the past and not for the future, it can get in your way. (ex 1) if it's a good past then be happy for it. then try to share yourself for others to also have a good life to remember. maybe your forfillment and decisions helped (along with GOD's watchful eye) make that life good. share the secreats with others. (ex 2)if it's bad and it made you angry it's better to forget it. for pondering on it can only lead to no good. it can't be changed. but it can be forgiven. and forgiveness is something that makes you feel better even if it does nothing for the other(s). also living in the past wheater it was good or bad is not living now in GOD or yourself and others. how can you disciple if you're not even in the present?
Q4. Knowing Christ
lindaparadise replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. That I May Know Him (Philippians 3:1-11)
to know Christ and to know of him are not the same thing. i'd have to say that i have faith and have a relationship with him as well. and the more i read the more that i know about him. when they say follow in his footsteps, well i don't think that that is possible for anyone. i do as much as i can and what i think he wants of me. knowing that he's alright with it. -
Q3. Righteousness through Faith
lindaparadise replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. That I May Know Him (Philippians 3:1-11)
How does righteousness obtained through faith differ from righteousness obtained through law observance? through faith is what GOD wants us to be like. 1st he sent us laws through Moses...then he sent us himself in the flesh(Jesus)known as his son.. the laws were writtened and then the people interpret them to suit themselves.(ex) when Moses came with the 10 commandments the people lived by them. when something would occure such as [thy shall not commit adultry] if this occures now the people approach Moses to see if they can put a clause in the original laws. if wife (only) commits adultry the husband can divorce her and re-marry. yet through faith the laws are followed because you are with Jesus who is guiding you and all will be alright no need for interpretation. How seriously does righteousness by law observance infect your congregation? Society's view of Christianity in general? Why is this concept of justification or righteousness by faith so difficult to grasp? it's difficult to grasp because people want to lead the way and not be lead, by Jesus or anyone else.