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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Deb Sagvold

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  1. My biggest trial lately has come from my church. I thought I was doing a good thing, but it created jealousy and hard feelings and I recently left my church. I expect trials in my daily life, but I was blind-sided by such opposition in my church. I'm trying to focus on the purpose for this particular trial. I truly felt called to work and teach there, and I know that I was making a positive difference, but obviously God has other plans for me. I guess it lead me to this online bible study, so that's one positive thing to come of it.
  2. I think trials help us get rid of the unnecessary 'stuff' and help us focus on what's important - God. When we can clear away all the junk that we're worried about, it's much easier to hear God's wisdom and act on it.
  3. I am learning to submit to God's will and I understand that trials will eventually make me a better Christian. But, sometimes it's so hard to stay focused on that!
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