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Everything posted by Sage
Q4. Do Struggles Honor God?
Sage replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. God Is at Work in You (Philippians 2:12-18)
You have gone through struggles and obstacles to your faith. If you were to look at your sufferings as a "drink offering" poured out before God, how does that honor God? How does that bring value to your struggles? In a sense, you are laying your struggles and sins at the feet of God. You are unburdoning yourself to him and that shows trust and faith in His promises to take care of us. He wants us to 'give it up to Him' I also think that you can appreciate His grace more if you've been through personal struggles. If you are struggling with your faith and you pour those struggles out before God, aren't you showing faith in Him that He will help you overcome? Isn't that honoring Him? -
Q3. Holding Fast the Word of Life
Sage replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. God Is at Work in You (Philippians 2:12-18)
In what sense are we Christians to "hold fast" the Word of Life? In what sense are we to "hold forth" this Word of Life? How does this relate to the purpose of the church? I believe 'holding fast the Word' refers to us clinging to Christ and learning all that we can about his teachings. In 'holding forth' the Word, we are in a sense, bringing or showing Christ to the rest of the world. As to relating to the purpose of the church, isn't that what it is? Learning about God and giving His message of Love to the rest of the world? In my opinion, that's what Paul is trying to tell the Phillipians. -
Q4. Exalting the Humble
Sage replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. He Emptied Himself (Philippians 2:1-11)
We know we're supposed to humble ourselves like Jesus did. But how can we know whether or not God will exalt us? I think everyone who believes in the Word knows that God will exalt the humble, because he states it there. Personally, I know that He will. Why do we get impatient with this? Our impatience comes from not wanting to suffer through the ucomfortable stuff (being humble is not easy!). Then, if this is true, and our eyes are only on the end result, then are our hearts truly in the right place?! What does our impatience sometimes lead to? Pride = sin = distance from our Lord! Being humble is something that I constantly have to work on. At the same time, the people I admire the most are humble people. Why is it so hard for me?! -
One thing I fear is that when I'm a bold witness then people expect me to be perfect. I'm a Christian, not Christ himself! I am imperfect and a sinner, but I still strive to set a good example and show Christ's love. I worry that when I fall short of that goal, it reflects back on Christ and his love. His love for me is so wonderful! - Why can't I live only for him and not fall short???
Yesterday, my daily devotion had a question: In the midst of a stressful day, ask youself this question, "Where do you want to be 100 years from now?" If your answer is Heaven, then make all your decisions reflect that goal! We all need to remember that He is in control and all we do is ultimately for Him.
Q1. Crediblity
Sage replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #2. Struggles that Advance the Gospel (Philippians 1:12-30)
My most recent struggle came being persecuted in my own church. I found strength to endure for awhile, but chose to leave the church eventually. Looking back, I feel that God was leading me in a new direction. Maybe my usefulness was used up where I was! In reading this lesson, I had to laugh at the part that said show me a person who's effectively working for Christ and I'll show you a person with enemies!!! I am struggling with forgiving those who hurt me deeply in our church and have trouble understanding how I can forgive them effectively when they do not admit wrong doing. Can you forgive without repentance??? Or just accept and try to understand? Anyway, yesterday I received a job offer as superintendant of the Sunday school at my new church. The direction I am supposed to take? I think maybe this is the road that He was nudging me towards! I am so excited about my church life once again -
Q3. Bring to Completion
Sage replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Approve What Is Excellent (Philippians 1:1-11)
Wouldn't it be wonderful if each of us could remember every minute of every day what Paul knew? If we could have such total confidence that we could expect God to do these things for us? Why do we ever struggle? Why do we ever stress??? -
Q2. Partners
Sage replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #1. Approve What Is Excellent (Philippians 1:1-11)
Of course, giving monetary donation creates an interest in the inner workings of an organization. And a person naturally gets a sense of accomplishment when good things happen due to their donations. However, I personally feel that an even more satisfactying way to 'give' is to give time to teach the children, or participate in youth ministry! The rewards are greater than you can imagine and the really cool thing is that a person learns so much while doing it Anyone can give money~ giving of your talents allows a person to see the direct fruits of their labor:) -
Hi! My name is Deb. I'm just an every day gal who wants to learn more the Word. I've attended many churches and found a home in the Lutheran denomination. My husband and I own a cattle ranch in North Dakota and have 3 children. This is my second Joyful Heart bible study.
But, why would we not want wisdom from God?
Q3. Doublemindedness
Sage replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 1. Experiencing Joy in Trials (James 1:1-18)
I think the double-mindedness maybe comes when people doubt the Word. If you let doubt cloud your heart then how can you accept God's wisdom? -
Hi, my name is Deb. I chose 'Sage' as my registered name because, like the plant, I can be tested by wind, rain and fire and still come back strong! I might be set back, but I'll never quit growing in the Lord! This is my first on-line bible study and I'm so looking forward to it. I am the mother of 3 wonderful kids and married to my best friend. I'm hoping that all of my family can benefit in some way with this study. I'm excited about the open forum part of this study. Thanks to everyone for sharing your thoughts and perspectives.