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peaceful gardener

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Everything posted by peaceful gardener

  1. One of our local gospel singing groups wrote a song "Sunday Morning Christian" that explains this exactly. It refers to people who talk the talk but do not walk the walk. One must acknowledge their misdeeds (sins)before being able to change their hearts and let Christ enter. People tend to be comfortable with what they are doing in this world and are afraid if they repent, they will have to go "out of their box" in order to be born again. I feel that probably 90% of people who call themselves Christians are unprepared in heart, not necessarily out of self will but because of fear of the unknown or lack of knowledge. The 10% of us who are true Christians have to educate through words and actions how wonderful it is to be a Christian.
  2. To be holy means to me that I am pure of heart and mind and worthy to stand before God. The only way I can to this is to be one with Jesus and to accept him as the true son of God who was crucified for my sins.
  3. To be in Christ to me means that I am totally in harmony with Him, that I feel at peace with my surroundings and circumstances, and more importantly to know that Christ is in ME, with me in all that I do and say.
  4. Thank you for the reminder. However, I did not participate in that bible study. I usually do not have time in the summer for on line studies, only my own daily study. Now that winter is upon us, I would appreciate information of current studies. Thank you. Midge Tucker
  5. Faith without deeds is not true faith. Jesus showed his faith by his love for all people and his generosity in giving where there was lack. If we have true faith, our hearts will dictate our giving, and we cannot sit by and do nothing. It is within us---we have no control over it. If we see a lack or wrong being done to someone and turn away, we are in essence turning away from Christ.
  6. The promise is that God will give us wisdom just for asking for it without any question. The condition is that we have to believe with all that is in us, and not doubt God's messages to us in any way. NO BUTS!! It is only through trials, and how we handle them, that God can see if we are really singly focused on Him and not on the world. As Joyce Meyer says "When trouble strikes, go to the THRONE, not the PHONE."
  7. It is easier to blame God than to take responsibility for our own actions. Because of the original sin, God allows us to choose between good and evil. God does not tempt us with evil. Satan tempts us, and our strength in God allows us to turn away from evil. The stronger our faith in God, the more we are able to choose good, and the harder Satan tries to lure us away from eternal life. It is all part of the process of our growth, preparing us for a future in heaven. If there was no evil, how could God separate the wheat from the chaff? He doesn't want us to go to Him kicking and screaming, but because we choose to.
  8. TRIALS!!!!!!!!!!!!Over the past 40 years there have been many, many trials of varying degrees. All of these trials have brought me to where I am in my journey today. It was many years before I realized that God was using all my problems to mold me into the person He wants me to be. However, the closer I get to God and the end of my journey, the harder Satan works to destroy me. About a year ago, Satan sent one of his henchmen to my "then" church in the form of a pastor. Although God revealed this to me at the time of this man's first visit, I was only one voice in the crowd. He was indeed hired, and within 6 months had reduced the church to about 6 members. This encounter face to face with an anti-Christ has left me beyond shock and disbelief. Because God has given me the gift of discerning spirits, I have seen Satan many times, but this last time has affected me greatly. I have yet to know what lesson this experience is teaching me, but am confident that His purpose will be revealed in His time. Satan has no permanent hold over me, and I know that I am always and foremost a child of God, and try to live my daily life in His image.
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