It seems we all agree that God had been there all along, but Gideon and the Isrealites were too self-absorbed to notice. They were focusing on the problems and how they could handle it, and not until they cried to the Lord, did He send them a prophet (v. 7-8). How easily we make props for ourselves, fooling ourselves into thinking we're self-sufficient. When that begins to happen, we quit focusing on God, because our pride tells us that we don't need to......we've got it covered. Sometimes (too often, I'm afraid) God needs to knock those props out from under us, so that we'll seek Him and His answers instead of trying to handle it on our own.
Gideon's situation reminds me of USA's September 11th crisis. We were all pretty much at ease in America, prior to 8:30 am that morning, and then WHAM! Many people asked, "Where was God?" As Christians, we can say with confidence, "God was right there." The churches were flooded for the next few weeks because people had had their props knocked out, but after a few weeks, attendance began returning to normal as the horror of that day faded, and people began rebuilding their props.
Please don't think I'm being judgmental. I'm as guilty as anyone in not praying about something because "I've got it covered, Lord. I'll call you when I need you." Constant reliance on God is a trait to be admired.