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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Emma Vega

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  1. How does favoritism go hand in hand with evil thoughts? Its quite simple: through our own selfish desires (anytime it is not for Gods' glory and for our own is a N0-NO) is just proof that the flesh that we live in is "wretched" as Paul had described it--the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak kind of thing. We are all GUILTY of doing this-judging. Thank God that HE brings it to our attention, to change our hearts, attitudes, and mind. We just need to be more conscious of what we do, think and say.
  2. In what way does favoritism make us a judge? Huh, I had never really looked at it that way;however,analyzing it, it simply makes sense. It all leads back to what really matters to God--the condition of the heart. God ONLY cares about an individuals' heart, because remember whatever proceeds out of the mouth, comes from the heart. For "Christians" it is very easy to fall into this trap. And the book of James is an exellent mirror we can use as believers to look deep within us. We have no right to determine who or what deserves our special attention or favoritism. I can agree with everyone in the forum that extends this very notion of favoritism; I believe that we are all just searching for TRUTH and through God's living word, we shall continue to find it. Praise God for His Wisdom, may it make us better followers of Christ in our daily battles.
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