Eager Bver
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Q4. (Psalm 27:8) What does it mean “to seek his face”? What is necessary in us to have a desire for that? How did talking to God “face to face” change Moses? How will it change us? What does it cost us to actively seek him? Is it worth it? How does seeking his face relate to our theme of the Glorious Kingdom? Be in his presence. You need his spirit and it gives a hunger for a better relationship with God. His face was shining that he had to cover his face and he became God's friend. We would be in tune to the things of God, wanting to please Him in all that we do. It would cost me time set aside to seek him. yes, it is worth it. Glory evolves in his presence.
Q3. The Glory of the Bride
Eager Bver replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Glory and Kingdom to Come
Q3. Based on John’s vision of the Bride, the Holy City, in Revelation 21, how would you describe in your own words the glory we will experience? An amazing and beautiful city consisting of jewels everywhere you look. Filled with the glory of God. -
Q2. Reigning with Christ
Eager Bver replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 6. The Glory and Kingdom to Come
Q2. (2 Timothy 2:12a) What does it mean to “rule and reign” with Christ now, in this life? What do you think it will mean after Christ returns? How does this relate to our theme of the Glorious Kingdom? To rule and reign with Christ now is to go thru life as his representative, overcoming sin and the problems thru his power and standing for righteousness. After Christ returns, we will rule with him. We will see the fullness of his glory in the kingdom. -
Q1. What does Matthew 24:30-31 tell us will happen when Christ returns? How does this relate to Daniel's prophecy of the Son of Man? Everyone will see Christ in the clouds with glory and power. The angels will gather the Christians and take them to heaven. "In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven."
Q4. (Matthew 6:10) In what sense are we to rule and reign in Christ’s Kingdom administration now, in this life? What would your world be like if a majority of believers took this seriously? What do you think ruling and reigning with Christ will consist of after he returns? In our daily walk of life, our experiences and situations. My world would be filled with miracles, love in adverse situations, God's presence would be expressed constantly. We would be one with Christ.
Q3. (Ephesians 1:20-22; 2:6) Jesus’ apostles were given spiritual authority from Jesus to carry out their ministries. What is the basis of your spiritual authority? Why do you think we believers neglect to exercise our God-given Kingdom authority? Christ who is seated in heaven, that power flows from him to us. Lack of faith and belief; we don't know who we are in the kingdom.
Q2. Seeing the Treasure Within
Eager Bver replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 5. God's Glory in Clay Jars
Q2. (2 Corinthians 4:5-12) Why does a believer’s suffering make his or her witness more credible to the world? Why do you think Paul contrasts “jars of clay” with “all-surpassing power”? What is the “treasure” that is contained within us? How does this differ from the New Age truism of “believe in yourself”? We are lights in a dark world. To withstand persecution and not retaliate is a strong witness where God's glory is expressed. Jars of clay is us humans who are powerless until the potter, who is God, fashions us his way. The treasure is God's spirit where his glory is shown thru us. We of ourselves, can do nothing without Christ. He is all powerful. It is thru God that we live, move and have our being. -
Q1. (Matthew 5:14-16) In what sense are we the “light of the world”? What does it mean to let your light shine? What kinds of character and actions in a believer’s life bring glory to the Father? Why were we created to do good works? (Ephesians 2:10) We are the "light of the world" when what we do represent Christ. When wrong presents itself, we stand up for doing what is right. Character of righteousness and behavior bring glory to the Father. For us to do good works helps to glorify God, it also proves the goodness of God.
What increases one’s hunger for God? What tends to deplete this hunger? What would it take for your hunger for God to be renewed to great intensity? How might fasting help in this process? God. The constant searching and longing for more of Him, his presence and manifestation. Fasting because you are putting the desire for closeness with Him first and foremost of utter importance. You are focused on him fully.
Q3. (2 Corinthians 4:16-18) In what way do our “light, momentary afflictions” achieve for us an “eternal weight of glory”? Suffering can make a person bitter or better. How can suffering work God’s character in your life? The afflictions causes us to turn to Christ as we are unable to do anything about the situation. Suffering work God's character in my life as I yield to him the problem and trust in him.
Q2. (2 Corinthians 3:18) What is the effect on a believer from continued exposure to God's presence? Why do many believers remain spiritual infants? Why does deep exposure to God transform a person? You are changed, shaped into His character. Many believers remain spiritual infants because they do not read the bible, pray and don't go to church on a regular basis. Deep exposure transform one because it is growth where you are dying to fleshly things and growing to heavenly things.
Q1. (2 Corinthians 3:18) In your own words, how do you describe what it means to “behold his glory”? Have you ever experienced this? What do you think would be necessary for you to experience this on a regular basis? What keeps you from experiencing this? To behold his glory is to be in his presence by reading his word and applying it to my life. Yes when I realize prayers have been answered and His word seems to become real to me. To experience this on a regular basis, I need to pray and read the bible at a set time. Busyness.
Q4. According to Daniel 7:14, what is the extent of the Son of Man’s authority? Of his glory? How is the use of Jesus’ name in prayer and command a form of delegating his power? How much power do we have in Jesus’ name? What limits the exercise of this power? He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all peoples, nations and men of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed." He gives you the ok to use his name. The power we have in his name is to heal and deliver souls from bondage. Unbelief limits the use of this power.
Q3. Glory and Crucifixion
Eager Bver replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in 3. We Have Seen Jesus' Glory
Q3. How is Jesus' glory displayed in his trial and crucifixion? In his resurrection? How do you think the thief on the cross and the centurion supervising the crucifixion could see his glory? Why is God's glory often seen in the midst of suffering? Jesus' glory is displayed in his trial and crucifixion as king he keeps his eye on the kingdom, he stated he was not of this world; He forgives those who crucified him and receives the thief into glory. Jesus' glory is displayed in the resurrection on the road when he says that the crucifixion had to happen according to the prophets. they saw his glory by his forgiving power, and not retaliating to the mockers. God's glory is often seen in the midst of suffering because there is a remarkable power of control and confidence in God occurring. -
Q2. How is Jesus’ glory displayed through his transfiguration and miracles? Jesus' glory is displayed through his transfiguration where a bright light was shone all around him and God spoke through it. His glory was displayed through his miracles by the people seeing the power of God manifested and they in turn praise God. That is what we do, we give him glory.