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  1. Q4. (1:5-8) What is the promise to claim in verse 5? What is the condition attached to this promise in verse 6? How do trials help us receive this wisdom? The promise in verse 5 is wisdom. We need to be sure that we really want it and are willing to listen to it. I remember times when I have asked for wisdom, received the wisdom and then decided that was not what I wanted to hear.During trials we get to a point when we do not know what to do and we cry out to God for the wisdom to get through the trial. We tend to stay more focused on God when we realize that we are not in control. I like to say that trials are only opportunities for growth.
  2. (1:5-8) How do trials help cure us of "doublemindedness"? How do trials help us grow in faith? Trials are the opportunity to put our faith to the test. I think there are times in my own life that I have tried to take control, and the trials get even worse. Trials show us who we should trust in. We need to keep our eyes on God. Trials will help us grow in our faith if we walk our talk. I know that when God has brought me through trials, I have a even deeper faith. It is a way of making your faith a knowing. There comes a time that we know that God is in control and we know that He will bring us through this also. This too soon will end.
  3. Why do people blame God for evil? I have heard a lot of different reasons. The big one I hear from people is that God is in charge of all things which means evil. People can be so immature and this is what causes people to blame others. I know of a lot of people who do not believe Satan is real so they blame God. I have also heard a lot of , " If God really loves me why does he let this happen". Does God tempt us with evil? No. I beleive that God will let things happen to get our attention. We do not always llisten to God. I do not believe that God does not let things happen haphazardly. It all has a purpose. Does he tempt sinful people with evil? No Why does he allow people to sin? God has given us free choice. God wants us to choose, not be like robots. I found God once again in my period of deep sin.
  4. What value have trials had in your life? Trials have taught me many lessons about myself. The way I think, the way I react and the way I feel about myself. Without trials I never would have grown in my christian walk. I am thankful for the trials as I now know they are learning experiences. Have you let Satan destroy you with those trials? I do not believe that I have let Satan destroy me. I do know that I have given him control at different times. I see the areas that I have given up in and have begun reclaiming them. Or allowed God to refine you? I know that God is refining me but I am not always very willing or very eager. How have you changed? I no longer let myself get down. I look at the trials as opportunities for growth. I use to let myself get into the pity pot.
  5. Hello Everyone My name is Janina and I live in Washington State. I attend the Assemblies of God Church here in Moses Lake. I have been a Christian since I was 11 but left the church for a number of years, returning 6 years ago. I really look forward to doing this bible study and like the discipline it takes to partake of something like this.
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