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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Lola Diana

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Everything posted by Lola Diana

  1. The anointing seems to indicate special, super-natural power of one's words or actions. obviously powerful solely because God did it. Several examples were given, as in David, Isaiah, Jesus. When one becomes a believer, one receives the Holy Spirit. His power is released as we surrender (daily) to Him. We receive the Holy Spirit at the point of our believing in Jesus as our Saviour and Lord0 (John 7:37ff; Acts 2:38; John 1:33ff; John 14:16 and many other verses. The verses that speak most clearly to me are from Ephesians 1:13-14.s
  2. Q4: 1) Could be addictions to meds, food, cigarettes, drugs, alchohol, etc. 2) Greed. buying more and more things for the house; clothes, etc. 3) Put on airs. Wanting others to think I'm better than I am. We love God, yet we don't ask ourselves if what we want lines up with His will. It is a subtle ploy of Satan for America - "keep their minds on things other than God and His Kingdom work".
  3. Reminding us of the intercession of Jesus Christ on our behalf. It is done but is still in action. We are relieved that we haven't ruined our relationship with God or our oopportunity to minister, unlike a culture in which we lived while in Asia....when a person wronged another, they no longer have any say or authority. Once they have "messed up" they have lost all influence. Not so with Christ. In His atoning also come grace. It is a double pronged event: atoning sacrifice AND grace. Because of it, we want to live wholly pleasing to Him.
  4. Until we confess our sin, we aren't admitting any wrong. Therefore, confessing, admitting is the first step; being honest. We grow hard and callous when we stop confessing. Two fold promise, forgive and cleanse. The sin is erased, removed when forgiven. When we're clean again there is not dirt, guilt, drag on our lives. We are again set up and ready for action, like a car ready for a race.
  5. When we fall to sin and then accept that as inevitable so somehow acceptable, we are omitting God from our lives: His teachings, the daily help and guidance of the Holy Spirit, the strangth He provides, etc. We must be on guard, our American culture brainwashes that we are to do what we want to feel good, look good, endulge self, #1 above all (self). Why deny self? Why make the effort to live on a higher plane with a highter standard? (this is the world's thinking) When we do fall, quickly admit and confess so your relationship with Christ can be restored and strengthened.
  6. To me it is prevented by all the good possibilities out there, if only we are plugged in (raqdio, phone, msn, TV, etc. etc.) This keeps me from getting below the surface. Plugged, I don't have to think too deeply or long. There needs to be extended, unplugged, open unhurried times in which to study scripture, discuss, brainstorm, pray together. Then built in time of quiet, reflection, evaluation. Time to write goals, ideas, plans that we feel God is planting in our lives.
  7. Greetings This is my 3rd study with Pastor Ralph, but my first time in the forums. My husband and I retired 3 1/2 years ago after 36 yeaars of overseas mission work with the International Mission Boards (SBC). We raised our family in Asia and thrived in our life there. We are now settled into a "new" life in east Texas (Longview) and enjoying new opportunities of Kingdom Work here. We have 3 grown kids and 8 grandkids. Looking forward to sharing and learning with all of you. Diana
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