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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by Casey

  1. I can't begin to understand what it was like living in that time period. Perhaps like it was in the Wild West or in Afghanistan. Fear was the prevailing emotion for the tribes of Isreal. How was God revealing himself to His people at this time? He never leaves or forsakes, so He was revealing. Was it just through prophets ? I know they didn't have all the revelation we have. Gideon was hiding in the winepress - a sign of retreat on the one hand, and courage (threshing the wheat under seige) on another. Maybe that is why God saw strength in him. The scripture doesn't say he was complaining before God introduced Himself. Why did he think he could talk to God like that? He didn't have a continuing relationship like Abraham had when he bartered with God. Is he blaming God or wanting to understand better? And a big thanks to Hobie and all the U S servicemen in Afghanistan. Casey
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