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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum


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Everything posted by Kelli

  1. We receive spiritual and material blessings, but also prayers, love, and encouragement. We can give our love and care, our time, as well as our prayers and of course our monetary support.
  2. A slave is someone committed totally to that person. A saint is someone who is consecrated or set apart -holy for God. It is saying to me that I am totally committed and set apart for God. I am in total dependence upon Him and my hope and faith is in Him and Him alone. I am here to serve God and God alone.
  3. Hi! I'm from the USA, residing in the state of Georiga. I used to be a Catholic until January of this year. I am now attending a church that is non-denominational. I am truly looking forward to these Bible Studies to help me to dig deeper in His Word and to help me to learn how to apply it to my life. Thank you for having me aboard. Your sister in Jesus Christ.
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