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  1. You must first seek the kingdom of God. You will be fed and clothed. To me the promise means that if I put God
  2. Giving is one of the gifts mentioned in Romans 12:6-8. It is part of the ministry and God rewards all who work for His kingdom. As the scripture shows in 2Cor 9:11 Paul says that they will be made rich so they can be generous all the time. Although I believe tithing is one of the Old Testament laws that was done away with when the new covenant was made, I do think that we are all to give all we can to not only support our church but also the missions and people who are in need. The only New Testament reference that I can find to tithing is when Jesus is talking to the Pharisees in Mt23:23. I believe that when He told them not to neglect the others He was speaking to them as Jews, who still had that custom. When the big controversy was going on about the Gentiles keeping the Jewish laws it was made quite clear that the Gentile Christians were not meant to take on the Jewish customs. Forgive me Pastor Ralph, but I think that church leaders have decided to keep this law in effect in order to get more revenue for their churches.
  3. A prosperity doctrine can threaten Christian ministry because it can cause someone to turn to God for the wrong reasons. I have heard quite a few preachers preach if you pay your tithes then you will get back ten-fold. I have seen a lot of people pay tithes because they believe that expecting to get out of the financial trouble that they are in and there are no results. Sure there are people who do reap when they pay tithes, but there are just as many who suffer great financial burdens when they do. Enough said about tithes that is a whole other topic that I don
  4. Like you said in your lesson, you have to concentrate on the task at hand if we are going to succeed in what we attempt to accomplish. We are human, we have carnal minds. We have to force ourselves to focus on the Godly. I think that although Satan can
  5. By thanking God for the request that we make we are showing faith. We are seeing the granting of the prayer as we are making it. Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. By offering thanksgiving in our prayer we are increasing our faith, the more we use it the more we get.
  6. I think that rejoicing is a strong feeling of joy that can
  7. Paul like Jesus, knew that some people need a role model to follow. He was only following Christ
  8. Being called upwards by God is like feeling the love of someone that you hold very special in your heart, someone that you love and they want to spend time with you. Like being chosen one out of many for a very important position. I think that anyone who is a real Christian has been called by God at some point or another. I think that God
  9. I think that sometimes we can look at the past and get depressed over things that might have turned out differently. When that happens we feel sorry for ourselves and lose our focus on Jesus. I sometimes think about the things in this life that I used to have and don
  10. Righteousness obtained through the law can only fail. Jesus Christ is the only human who could keep every law that was given( remember there was over 600 laws to follow, not just the 10 commandments). If we believe that Jesus will give us the grace we need to be righteous, then that righteousness can not fail because it comes from God. I think that society in general looks at a person
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