Psalm 95:1-7 uses the terms Lord, Rock, King (above all gods), Maker and the great God. It otherwise refers to God as being the creator and former of the seas, mountains, heavens and earth. The scriptures imply He is our Shepherd or guide and caretaker. It describes us as the people of His pasture and the flock under His care.
From the names and titles within the passages, our God is the one and only God. He is our Lord to which we are willingly enslaved (by His love for us and (hopefully) our love for Him). He has given us the very life we breathe. He has created all we see around us. He has given us the gift of salvation that allows us to spend eternity with Him. He is the rock or foundation of our faith. He also shepherds us along our walk through this life, guiding and protecting us. He is the ultimate power, over all that exists.
As our creator, saviour, protector and guide He is deserving of our praise, worship and thanks. We are told an appropriate form of worship for includes Him; joyfully singing for Him and giving thanks and praise to Him in music and song. We are told we should bow down and worship Him, as a sign of our recognizing His position.
God has infinite power and created our universe; one which is so immense we measure it in light years. Compare how small we, as individuals, are with the scope of all of His creation. In spite of His awesome nature, He still loves and uplifts what is a pretty insignificant life force. His interest in us is so complete that He has