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Paul has totally surrendered to the call of Christ Jesus and his implicit obedience has enabled the Holy Spirit to guide him and strengthen him in his zealous ministry for the Lord Jesus Christ. He has surrenders his body, mind and spirit. And therefore asks us to follow his example in leading christian life and be a part of the fellowship. His past did not haunt him and torture him, which we should learn to follow. It is difficult for me to ask anybody or even family members to follow my examlpe as I was not always a good christian example. However I am pressing forward with the high calling and endeavouring to live a life worthy of my calling. I found out that it is always good for me to follow or imitate a saintly christian,spiritually mature person, for guidance. My children are grownup and I hope and pray my children and grandchildren imitate me in their christian walk.
Q2. The Upward Call of God
dajady2000 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #7. Pressing Toward the Goal (Philippians 3:12-4:1)
To be called upwards personally by the holy God, is a thrilling lifetime experience and the ONE who has called us will also empower and enable us to achieve the high calling, if we keep our ultimate aim as to fulfill the goal of reaching the standard set before us, by HIM. Yes, I have experienced this calling firstime and many time afterwards, as I became wayward, lost sight of the goal, I was called to achieve. Lord, in all abundance of His grace, repeatedly course corrected me and put me in the right track to reach the goal and the glorious prize. This was made possible by indepth study of HIS word, by such study as this and the fellowship of believers, and above all by the gentle nudging of the Holy Spirit. The worldly involvement into my life causes to dim my ability to hear and work hard to HIS calling. The content of this call is to live life worthy of His calling, and grow spiritually on daily basis and be a blessing to fellow believers and for HIS Kingdom. -
Often we are bogged down with our past failures in christian life and also we get easily satisfied by small revelations or sporadic advances in spiritual life. I need to focus on the greatness of God, the omnipotence,omniscience and to get know and digest more and more of HIM, and HIS plans for me, which I am sure it is a life long steady and concentrated effort and co-operation with the Teacher. As for forgiveness, I do forgive but sometimes act again without the same spirit of unforgiveness, on which I have to work very seriously. I should listen more and more to the little voice and be obedient,.
Q4. Knowing Christ
dajady2000 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. That I May Know Him (Philippians 3:1-11)
When Zacchaeus climbed the tree to see Jesus better, he knew only about Jesus. But when Jesus came into his house and communed with him, he started to get to "know' more about him at personal level. "today salvation has come to this house" And this caused to change his attitude towards his life's activities. When we seek, allow and know the Lord Jesus Christ, he moulds my life for better and higher purposes. As Jesus works in our life,it is our faith in HIS lordship that enables us to bear fruit from the power HE gives us. Faith and personal relationship are both interdependent and mutually effective and productive. I have full faith in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but have few hinderances to "know' HIM fully and totally enjoy his fellowship. -
Q3. Righteousness through Faith
dajady2000 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. That I May Know Him (Philippians 3:1-11)
Righteousness through law is judged by human standards and hence subjective and prone to errors. Also this judging through law brands people as such and such and as offers no permanant redemption but condemnation. However righteousness obtained through faith by grace, continuously restores you, becaus this grace is all sufficient. -
Q2. The Obstacle of Pride
dajady2000 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. That I May Know Him (Philippians 3:1-11)
It is Paul's personal experience, that all that he leared and achieved in the realm of religion, is nothing and waste in the light of elightment he has experienced in the revelation of Jesus Christ into his life. It is a profound indication for all such people, even in today's context, who revel in either ancestry or their scholastic achievements. -
Q1. Confidence in the Flesh
dajady2000 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #6. That I May Know Him (Philippians 3:1-11)
In our congregation a particular family, because of their large number try to control the affairs of the chuch. They are good, loving, service oriented and God fearing. But few others believe that resposiblity shold be shared but this does not come out into the open because members are tolarent and kind to one another. -
There seems to be a problem in their church, leaders have become self-seeking and disrespecting each other. They seem to be loosing the all encompssing love of Jesus Christ. Honest humility is the hallmark of a Lord's servant. Love and true respect of co-workers is essential. Above all only the furtherance of Lord's kingdom, should be the main aim of a believer.
Serving the master in implicit obedience at all times and in all situations. Not when it is convenient for me, not when I like the people in the congregation, not when I like the pastor. Everything I do I consider only for glory of Jesus Christ, not seeking even an iota of self-appreciation or appeasement of another human being.
Here we see Timothy's total faith in Jesus Christ and his devotion to the Jesus's final commandment. Hence his selfless application for the cause of the gospel and in the process his loyalty to Paul, his mentor. He is not coveting to any post or elevation but only the furtherance of Lord's kingdom. Such leaders are rare in the present day churches/organisations because the world has come into the church instead of the church going into the world. In my own case, I have learnt to humbly avoid any situation, putting me into aspiring for church leadership, but wait upon the Lord for his guidance. Also to respect and co-operate with the leadership, as no authority is given except by the Lord. Now I realise that peace and love are more important in the church to fulfil it calling.
Q4. Do Struggles Honor God?
dajady2000 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. God Is at Work in You (Philippians 2:12-18)
I lived in predominatly non-christian country. Many a time I could sense the subtle difference of attitude towards a christian. I went ahead with confidence I have because of Lord Jesus Christ and proved worthy of his calling. -
In our daily Christian life we seek guidance of Holy Spirit and meditate on the word of God, holding it fast unto our hearts and mind, there by shining like stars in a dark sky, out for the world to see us. This in way is best example to the world while we try to fulfil the last commandment of the Lord to go and preach the good news of his kingdom.
Q2. Shining as Stars
dajady2000 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. God Is at Work in You (Philippians 2:12-18)
When star shines in the dark sky, people can notice, observe and see it clearly. Likewise people around us when they see the harmony and Christlike love being perpetuated in the christian churches, they can clearly observe the difference Jesus makes in one's life and in the congregation. For every administrative problem there are clear directions in the word of God, only we have to study and apply it, instead of using our own intelligence. -
Q1. Work Out Your Salvation
dajady2000 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #4. God Is at Work in You (Philippians 2:12-18)
Salvation is a huge gift to be carefully unwraped, with the help of Holy Spirit, by the believers, to acieve it fully and enjoy it. The idea here is we workout the salvation but not work for it. God works in us and we workout, on a daily basis in communion with the fellow believers. -
Q4. Exalting the Humble
dajady2000 replied to Pastor Ralph's topic in #3. He Emptied Himself (Philippians 2:1-11)
Genuine humility combined with true love, works wonders in a fellowship and strenghtens fellow believers to go forward in their calling and faith. Any thing we do or act in the the church or family or society, should be only for the glory of our lord and savior Jesus Christ.Our reward is already with us that we can call the great God, ABBA, father. Any trace of impatience on our part can only impair our ability to be useful for HIS kingdom on this earth.