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Everything posted by pickledilly

  1. This is really deep stuff, but to me, it means that in coming into the world in human form, Christ
  2. Humility is a requirement for maintaining unity in any group of people. You must care about and respect each other. In the church, you must each first have a true understanding of personal unity with Christ, and then because of that common factor, each person is called to humble unity with each other. (I certainly know that
  3. Fear is simply paralyzing. It focuses on ME. Fear of being ridiculed or rejected will cause me to pull back from drawing attention to myself, or putting myself at risk by speaking out. The opposite choice to fear is faith. That focuses on GOD. If I really believe that my life is now hidden with Christ in God, that should change my perspective. Since I am covered with Christ, then to speak as a bold witness is to draw attention to God, not myself. Any ridicule or rejection is actually of Him. Too often I don't really believe that in practical life or I resist being hidden because I
  4. As soon as my spirit (the real me) leaves this body when it dies I will immediately be with the Lord. Hallelujah to my great God and Savior! What a
  5. Since God is in control of ALL things, and since I love Him and am called according to His purpose, then He says He is at work to bring all things together for good. When I exercise faith and speak God
  6. As a witness, you simply tell what you know, what you
  7. We Receive: Joy of obedience; Blessing and rewards of participation in the spread of the good news; Growth of faith in seeing God
  8. A slave is one whose life is completely given over in service to a Master, without any personal rights. A saint is one whose life is consecrated and dedicated by the Holy Spirit to serve God. When the Holy Spirit comes in at the moment of salvation, a person is made holy by His presence within and is set apart to live in service for God. This is the work of God in you. This new purpose for your life requires and draws you to give over the entirety of yourself to the Master as you choose less and less of self, and more and more of Him. Ultimately, ideally, you would reach a point of totally giving up yourself and any "rights" to live only for the Master. This is your response to God.
  9. Paul desires that as the believers' love for God deepens, their knowledge and discernment of who He is will also grow so that they
  10. Paul knows God will finish the work He started in believers. He has this confident expectation because he has already seen God
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