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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Pastor Ralph

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Everything posted by Pastor Ralph

  1. Please share your thoughts on one or more of the questions in this lesson.
  2. Please share your thoughts on one or more of the questions in this lesson.
  3. Please share your thoughts on one or more of the questions in this lesson.
  4. Please share your thoughts on one or more of the questions in this lesson.
  5. Please share your thoughts on one or more of the questions in this lesson.
  6. Please share your thoughts on one or more of the questions in this lesson.
  7. Please share your thoughts on one or more of the questions in this lesson.
  8. Please share your thoughts on one or more of the questions in this lesson.
  9. Please share your thoughts on one or more of the questions in this lesson.
  10. Please share your thoughts on one or more of the questions in this lesson.
  11. Please share your thoughts on one or more of the questions in this lesson.
  12. Please share your thoughts on one or more of the questions in this lesson.
  13. Please share your thoughts on one or more of the questions in this lesson.
  14. Please share your thoughts on one or more of the questions in this lesson.
  15. Please share your thoughts on one or more of the questions in this lesson.
  16. Pastor Ralph


    It's exciting to meet other people who are involved in this Bible study. Why don't you check in and share a bit about yourself, and what state and country you are from. Please do NOT include our e-mail address. Be discrete about sharing private things about yourself.
  17. Day 15 Meditation (Psalm 134). What does it mean to you to bless or to praise the Lord? Do you take time in your daily devotions to bless him, to praise him? What does it mean to you to receive a blessing from the One who made heaven and earth?
  18. Day 14 Mediation (Psalm 133). Which word pictures in Psalm 133 do you find most compelling? Why do you think lasting unity is so hard to achieve in our world, in our countries, in our churches, in our families? What do you think is the chief obstacle to love in your life?
  19. Day 13 Meditation (Psalm 132). State the Davidic Covenant or Promise in your own words. How was this promise fulfilled in Solomon’s time? How was it fulfilled in Jesus? How will it be fulfilled when Jesus returns?
  20. Day 12 Meditation (Psalm 131). Why does demanding answers from God lead to stress? How have unexplained events in your life made you angry? How do you actually go about calming and quieting your soul? What does it mean to “hope in the Lord”?
  21. Day 11 Meditation (Psalm 130). How does knowing that God forgives us affect our lives? Our faith? How does knowing God forgives us affect our willingness to forgive others? How is your “expectancy level”? How is your hope? How is your faith?
  22. Day 10 Meditation (Psalm 129). Can you think of times in your life when God has delivered you from affliction? Or perhaps from “the cords of the wicked”? How have you dealt with the bitterness that comes from oppression? Have you been able to forgive? If not, what would it take to enable you to forgive your enemies and offer them a blessing?
  23. Day 9 Meditation (Psalm 128). What does it mean to “fear the Lord”? What kinds of blessings has God showered over your life? Why does he allow remaining struggles? Does faith always result in prosperity? How do you define prosperity?
  24. Day 8 Meditation (Psalm 127). Why is work without trust inadequate? Why is trust without work an illusion? How can we achieve the kind of balance that affords us good rest? Why do you think the psalmist stresses that children are both a “heritage” and a “reward”?
  25. Day 7 Meditation (Psalm 126). Why doesn’t God always do the stupendous miracles of which he is capable? Why is patient obedience over the long haul necessary to both the success of our labors and our own spiritual maturity? Can we shout for joy now, even before we receive the answers to our prayers? What might prompt that in us?
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