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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Pastor Ralph

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Everything posted by Pastor Ralph

  1. Q17. (James 4:6-10) In what way does pride make God your opponent? (vs. 6)? What does submission to God have to do with humility? How do we “wash our hands and purify our hearts”? (vs. 8b) What does that require us to do? Why does humbling have to precede God lifting us up?
  2. Q16. (Mark 9:36-37; Matthew 19:13-15; Matthew 25:31-46). What does welcoming and associating with low-status people have to do with humbling ourselves? Where do the people in your community live who are the poorest economically? Who are somewhat isolated from the rest of the community because of their language or national origin? How do you and your church reach out to them? What could you do?
  3. Q15. (Matthew 18:1-4) In what way does “becoming like little children” require us to humble ourselves before God?
  4. Q14. (Matthew 23:7-12) Why do the Pharisees love to be called “Rabbi.” How can titles and recognition exalt our pride? When people fail to recognize our work or accomplishments, why does it hurt? How much of our motivation is to puff up our ego? In the area of seeking recognition and praise, how can we meaningfully humble ourselves?
  5. Q13. (Luke 18:9-14) How does the Pharisee in this parable exalt himself? How do comparison and looking down on others reflect pride? How does the tax collector humble himself? Jesus says that the tax collector is “justified before God.” Is deep repentance or humbling oneself before God necessary for salvation? Does repentance have anything to do with faith or “believing in Jesus”?
  6. Q12. What is the basic sin that drives all other sins? Why is it so important who is truly in charge of your life? Why are repentance and humbling so vital?
  7. Q11. (Philippians 2:5-11). In which two ways does Jesus humble himself according to this passage? Why did Jesus humble himself? What is his motivation for humbling himself? What is the result of Jesus’ humbling of himself?
  8. Q10. Does being in a place of authority, such as a rabbi, police officer, or parent prevent you from correcting with humility? How does Jesus use rebukes to form disciples?
  9. Q9. Which of Jesus’ examples of ministering to the hurting stands out to you the most? Which shows the greatest degree of humbling?
  10. Q8. (John 5:41, 44) How is Jesus’ refusal to seek men’s praise an example of humility? How does this free him to do God’s will? How can seeking approval from others cripple our discipleship?
  11. Q7. (John 5:19, 30) In what sense is Jesus powerless on his own? What is the key to Jesus’ power and effectiveness? How does this demonstrate his basic humility? How can we emulate Jesus in this? How does that demonstrate our humility?
  12. Q6. (Matthew 11:28-30) In what sense is Jesus “gentle and lowly in heart”? What does this tell us about him? How does this make him comfortable for struggling people to be around?
  13. Q5. (Philippians 2:2-5) How can we rationally consider others’ concerns more important than our own? Does agapē love for others make good sense? What does adopting this viewpoint do for humility in us? What aspects of Christ’s example of humbling himself (verses 5-11) should be instructive for us?
  14. Q4. (Romans 12:3-5) Why is an accurate self-assessment of our spiritual state so important? Why is discovering our spiritual gifts so important? How might pride and anger arise if we imagine we fit somewhere that God didn’t design us for?
  15. Q3. (Deuteronomy 8:17-18; 1 Corinthians 4:7) What happens in our heart when we attribute success to our own strength and abilities? How does a realization that everything we have is a gift affect our ability to humble ourselves?
  16. Q2. (Matthew 5:3-10; Colossians 3:10-12). Why do you think that virtues flow from humility and vices flow from pride? Why are humility and pride so central to character?
  17. Q1. (Matthew 22:36-40) How does a two-part definition of humility correspond to the two greatest commandments? In what sense is humility “a low self-focus combined with a high other-focus”? What does that look like in a disciple?
  18. Bonus question: Jesus commanded his disciples, " Love your enemies" as a rule by which to conduct their lives. Can it (should it) be extended to affairs of the courts or of government?
  19. Q25. (Hebrews 2:1) Why is gradual drifting more dangerous than suddenly giving in to a temptation? How can you protect yourself from drifting away from the Lord?
  20. Q24. Of the list of 7 of Solomon’s weaknesses, which two or three do you think are most damaging. Why does persistent sin ruin such an accumulation of good works that Solomon did?
  21. Q23. From the list in the notes, which do you think are Solomon’s five or six greatest strengths and accomplishments? Why is Solomon so gifted?
  22. Q22. (1 Kings 11:3) Is it fair to conclude that Solomon is a womanizer who lusts after women? How does a womanizer treat a wife? How does having a womanizer for a father affect the children? Is sexual excess compatible with Christian discipleship?
  23. Q21. (1 Kings 10:18-25; 1 Timothy 2:9-10; 6:6-10, 17-19). Solomon is both rich and showy. In Paul’s letter to Timothy at Ephesus, what kinds of guidelines are given for avoiding ostentation and flaunting wealth? What should the wealthy do to please God? 1 Timothy 6:17 indicates a connection between wealth and arrogance. How can wealth breed arrogance?
  24. Q20. (Proverbs 19:17; 22:9) Why is giving to help the poor so basic a practice in Judaism and Christianity? Why are we sometimes hesitant to help the poor we see in our streets? What are some wise ways by which we can make a regular practice of giving to help the poor?
  25. Q19. (Luke 11:31; 1 Corinthians 1:30; Colossians 2:2) How does Jesus’ wisdom contrast with worldly wisdom? In what sense are “all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” hidden in Him? Just how do you go about becoming “wise” in Jesus?
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