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Everything posted by Pastor Ralph
Q1. (Hebrews 1:3; Matthew 17:1-2) In what ways did Jesus show the Father’s glory in his ministry? Why do you think Jesus allowed Peter, James, and John to see his Transfiguration? How do you think Jesus will appear in heaven?
Q4. (2 Corinthians 11:2) What does it take for us to be presented to Christ as a pure virgin bride? How faithful are we to Christ? To what degree do we partake with the adulterous and sinful generation that Jesus decried? What does the marriage relationship say about love, communication, and intimacy with Christ?
Q1. (John 1:9; 8:12) In what sense is Jesus the True Light? In what sense is he the Light of the World? In what sense are you the light of the world (Matthew 5:14)? Why do you think people resist Jesus’ light, his truth, his view of the Father, our world, and eternal life? How does the world’s so-called “light” differ from Jesus’ light? What can obstruct Jesus’ light in this world? What can obstruct our light?
Q4. (Luke 4:23) How does Jesus as the Great Physician resonate with our broken world? What does it mean to you that Jesus is your Great Physician and Healer?
Q3. (John 14:6; 10:7, 9) In light of all the world’s religions, how can Jesus be the Way to God, the exclusive door or gateway? Why does this offend the world? Since it is true, how can we most winsomely declare this truth to our generation?
Q2. (1 Peter 2:4-8) In what way are these rock images of Christ attractive to our world? In what way do they repel people? Why? In what ways do you see Jesus as a Rock, Stone, and Foundation in your own life?
Q1. (Colossians 1:18) How should the assertion that Jesus is the “head of the body, the church” affect the way we conceive of the church? Is he talking about the universal Church or a local congregation, or both? If we believe that Jesus is the head of the church, how should that affect the way we conduct our life and ministry as the church? In what ways does the visible church represent the “head”? How well do we, as the body, follow his leadership?
Q4. (John 10:11-14) What are the characteristics of the “Good Shepherd”? How do these contrast with the “hired hand.” God calls us to shepherd others as pastors, small group leaders, teachers, mentors, etc. How can we demonstrate that we are “good shepherds” rather than “hired hands”?
Q3. (Mark 10:43-45) How does Jesus serve (like Boaz) as a Kinsman-Redeemer to us? What does the idea of needing a ransom imply about our condition? What was the redemption-price that the Father paid for us?
Q2. How are we disciples to assist in Jesus’ mission to seek and to save the lost? What is the love-balance between seeking to save our friends and having to back off because they feel we are trying to pressure them?
Q1. (Luke 19:10; Matthew 11:19) Jesus came to seek and to save the lost. What does it mean to you personally that Jesus is the Friend of Sinners? How should it affect your relationships with people who are deep in sin?
Q4. (Philippians 2:7-8) How are we to follow Jesus’ example as the Servant? Why is humility difficult? Why is obedience hard? Where are you struggling right now to be humble and obedient?
Q2. (John 1:29) Why is Jesus referred to as the Lamb of God? To what degree does he take away our sins? How does he come to represent you – as your sacrifice for sin?
Q6. Since Yahweh seems to be formed from “I AM” as God’s own name, what is the significance of Jesus’ “I am” statements? Which of these “I am” statements means the most to you personally?
Q5. (Luke 9:59-62; 6:46) Is Jesus our Lord if we don’t obey him immediately? Is he our Lord if we don’t follow his teachings? What areas of your life do you need to surrender to his Lordship?
Q4. Why is the title “Lord Jesus” such an exalted one. What does it tell us about Jesus’ divinity?
Q3. (John 1:18) How does the title “Only Begotten God” signify Jesus’ divinity? How does the Only Begotten Son differ from you and me as sons and daughters of God? What does “only-begotten” say about Jesus’ status with the Father? About the costliness of the cross?
Q2. (Mark 1:10-11; Ephesians 1:6) If Jesus is the Father’s Beloved, how can the Father send him to die? How does that make sense, given what we know of paren-tal love? What does that say about God’s love for us?
Q1. In what way does the title Son of God make Jesus equal with the Father? When you deal with the Son, is that the same as dealing with the Father? Do you know Jesus the Son of God? Do you love him?
Q6. (Luke 9:35) Since Jesus is God’s Chosen One, what does it mean to “listen to him”? In what ways does your life reflect listening to him? In what ways do you need to heed him more explicitly?