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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Pastor Ralph

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Everything posted by Pastor Ralph

  1. Q2. (Titus 2:2-3) What seem to be the predominant sins of the older men and women in the churches of Crete? What specific behaviors does Paul urge in place of these sins?
  2. Q1. (Titus 1:9) Why do pastors and elders hesitate to correct false doctrine today? What is the result of laxity? What is the result of gentle but firm discipline with regard to doctrine?
  3. Q60. (Matthew 13:51-52) What is the “old” that the householder brings out of his treasure box? What is the “new.” In what way must we disciples be “cross-trained” as scribes of the Kingdom?
  4. Q59. (Matthew 5:13-14) Why is a sharp and tasty witness so important? What is a bland witness to Jesus? How do we stay “salty”? Why are people tempted to hide their “light” or witness? What does Jesus say about that?
  5. Q58. (Matthew 9:37-38; John 4:35-38) Where in your region does the harvest seem most ripe, that is, where people are most receptive to the gospel? Do you see yourself mainly as a sower or a reaper? Why is there such a shortage of reapers? Would you be willing to be a reaper, if Jesus helps you?
  6. Q57. (Matthew 9:36) Why is Jesus' heartbroken over lost sheep? Who are the lost sheep of your community? Of the mission fields that you know about? What is your attitude toward them?
  7. Q56. (Matthew 9:13; Hosea 6:6) What does Jesus mean when he tells his disciples, “I desire mercy, not sacrifice”? What attitude did the Pharisees have towards sinners? What attitude did Jesus have toward sinners? What attitude do you have toward sinners? What is the role of a spiritual doctor?
  8. Q55. (Luke 10:30-37) Why does Jesus contrast a Jewish priest and Levite with a hated Samaritan? According to the parable, how do you think Jesus would define “neighbor,” that is, someone we have a responsibility toward? How much does compassion move you to go out of your way and comfort zone to care for those in need?
  9. Q54. (Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:12-27) Why did Jesus give his disciples the Parables of the Talents and Minas? How are you using the “talents” Jesus has given you? What causes people to “bury” the talents they once used for the Lord? If it is not salvation itself, what is the reward for faithfulness? Why does God expect more of greatly gifted people?
  10. Q53. (John 13:4-17) In what way is Jesus washing the disciples’ feet a parable? Why did this act of washing their feet feel so shocking to the disciples? In what sense is this a parable of cleansing? In what way is it a rebuke of pride and competition? In what way is it a parable of humble service? In what areas of your life do you need to implement its teaching?
  11. Q52. (Luke 11:5-10; 18:1-8) What is the similarity between Jesus' Parables of the Friend at Midnight and the Unjust Judge? What does this persistence look like in your life? What will persistence in prayer do to develop you as a disciple?
  12. Q51. (Matthew 7:9-11; Luke 11:11-13) Why did Jesus give his disciples the Parable of Asking a Father for Bread? What misconception was he seeking to correct?
  13. Q50. (Matthew 6:25-34) How does the Parable of the Birds and the Lilies teach us not to worry? What does Jesus teach about worrying about the future? Rather than worrying, what does Jesus instruct his disciples to do? What does obeying verse 33 look like in your life?
  14. Q49. (Luke 16:13) What are the very subtle ways that we can begin to serve Money rather than God? How can we detect these temptations in our hearts? Why did Jesus tell his disciples the Parable of the Two Masters?
  15. Q48. (Luke 12:16-21) Is being wealthy a sin for a Christian? What was the rich man's actual sin or sinful attitude? How do you sometimes see greed in the people in your neighborhood or social circle? Christians aren't immune. In what ways might greed influence a Christian's behaviors and values?
  16. Q47. (Luke 16:1-13) In what way is the dishonest steward supposed to be a positive example to disciples? How does one “lay up treasures in heaven”? Why is the quality of our work of very small things so important to God? What is he waiting to see in us? What happens to people in the church who are promoted beyond their spiritual growth?
  17. Q46. (Matthew 7:15-20; Luke 6:43-45) From Jesus' images of wolves in sheep's clothing, good and bad fruit, and the treasure chest of the heart, how does he teach us to discern false leaders? Why is this so important in our churches? Why must we distinguish flawed Christian leaders from dangerous false prophets?
  18. Q45. (John 6:53-58) What does the metaphor of “eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood,” mean in practical terms? To extend the same metaphor, what do you think might be the difference between nibbling the Bread of Life rather than actually making a meal of it? How does “eating his flesh” relate to abiding in Jesus? Why do you think Jesus uses this offensive analogy that resulted in many disciples leaving him?
  19. Q44. (John 15:4-5) What does it mean “to abide”? What does abiding have to do with “mutual indwelling”? With a “personal relationship”? What does Jesus mean when he says, “Apart from me you can do nothing”? What is the value of things done without Christ? What is the final end of things done without Christ?
  20. Q43. (John 15:1-3) How does skillful pruning increase the fruitfulness of a grapevine? How are we pruned or cleansed by exposure and obedience to Jesus' words? According to John 8:31-32, how does obeying Jesus' teaching bring cleansing and freedom from sin?
  21. Q42. (Luke 12:1; Matthew 16:11-12) Why is hypocrisy easy to detect in others, but difficult to detect in ourselves? Why is hypocrisy so deadly to spiritual growth? To witness? To obedience? To being a disciple? What is the antidote for hypocrisy?
  22. Q41. (Luke 14:7-11) Why do people push themselves forward? According to verse 11, what will happen to them? Why is humility so important a lesson for Jesus' disciples? What is the danger to us, if we don't learn and internalize this lesson?
  23. Q40. (Mark 10:13-16; Luke 18:15-17). According to Mark 10:13-16, what characteristic of children is necessary for salvation? What characteristic were the disciples showing in rebuking the parents? When arguing about who was greatest? Why is humility essential to repentance? To learning? To obedience? Why did Jesus give his disciples the saying of becoming like little children?
  24. Q39. (Luke 18:9-14) Why do you think the Pharisee is so convinced of his righteousness? What do you think are his actual sins? What is so remarkable about the tax collector's prayer? Why is it easier to promote ourselves in front of others rather than humble ourselves? Why did Jesus tell this parable for his disciples?
  25. Q38. (Matthew 13:44-46). If you were to objectively assess your life, career, family, values, and possessions, is there anything more important, anything of greater value to you than your relationship with Jesus? How would you objectively prove to a friend that Jesus is first in your life?
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