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JesusWalk Bible Study Forum

Pastor Ralph

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Everything posted by Pastor Ralph

  1. Q4. (Leviticus 1:3-9) In the burnt offering for an individual's sin: What is the significance of the offerer laying his hand on the animal's head? Why do you think the offerer is to slay the sacrifice rather than having the priest do it? How is the animal's blood significant in sacrifice? In what ways does Jesus' sacrifice on the cross fulfill all of this?
  2. Q3. What does the arrangement of the furniture, the tabernacle, and the courtyard teach us about worship? Why do you come to the bronze altar and the laver or basin before you reach the tent itself?
  3. Q2. (Exodus 25:10-22) What is the significance of the Ark in the Holy of Holies? What did it represent? Why was it considered so holy? If no one really sat upon it, why was it so important?
  4. Q1. (Numbers 2:1-3:39) Why was the camp of the Israelites laid out as it was? What did this layout teach the Israelites? Why were the Levites and priests camped closer than the other tribes?
  5. Q3. (Exodus 32:11-13, 30-35; 33:12-17) Why is interceding for the people so important in Moses
  6. Q2. (Exodus 32:21-24) What was the nature of Aaron’s sin with the golden calf? Why do you think he won’t take responsibility for his actions? Why do you think he gets off so easily? Why must leaders be accountable for their actions? What is necessary for leaders to be able to learn from their mistakes?
  7. Q1. (Exodus 32:1-6) Why do you think the people of Israel were so quick to make idols, even after hearing the monotheism of the Ten Commandments that forbade graven images? Why do you think Aaron facilitated their sin? How do you think the golden calf made God feel? What idols do Christian churches allow that lead them away from pure worship of God in our day?
  8. Q4. (Exodus 24:8; Matthew 26:27-28) What is the function of the
  9. Q3. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) In what sense is Israel a
  10. Q2. (Exodus 19:6; 1 Peter 2:9) What did priests do in the Old Testament? In what sense are you a priest? How do you function as a priest? In what sense are you a
  11. Q1. (Exodus 19:5; 1 Peter 2:9) From an emotional standpoint, what does it feel like to take out and look over one of your treasured possessions? How was the idea of
  12. Q4. (Exodus 18:13-27; Numbers 11:10-30) Why do you think it took Moses so long to delegate his judicial role to others? What were the qualifications of these judges? How is Moses
  13. Q3. (Exodus 16) Why did God provide manna for the people? Why did the manna finally cease? Why do you think that the people gradually began to take the manna for granted? What provision of God are you taking for granted?
  14. Q2. (Exodus 16:7-8) Why can grumbling against a leader really be a symptom of grumbling against the Lord? Are there any cases where this might not be true? Why do leaders tend to take complaints so personally? What does it take to learn that "it's not about you."
  15. Q1. (Exodus 15:24) What are the reasons that people grumble and complain? How do fear and faith relate to grumbling? What symptoms of grumbling do you see in your own life? What should you do about it?
  16. Q3. (Exodus 14:11-14) Why do the people blame Moses for the advancing Egyptian army? What motivates their fear? Who are the people really blaming? How does Moses respond to their blame and fear? Why doesn
  17. Q2. (Exodus 12:50) Why was obedience so important to the people
  18. Q1. (1 Corinthians 5:7; John 1:29; 1 Peter 1:18-19) In what sense is Christ our Passover Lamb? In what sense are we marked with his blood? In what sense does God
  19. Q2. Why is it so difficult for some church leaders to confront people? What fears in this regard does a leader face? How can confrontation and rebuke be a good thing? What happens when we refuse to confront when we should?
  20. Q1. (Exodus 7:6-7) Why did Moses blame God for his troubles? Why do you think Moses and Aaron are so stubborn? Was it fear? Was it unbelief? Or both, perhaps? Why does God have to command Moses and Aaron?
  21. Q4. Why are we so afraid to obey God when he puts on our heart to do something decisive? How are we to deal with fear when we feel it? What is the relationship of fear to courage? Why is courage required in leaders and disciples?
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